Cách định dạng Comma style trong Excel

The comma style in Excel is also known as the thousand separator format that converts the large number values with the commas inserted as separators to distinguish the number value length into thousands, hundred thousand, millions, and so on.

When the user applies the comma format, it also adds decimal values to the numbers. So, in short, it works similarly to an accounting system format but it does not add any currency symbol to the number which accounting system formatting does.

The comma style separator could show the number values separated into lakhs or in million formats depending upon the region and default currency format selected within your system, but you can change it from lakhs to million and vice versa.

Like India follows a number value accounting system in lakhs and USA follows in millions. We have quick and easy steps mentioned below for you to apply comma style in Excel.

Apply Comma Style Using the Home tab

  1. First, select the cells or range of cells or the entire column where to apply the comma style.

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    For eg:
    Source: Comma Style in Excel [wallstreetmojo.com]

    How to Apply Comma Style in Excel [accounting format]?

    You can download this Comma Style Excel Template here – 

    Lets us start the below steps.

    1. We must first enter the values in Excel to use the comma number format in Excel.

    2. We can use accounting Excel format in the “Number” format ribbon, select the amount cell, click on ribbon home, and select the “Comma Style” from the “Number” format column.

    3. Once we click on the “Comma Style,” it will provide the comma-separated format value.

    4. If we want to remove the decimal, we must click on the icon under “Number” on “Decrease Decimal.”

    5. Once we remove the decimal, we can see below the value without decimals.

    6. Then, we must select cells under the “Amount” column. Then, right-click on it, and choose “Format Cells.” After that, select the “Accounting” option under the “Format Cells.” If we do not want the decimal places, we can insert 0 under decimal places. And click on “OK.”

    7. Below is the formatted data after removing decimal points.

    Excel Shortcuts to Use Comma Style Format

    • We must select the cells which need to format.
    • Press the Alt key that enables the commands on the ExcelCommands On The ExcelVLOOKUP function, IF condition, CONCATENATE function, find MAXIMUM and MINIMUM values are the most commonly used excel commands.read more ribbon.
    • Press H to select the Home tab in the Excel ribbonExcel RibbonThe ribbon is an element of the UI [User Interface] which is seen as a strip that consists of buttons or tabs; it is available at the top of the excel sheet. This option was first introduced in the Microsoft Excel 2007.read more, it enables the Home tab of Excel.
    • Press 9 to decrease the decimal, and press 0 to increase the decimal point from values.
    • If you want to open the format cells dialogue, press Ctrl+1.
    • If you want to show a monetary valueMonetary ValueMonetary value refers to the value of a product or service measured in terms of money. read more without a currency symbol, you can click None under option format cells.
    • Like the “Currency” format, the “Accounting” group is utilized for financial qualities. In any case, this arrangement adjusts the decimal purposes of numbers in a section. Likewise, the “Accounting” design shows zeros as dashes and negative numbers in brackets. Like the “Currency” format organizes, we can determine what number of decimal spots we need and whether to utilize a thousand separators. We cannot change the default show of negative numbers except if we make a custom number organization.


    1. It helps to format the number when we are dealing with currency.
    2. It provides help in showing the correct value with commas.
    3. It is just a one step process.
    4. It is very easy and convenient to use.


    1. It always enables the number format with a thousand separators.
    2. It provides the decimal points of two places while using this function.

    Things to Remember

    1. Rather than choosing a range of cells, we can likewise tap on the letter over a column to select the whole column or the number next to a column to select an entire row. We can likewise tap the little box to one side of “A” or above “1” to choose the whole spreadsheet at once.
    2. We must always check and remove it if we do not need a comma. 
    3. Decimal is also the user’s choice if they want to put a decimal in values or not.
    4. A custom Excel number format changes just the visual representation. For example, how value is shown in a cell. The basic value put away in a cell is not changed.
    5. The comma Excel format is a default option to show numbers with a comma in the thousands place and includes two decimal places [Eg: “13000” becomes “13,000.00]. It may also enable us to change the visible cell styles in an area of the ribbon to easily select different options for comma and display format as required in our sheet.

    Recommended Articles

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