Answers review unit 3 summit 1


Listen to the conversation.Read the sentences.Then listen again and check trueor false. truefalse 1. The woman has clear long-term financial goals. 2.The man did not expect to have such a serious conversation. 3.The man and woman are both over 40. 4. The woman plans to retire at 40. 5.The woman plans to be financially secure by the time she is 40. 6.The woman knew that the man was going to pay for dinner. Circle the letter of the answer that correctly completes each sentence. Example: “Jim will spend two hours looking for a restaurant that gives free bread.I can’t believe he is.” generousc. such a spendthrift

7.“It’s not hard to be; you just have to spend a little less and save a little more.” a.thriftyb.stingyc. a spendthrift

8.“Whenever Jeremiah goes into a record store, he comes out with four or five CDs for himself. He’s.” a.a real tightwadb.a real spendthriftc. really generous

9.“My uncle is sohe won’t even buy ice cream for his own children.” a.generousb.frugalc. stingy

10.“Jeanne always shares whatever she has with everyone.She’s the mostperson I know.” a.frugalb.stingyc. generous

11.“They are all saying I’m ajust because I said that I would rather walk than pay for parking.” a.tightwadb.big spenderc. spendthrift

Example: The man and woman are talking about financial goals. ✔

UNIT3 ■ Achievement Test Name

Complete each sentence with a word from the box.You will not use all of the words.

General Test Answer Key Unit 1 General Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 2

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Summit 1, Third Edition

Workbook Answer Key

Note: In communicative exercises where several answers are possible, this answer key contains some examples of correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid answer in this type of exercise should be considered acceptable.


  1. Answers will vary.
  2. 1. it’s just a matter of time
    1. what are you going to do
    2. have started getting to me
    3. you’ve got to roll with the punches
    4. you’re just a sitting duck
    5. Better safe than sorry
  3. 1. c 2. f 3. h 4. a 5. e 6. b 7. d 8. g
  4. 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
  5. Answers will vary.
  6. Answers will vary.
  7. 1. Working
    1. to help
    2. to be
    3. arriving
    4. to read
    5. to give
    6. going
    7. to avoid
    8. to play
  8. Answers will vary.
  9. Answers will vary.
  10. 1. The director invited us to go on a tour of the museum.
    1. The ad persuaded me to donate money to the charity.
    2. The CEO hired Janice to supervise the project.
    3. The guide advised the tourists not to travel without the group.
  11. Answers will vary.

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Possible answers
    1. Julie encouraged her daughter to study hard.
    2. The doctor advised us to eat more fruit.
    3. Mark taught Narisa to play the violin.
    4. We paid our neighbor to mow the lawn.
    5. The guard ordered Terry to leave.
  2. Answers will vary.
  3. Answers will vary.
  4. Answers will vary.
  5. Answers will vary.
  6. Possible answers
    1. He needed to ask for directions in a foreign country, but he didn’t speak the language.
    2. He designed a T-shirt covered with common symbols for things that tourists need. A tourist could then point to the symbol for the thing he or she needed.
    3. The bus drivers were driving carelessly, and many passengers were complaining.
    4. They hung bowls of water next to each driver and required the drivers to have a full bowl at the end of their shift.
    5. Pedestrians on cell phones were walking into roads and causing accidents.
    6. They commissioned an artist to create pictures on the sidewalks near busy roads. The pictures showed frightening animals and the words: ”Don’t step into danger.”
    7. Many parents have trouble getting their children to do chores.
    8. The app ChoreMonster turns the chores into a game for children to play and earn rewards.
  7. Answers will vary.
  8. Answers will vary.


  1. 1. My biggest fear is to be alone. / It’s my biggest fear to be alone.
  1. The most important part of Sandy’s job is to keep track of expenses. / It’s the most important part of Sandy’s job to keep track of expenses.
  2. My goal for this year is to become more outgoing. / It’s my goal for this year to become more outgoing.
  3. The security guard’s job is to protect the building. / It’s the security guard’s job to protect the building.
  4. The purpose of this investigation is to end political corruption. / It’s the purpose of this investigation to end political corruption.

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. How many times have you listened to that song? / How many times did you listen to that song?
  2. Have you gone to the art museum yet? / Did you go to the art museum yet?
  3. Answers will vary.
  4. Answers will vary.
  5. 1. What really impressed me were the lyrics in that musical.
    1. What we really enjoy are the music reviews on this radio station.
    2. What I miss is playing the violin.
    3. What I find hard to listen to is jazz.
    4. What leaves me cold is Taylor Swift’s music.
    5. What I’d like more than anything is to see Maná in concert.
    6. What we’d really like to hear is some live music tonight.
  6. The following sentences should be underlined: What I remember best is listening to pop music while I did my homework; What I prefer now is urban dance music; What she loves is rock music from the 1950s; what hasn’t changed is the role of music in my life; what I really like is just to sit back when I have nothing else to do and listen
  7. Answers will vary.
  8. Adjectives that describe Ray Charles’s music: original, groundbreaking, unique, emotional, intense, exciting, spiritual, churchy, religious, passionate, intelligent Adjectives that describe Ray Charles’s personality: energetic, gifted, imaginative, passionate, humble
  9. 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. g 5. a 6. f 7. d
  10. Answers will vary.
  11. Possible answers Beethoven: difficult personality; rejected by women; classical music; deaf Similarities: played the piano; interested in music at a young age; imaginative; energetic; geniuses Ray Charles: not difficult; a ladies’ man; soul music; blind; humble
  12. 1. a. soothing b. soothed
    1. a. interesting b. interested
    2. a. amazed b. amazing
    3. a. touched b. touching
    4. a. bored b. boring
    5. a. exciting b. excited

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Sentences will vary. Correct adjectives below.
    1. soothed
    2. entertaining
    3. depressing
    4. disappointed
    5. relaxing
    6. pleased
  2. Possible answers
    1. This program soothes babies. It helps parents relax. It promotes intellectual development. It can improve reading and math, abstract thinking skills, and spatial intelligence. It stimulates creativity and imagination.
    2. Answers will vary.


  1. 1. danced
  1. have played / have been playing
  2. had already performed
  3. saw
  4. worked / has worked / has been working
  5. were rehearsing / rehearsed / have been rehearsing
  1. 1. What have you listened to lately? / What have you been listening to lately?
  1. Sarah Cho played that CD for me yesterday.
  2. I’ve watched that video four times already.
  3. I bought that DVD yesterday.
  4. How many concerts have you gone to? / How many concerts did you go to?
  5. The performance had already begun by the time we arrived.
  6. When we got to the ticket window, the movie had already sold out.
  7. Many people went to the theater last year.
  1. Possible answers
  1. been studying English for three years
  2. Slovakia, eaten halusky
  3. mountains, I traveled to Switzerland
  4. Richard Thompson, I had heard him in concert
  5. my children had already gone to bed

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Possible answers
    1. You see where your money actually goes and can plan where to cut back on spending.
    2. If you’re not paying your bills in full, you may be spending more money than you’re earning.
    3. It requires you to put some money away in savings. You can use that money in an emergenc y.
    4. Answers will var y.
  2. Answers will vary.
  3. Possible answers

World Wildlife Fund: animals [especially endangered species], plants, and natural areas; protect the habitats of endangered species and other wild animals, address threats to the natural environment The International Rescue Committee: people devastated by conflict and disaster; provide emergency relief, help people become self-sufficient, and assist refugees in resettlement The United Nations Children’s Fund: children; provide education, vaccinations, protective environments, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and other health and education services to give children a good start in life

  1. Answers will vary.


  1. 2. Had I known it would cost so much to maintain, I wouldn’t have bought such an expensive car. 3. Had I known these bookshelves would be so hard to put together, I would have asked a friend to help me. 4. Had I realized the music at last night’s concert would be so commercial, I might not have bought tickets. 5. Had the salesperson had told me it would be so hard to operate, I might have purchased a different DVR. 6. Had your boss not been such a tyrant, would you have stayed at your job? 7. Had I known this bread-making machine would just sit around collecting dust, I would have given it to my sister. 8. Had my apartment building allowed pets, I would have stayed there.
  1. Answers will vary.
  1. 2. While Teresa Lee is working, Tina Lee is going to be / will be lying on the beach.
  1. While Teresa Lee is cleaning the house, Tina Lee is going to be / will be going horseback riding.
  2. While Teresa Lee is doing laundry, Tina Lee is going to be / will be playing tennis.
  1. Answers will vary.

Summit 1, Third Edition


  1. Answers will vary.
  2. Answers will vary.
  3. Possible answers
    1. She’s wearing a solid-color, long-sleeved evening gown.
    2. He’s wearing a long-sleeved dress shirt and jeans.
    3. She’s wearing a print, short-sleeved cocktail dress.
    4. He’s wearing jeans and a cardigan.
    5. She’s wearing a turtleneck sweater and a skirt.
  4. Answers will vary.
  5. Possible answers
    1. People should dress the way they like and not worry about what others think.
    2. Answers will vary.
  6. Answers will vary.
  7. 1. Each / Every
    1. Some / Several / Three / A few / A number of
    2. Four / Many / Most / A majority of / A few / Some
    3. Two / A couple of
    4. One
  8. Answers will vary. See answers to Exercise 7 for alternate quantifiers.
  9. 1. nightingale
    1. facial
    2. reputable
    3. swear by
    4. steep price tag
    5. proponent
  10. Possible answers
    1. A bird-poop facial is a treatment in which bird droppings are put on the face to improve the skin.
    2. Some people say the benefits of bird-poop facials include healing skin problems, exfoliating dead skin cells, softening the skin, and lightening age spots.
    3. She thinks that many of the improvements can be achieved with products from the drugstore.
    4. She thinks that the bird-poop facial made her look five years younger.
    5. Bird-poop facials are expensive and some products are not reliable. Also, some people don’t like the idea of bird droppings on their faces.
    6. Answers will vary.

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Possible answers
    1. It’s impolite to take a call in a movie theater.
    2. It’s considerate to turn your cell phone off in class.
    3. It’s inconsiderate to have a loud, personal conversation on the train.
    4. It’s acceptable to talk on the phone while shopping.
    5. It’s courteous to turn your phone to silent mode in a restaurant.
    6. It’s unacceptable to leave your phone on during a flight.
  2. 1. Julie can’t stand her husband’s checking his text messages constantly.
    1. Patricia resents her co-workers’ calling her Patty.
    2. I’m so tired of their complaining all the time.
    3. Our father objects to our taking calls during dinner.
    4. Do you mind my humming while I work?
    5. Mr. Yu objects to your being late so often.
  3. 1. Correct
    1. Do you mind Paul’s playing music at night? [Note: Sentence is correct as-is in informal spoken English.]
    2. Jane’s chewing gum during the concert was rude.
    3. Sam’s talking back to his mother is disrespectful.
    4. We don’t mind their arriving late. [Note: Sentence is correct as-is in informal spoken English.]
    5. Their smoking in the hallway is unacceptable.
    6. Correct
    7. Does my friend’s talking loudly bother you?
  4. Possible answers
    1. People should either wait until after the movie to talk or go outside to talk.
    2. People should either wear headphones or play their music quietly.
    3. People should either say nice things about others or not say anything at all.
    4. People should eat either before class or after class.
  5. 1. Neither leaving a cell phone on nor putting your feet up on the seat in front of you is courteous in a movie theater.
  6. Neither talking on a cell phone nor smoking while driving is responsible.
  7. Neither talking nor laughing while the teacher is talking is respectful.
  8. Neither touching the art nor taking flash photography in a museum is appropriate.
  9. Answers will vary.
  10. Possible answers
    1. Waiters and waitresses should either wait until they leave the table to cough or cover their mouths.
    2. Dog owners should either clean up after their dogs or not have pets.

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Ignoring customers is not only rude but also bad for business. / Not only is ignoring customers rude, but it’s also bad for business.
  2. Drivers who neither use their turn signals nor look behind them before they open their car doors create a real danger for cyclists.
  3. Answers will vary.
  4. Answers will vary.
  5. Possible answers
    1. People used to think that green spaces fostered crime.
    2. People now realize that green spaces may actually result in less crime.
    3. Because city planners are concerned about the environment, and because green spaces help lower the crime rate.
    4. They discovered that gun crimes in the areas around the green spaces decreased significantly.
    5. Neighbors meet and form ties in green spaces, and neighbors who know each other look out for each other. Criminals know that residents in well-cared-for neighborhoods are more likely to look out for and protect one another, and the criminals stay away. Spending time in nature helps people relax and reduces aggression, which may make people less likely to commit crimes.
    6. Answers will vary.
    7. Answers will vary.
  6. Answers will vary.
  7. Possible answers
    1. Not only have I raised money, but I’ve also volunteered.
    2. I’ve neither picked up trash nor collected signatures.
    3. I’d like to either make phone calls or donate money.
  8. 1. to a rural village in Guatemala
    1. They helped raise money for an irrigation system.
    2. They wanted to help people.
    3. They wanted to plan a similar trip.
    4. They founded a service organization called Global Volunteers.
  9. Answers will vary.


  1. 2. The restaurant doesn’t allow smoking, and the bar doesn’t either.
  1. Her company has adopted a casual dress code on Fridays, and so has his.
  2. Shorts aren’t appropriate in the oce, and jeans aren’t either.
  3. She was annoyed by his behavior, and so were we.
  4. We’ve decided to volunteer, and they have, too.

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. can be eliminated
  2. might not be mistreated
  3. might be developed
  4. Possible answers Laws can be passed to protect animals. Alternatives can be found for medical research on animals. Conditions in zoos and on corporate farms can be improved.
  5. Possible answers Dogs: eager to please, affectionate, loyal; need lots of time, attention, and exercise—daily walks, frequent baths, and feeding; range in price from free to quite expensive Rabbits: sociable, intelligent; require daily attention and care—exercise, a dry spot to live, and time out of the cage; not costly Hamsters: amusing, affable; easy to care for—a dry living space with gnawing log and hiding place; cheap Birds: intelligent, independent; not difficult—need a comfortable temperature, interaction, and time out of their cages; can be costly to buy Snakes: range from placid and docile to aggressive; require careful attention, owners with special knowledge—eat live animals, need appropriate temperature and lighting; costly Fish: quiet, peaceful; relatively simple—monitoring the food and water; not expensive
  6. 1. cats, hamsters, fish, [birds]
    1. dogs, rabbits, snakes, [birds]
    2. purebred dogs, birds, snakes
    3. cats, dogs that aren’t purebreds, rabbits, hamsters, fish
    4. Answers will vary.
  7. Possible answers Predators: lion, tiger, crocodile Prey: worm, rabbit, sheep, mouse Both: snake, bird, cat, dog, dolphin, fish, spider, snake, eel
  8. Answers will vary.
  9. Possible answers
    1. Monkeys groom each other. They remove insects from each other’s fur. Parents brush their children’s hair.
    2. Puppies and dogs play with each other. Children also play with each other.
    3. Ducks and geese lead their babies in a line. Adults lead children in a line and follow them to make sure they are safe.
    4. Otters use their paws to hold food to eat. People use hands and tools to eat food.
    5. Male sheep fight to determine who is stronger. People sometimes fight.
  10. 1. fish
    1. eagle
    2. owl

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. lion.
  2. dinosaur
  3. Answers will vary.
  4. Possible answers
    1. Because he killed a lion that many people loved.
    2. He had an unusual black mane, and he was part of a wildlife conservation study run by Oxford University.
    3. They lured Cecil out of the park illegally so Palmer could kill it.
    4. They started a fierce debate over the ethics of trophy hunting.
    5. The money they spend on permits and fees brings money into the countries. This money can be used for conservation programs. The promise of income from hunting can cause landowners to support, rather than kill, endangered animals. Killing aggressive senior “large” animals gives younger males a chance to reproduce.
    6. Little of the revenue from permits and fees actually goes to wildlife conservation. Nature tourism generates much more money than trophy hunting. Very little of the money from trophy hunting makes it to the places where the hunting actually takes place. It is our responsibility to protect endangered wildlife, not kill it.
  5. Answers will vary.


  1. 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. c
  1. 1. can / may
  1. may / might [not] / could
  2. Could / Can / May
  3. may / might [not] / could
  4. should / ought to / had better / must / have to
  5. could
  6. would
  7. must
  8. can’t / had better not / must not / may not / shouldn’t / cannot
  9. couldn’t / wasn’t able to
  1. Possible answers
  1. You can turn on the air-conditioning if you want.
  2. We could go out.
  3. You should consider going to Turkey.
  4. The teacher must have been sick.
  5. You ought to see a doctor.
  6. We could try the new restaurant on Avenue B.
  7. He’d better not get a snake!

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. I love being given free product samples.
  2. I prefer to be exposed to advertising through product placement in movies, rather than being forced to sit through ads before movies.
  3. Answers will vary.
  4. Possible answers
    1. Men now shop as a leisure activity; they are more likely to make impulse purchases; they are more willing to shop alone; they often shop online; and they pay more attention to fashion.
    2. Answers will vary.
    3. Answers will vary.
  5. Answers will vary.
  6. Answers will vary.
  7. Possible answers Advantages: You can buy at any time of the day or night; you save time because you don’t have to travel to the store; you can read other consumers’ reviews of a product you’re planning to buy. Disadvantages: You can’t try on clothes or see other products in person; there’s no salesperson to assist you; you can’t haggle; you may worry about security and privacy.
  8. Answers will vary.
  9. Answers will vary.
  10. 1. endorse
    1. prove
    2. promote
    3. imply
  11. Answers will vary.


  1. 1. Our products are sold by retailers all over the world.
  1. That song was written by Scott Joplin.
  2. Those shoes are being sold by online stores at a steep discount.
  3. The new line of running shoes is going to be endorsed / will be endorsed by Jason Farah.
  4. By the time we get to the concert hall, all of the good seats will have been taken.
  5. Stu can be persuaded by an ad that provides facts and figures.
  6. Ella has been hired by CompTech to design its website.
  7. A new opera is going to be performed / will be performed by City Symphony tonight.
  1. 1. Are our products sold by retailers all over the world?
  1. Was that song written by Scott Joplin?

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. Are those shoes being sold by online stores at a steep discount?
  2. Is the new line of running shoes going to be endorsed by Jason Farah? / Will the new line of running shoes be endorsed by Jason Farah?
  3. By the time we get to the concert hall, will all of the good seats have been taken?
  4. Can Stu be persuaded by an ad that provides facts and figures?
  5. Has Ella been hired by CompTech to design its website?
  6. Will a new opera be performed by City Symphony tonight? / Is a new opera going to be performed by City Symphony tonight?
  1. 1. was your / our house built
  1. will lunch be served
  2. were you / we given to complete the test
  3. will the party be held
  4. Is she being given an award tonight
  5. Has the house been sold yet


  1. Possible answers
    1. they patched things up
    2. split up
    3. Things at the oce started going downhill
    4. hit the nail on the head
    5. the deal fell apart
    6. talked about Peggy behind her back
  2. Possible answers Should: Kids should be grounded when they don’t follow the rules; kids should be praised when they’re well behaved; kids should be expected to do chores. Shouldn’t: Kids shouldn’t be allowed to talk back; kids shouldn’t be given too much freedom; kids shouldn’t be ignored.
  3. Possible answers
    1. Men are getting more and more involved in caring for their children.
    2. People are spending less and less time with their extended families.
    3. Fewer and fewer mothers are staying home to take care of their children.
    4. More and more couples are choosing to remain childless.
    5. Young adults are moving out of their parents’ homes later and later.
    6. Adolescents receive less and less adult supervision.
  4. 1. The more, the less [Note: This item is also correct in the reverse order: The less people work, the more time.. .]
  5. The more developed, the better
  6. The lower, the fewer

Summit 1, Third Edition

  1. interaction
  2. inclusion
  3. relaxation
  4. Answers will vary.


  1. 2. as fast as a cheetah
  1. the oldest
  2. farther from here than Park City
  3. not as strict as / less strict than his
  4. fewer children than Mr. Lane
  5. better than I did ten years ago
  6. as many people in my family as in Irene Lee’s
  7. the shortest commute
  8. as old as my grandmother
  9. less sleep than when she was younger
  1. Answers will vary.
  1. Answers will vary.
  1. Possible answers
  1. The population of Greenland is less than 60,000.
  2. The movie we watched last night was the most depressing ever!
  3. Alexis McCarthy is becoming a better violin player every day.
  4. He reads more than he watches TV.
  5. The new French restaurant on City Avenue is less expensive than it looks.


  • Answers will vary.
  • 5, 2, 8, 1, 6, 9, 3, 7, 4
  • Answers will vary.

A: vanished without a trace B: going out on a limb B: doesn’t make sense, barking up the wrong tree

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