a bogdan là gì - Nghĩa của từ a bogdan

a bogdan có nghĩa là

Badass Ukrainian, literally means "Gift of God', but lets be honest, it's too good to be true. Calm guy who listens to music everywhere and thinks of becoming famous one day. Loves his friends and hoes & judges people for the shoes that they wear. Ball is life, fashion as well. He lowkey likes maths too. 2/3 of his life revolves around music. Plays all sorts of instruments like a pro. Doesn't care what genre the music he is listening too , as long it is good stuff. Respects his enemies, greatest fight within himself.


Not even gonna lie, Bogdan is a pretty cool dude.

a bogdan có nghĩa là

A tall, peaceful mother fuka[1]. Looks weak and likes panzie soccer. Likes math but keeps it real with his hoez. Afraid of snakes and playa hataz[2]. Likes class in women[3]. Drinking before clubs is a must for him. Doesn't underestimate the predictability of stupidity[4]. He thinks Romanians are the shit but he'z wrong. They're probably not. Preposterously sociable, aiight? 1/3 of his life revolves around music and that's cool...fukin fairy. Confident but self doubtful. Respects his enemies[5]. Greatest fight within himself.


[1] "I like you. You like me?"
[2] "I'm a peace keepa but I have my goddam limits"
[3]"Nice shoez, wanna fuk?"
[4]"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."
[5]"Don't be diiiisin ME"

a bogdan có nghĩa là

Badass Ukranian. Knows no fear, except for Chuck Norris


As he grabbed Tony around the neck and performed the bogdan hold tonys body went limp, and he soiled his pants.

a bogdan có nghĩa là

very sexy dark guy with nice buff arms =]


mmhhmmmm cant take ur eyes off

a bogdan có nghĩa là

Bogdan is a tall person with a good personality. He is also really good at football and sports. He want to become famouse one day. He is also romanian but thinks Romania is a bad country. He is a very good looking person and has very funny jokes. He loves his girlfriend and flirts with all the girls. He also loves video games and is really good at them. He is also very strong physicaly and emotianly and doesn't cry a lot. He also loves watching youtube in his spare time. He also hangs out with his friends a lot. He respects his enemys. He also likes music and listens to it a lot. Most Bogdan are also slavs .He is also very good at maths and at making friends. A lot of girls like him. He is a very interesting person to talk to and has a lot of things to talk about.He also talks a lot and doesn't give other people a chance to talk. He is also a captain or leader who has a lot of ideas and is very smart he even takes responsibility upon him self if his team loses. He is also very comfortable talking to his friends.


Bogdan is a good leader
Bogdan is sexy

a bogdan có nghĩa là

He is the most amazing human being on the 🌏
Smart, know it all 👨🏼 🏭, handsome, funny with a sexy smile that could light the whole 🌃 🌞 He has superpowers too 🦸🏼 ♂️ He is always there next to you, never fail to amaze you.


Hey, Bogdan! You are so amazing and you are doing great things each day!

a bogdan có nghĩa là

Literally means gift from God, but lets be honest, this is too far to be true.
Also known as Satan's child or the devil itself. Things will always go they way they want even if they don't seem to. Better keep this one close or you will go through hell.


Did you see Bogdan's look today?
Yeah, it's like he is a different person sometimes.

a bogdan có nghĩa là

You’ll find Bogdan on some dating apps, he’s tall, handsome and has this killer jawline, so just swipe right if you see his name. Definitely the type of guy who won’t go eat kebab with you, but will take you to eat something “fancier” instead. If his name is Bogdan, he likes to cuddle FOR SURE, I’d say it’s his favourite hobby, so girls, just keep him around [he’ll let you choose any movie you want[except for human centipede]]. He enjoys going on dates, listening to music, driving around and has an amazing style that he’s still figuring out. Being open minded is his specialty, as well as scrolling on tiktok. PLEASE SIMP OVER HIM!!!! HE LOVES THATS


Ughhh, stupeeeeeeed” - Bogdan

a bogdan có nghĩa là

very sexy guy, hates abby, loves study hall, really hott


damn was that bogdan

a bogdan có nghĩa là

Bogdanning is a term used to describe the actions of a sport coach, in particular football[soccer]. Bogdanning includes but not limited to:
1. Making bad substitutions
2. Putting your worse players on the field at the same time, often playing them on the same side of the field
3. Signing an overweight, slow friend, whose attitude offends every other player on the team.
4. Despite your friend not coming to any practices, insist on starting him and putting him in vital positions such as last defender
5. Changing team tactics and formation halfway through the game, resulting in disastrous play on the field
6. consulting with others about what the line-up should be and agreeing to a line-up, only to change it completely at the start of the game


"Moyes just took out Rooney, RVP and Carrick and he's putting in Young, Giggs and Anderson. And they're two goals down!!! He's Bogdanning it!!"

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