Calculator of the difference between simple and compound interest

Calculate compound interest on an investment, 401K or savings account with annual, quarterly, daily or continuous compounding.

We provide answers to your compound interest calculations and show you the steps to find the answer. You can also experiment with the calculator to see how different interest rates or loan lengths can affect how much you'll pay in compounded interest on a loan.

Read further below for additional compound interest formulas to find principal, interest rates or final investment value. We also show you how to calculate continuous compounding with the formula A = Pe^rt.

The Compound Interest Formula

This calculator uses the compound interest formula to find principal plus interest. It uses this same formula to solve for principal, rate or time given the other known values. You can also use this formula to set up a compound interest calculator in Excel®1.

A = P[1 + r/n]nt

In the formula

  • A = Accrued amount [principal + interest]
  • P = Principal amount
  • r = Annual nominal interest rate as a decimal
  • R = Annual nominal interest rate as a percent
  • r = R/100
  • n = number of compounding periods per unit of time
  • t = time in decimal years; e.g., 6 months is calculated as 0.5 years. Divide your partial year number of months by 12 to get the decimal years.
  • I = Interest amount
  • ln = natural logarithm, used in formulas below

Compound Interest Formulas Used in This Calculator

The basic compound interest formula A = P[1 + r/n]nt can be used to find any of the other variables. The tables below show the compound interest formula rewritten so the unknown variable is isolated on the left side of the equation.

Compound Interest Formulas

Calculate accrued amount
Principal + Interest

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of A

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of I

Calculate rate of interest
As a decimal

Calculate rate of interest
As a percent

Calculate time
Solve for t
ln is the natural logarithm

t = ln[A/P] / n[ln[1 + r/n]], then also
t = [ln[A] - ln[P]] / n[ln[1 + r/n]]

Formulas where n = 1
[compounded once per period or unit t]

Calculate accrued amount
Principal + Interest

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of A

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of I

Calculate rate of interest
As a decimal

Calculate rate of interest
As a percent

Calculate time
Solve for t
ln is the natural logarithm

t = ln[A/P] / ln[1 + r], then also
t = [ln[A] - ln[P]] / ln[1 + r]

Continuous Compounding Formulas
[n → ∞]

Calculate accrued amount
Principal + Interest

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of A

Calculate principal amount
Solve for P in terms of I

Calculate rate of interest
As a decimal
ln is the natural logarithm

Calculate rate of interest
As a percent

Calculate time
Solve for t
ln is the natural logarithm

How to Use the Compound Interest Calculator: Example

Say you have an investment account that increased from $30,000 to $33,000 over 30 months. If your local bank offers a savings account with daily compounding [365 times per year], what annual interest rate do you need to get to match the rate of return in your investment account?

In the calculator above select "Calculate Rate [R]". The calculator will use the equations: r = n[[A/P]1/nt - 1] and R = r*100.


  • Total P+I [A]: $33,000
  • Principal [P]: $30,000
  • Compound [n]: Daily [365]
  • Time [t in years]: 2.5 years [30 months equals 2.5 years]

Showing the work with the formula r = n[[A/P]1/nt - 1]:

\[ r = 365 \left[\left[\frac{33,000}{30,000}\right]^\frac{1}{365\times 2.5} - 1 \right] \] \[ r = 365 [1.1^\frac{1}{912.5} - 1] \] \[ r = 365 [1.1^{0.00109589} - 1] \] \[ r = 365 [1.00010445 - 1] \] \[ r = 365 [0.00010445] \] \[ r = 0.03812605 \] \[ R = r \times 100 = 0.03812605 \times 100 = 3.813\% \]

Your Answer: R = 3.813% per year

So you'd need to put $30,000 into a savings account that pays a rate of 3.813% per year and compounds interest daily in order to get the same return as the investment account.

How to Derive A = Pert the Continuous Compound Interest Formula

A common definition of the constant e is that:

\[ e = \lim_{m \to \infty} \left[1 + \frac{1}{m}\right]^m \]

With continuous compounding, the number of times compounding occurs per period approaches infinity or n → ∞. Then using our original equation to solve for A as n → ∞ we want to solve:

\[ A = P{[1+\frac{r}{n}]}^{nt} \] \[ A = P \left[ \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \left[1 + \frac{r}{n}\right]^{nt} \right] \]

This equation looks a little like the equation for e. To make it look more similar so we can do a substitution we introduce a variable m such that m = n/r then we also have n = mr. Note that as n approaches infinity so does m.

Replacing n in our equation with mr and cancelling r in the numerator of r/n we get:

\[ A = P \left[ \lim_{m\rightarrow\infty} \left[1 + \frac{1}{m}\right]^{mrt} \right] \]

Rearranging the exponents we can write:

\[ A = P \left[ \lim_{m\rightarrow\infty} \left[1 + \frac{1}{m}\right]^{m} \right]^{rt} \]

Substituting in e from our definition above:

\[ A = P[e]^{rt} \]

And finally you have your continuous compounding formula.

\[ A = Pe^{rt} \]

Excel: Calculate Compound Interest in Spreadsheets

Use the tables below to copy and paste compound interest formulas you need to make these calculations in a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and Apple Numbers.

To copy correctly, start your mouse outside the table upper left corner. Drag your mouse to the outside of the lower right corner. Be sure all text inside the table is selected. Paste the copied information into cell A1 of your spreadsheet. Formulas will only work starting in A1. You can modify the formulas and formatting as you wish.

Calculate Accrued Amount [Future Value FV] using A = P[1 + r/n]^nt

In this example we start with a principal of 10,000 with interest of 500 giving us an accrued amount of 10,500 over 2 years compounded monthly [12 times per year]. If you paste this correctly you should see the answer for Rate % = 2.44 in cell B1. Change the values in B2, B3, B4 and B5 to your specific problem.

What is the formula for difference between simple and compound interest?

The interest earned when it is simple interest is calculated as P * R * T/100, whereas when the interest is compound, the interest earned is P [[1 + r/100]T – 1].

What is the formula to calculate the difference between SI and CI for 2 years?

Difference = 3 x P[R]²/[100]² + P [R/100]³.

How to convert simple interest rate to compound interest rate?

The formula to convert simple interest to compound annual interest is [1 + R/N]N - 1, where R is the simple interest rate, and N equals the number of times interest is compounded in a year.

What is the future value of $10000 on deposit for 5 years at 6% simple interest?

Summary: An investment of $10000 today invested at 6% for five years at simple interest will be $13,000.

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