Bank at là gì

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  1. general
  2. "river"
  3. "lake or river"

... a bank/an exchange office?

I would like to close my bank account.

Tôi muốn đóng tài khoản ngân hàng của mình

I would like to open a bank account.

Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng


bờ {danh} (sông hoặc hồ)

Ví dụ về cách dùng

Can I open a bank account online?

Tôi có thể mở tài khoản ngân hàng online được không?

I would like to close my bank account.

Tôi muốn đóng tài khoản ngân hàng của mình

I would like to open a bank account.

Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng

What types of bank accounts do you have?

Bạn có những loại thẻ nào?

... a bank/an exchange office?

... ngân hàng/nơi đổi tiền?

We accept your terms of payment and confirm that the payment will be made by irrevocable letter of credit / international money order (IMO) / bank transfer.

Chúng tôi chấp nhận điều khoản thanh toán và xin xác nhận rằng việc thanh toán sẽ được thực hiện qua thư tín dụng/ lệnh chuyển tiền quốc tế (IMO)/ chuyển khoản ngân hàng không thể hủy ngang.

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

Construction began in 1923 and the bank moved its offices there in 1925.

There is a small market in the town about 200 shops and one bank.

He reasons that he was going to the bank to withdraw money to pay his debt.

The new bank was soon to prove its distinctiveness.

The local area bank was closed in the fall of 2012.

The World Bank estimates that recent food-price increases have driven an additional 44 million people in developing countries into poverty.?

According to the World Bank, only 13 of 101 countries classified as middle income in 1960 had reached high-income status in 2008.

Despite the country's ongoing reforms, the World Bank has ranked Myanmar 182 out of the 189 countries in its annual Doing Business report.

The construction of the feeder roads has been jointly funded by the World Bank and Kiambu County government.

The 2009 report does not mention what made the World Bank change its view.

The blood bank will open new doors for students willing to specialise in the field of blood transfusion.

If agglutination is not obvious by direct vision, blood bank technicians usually check for agglutination with a microscope.

Recently, however, the government has launched an initiative that will fund the creation of a national public cord blood bank.

Officers also undertook administrative duties during quiet periods, including courier duties to/from the blood bank, railway station, airways and post office.

It has a 24 hours functional blood bank and pharmacy.

Plunking $1.75 into a piggy bank every day rather than spending it at a coffee shop will net you $638.75 in a year.

They're gone -- we have nothing in the piggy bank.

How could a glorified piggy bank for poor people's cash savings go so horribly wrong?

As such, the district can't continue to fund a level of service by dipping into its piggy bank each year, she said.

You can encourage younger children to put away some of their pocket money in a piggy bank each week.

The site in West Bank will eventually be used as part of a revised road layout for the infrastructure project.

Mr Lieberman himself is a West Bank settler.

But they live outside the massive West Bank separation barrier that Israel has built.

The husband was arrested at the scene and is the prime suspect, West Bank officials said.

They will join the 120 official settlements across the occupied West Bank that are home to more than 342,000 people.



  • bank building
  • banking company
  • banking concern
  • bet
  • calculate
  • camber
  • cant
  • coin bank
  • count
  • depend
  • deposit
  • depository financial institution
  • look
  • money box
  • reckon

World Bank


  • IBRD
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


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