doctrine là gì - Nghĩa của từ doctrine

doctrine có nghĩa là

opposing the impeachment of a corrupt president in order to weaken the president's party in an upcoming election


There are many reasons why George W Bush deserved to be impeached, his outrageous abuses of power,illegal warrantless wire taps [some of these were U.S. soldiers in Iraq calling home to their families], extraordinary renditions, torturing P.O.W.s etc. In the 2006 election voters soundly rejected the radical Bush agenda, but when Nancy Pelosi became Speaker Of The House she said impeachment was off the table. Keeping Bush in office severely weakened the Republican party and helped the Democrats win the White House and gain seats in Congress in the 2008 election. This is the Pelosi Doctrine.

doctrine có nghĩa là

A teaching.


The doctrines of a religion.

doctrine có nghĩa là

To take someones house and fuck them


Boogie attempted to use Castle Doctrine against Frank, but Frank pulls a chad move and calls Hassle Doctrine against Boogie the fatfuck.

doctrine có nghĩa là

The thing that Sarah Palin has no idea of what it is or understanding of whatsoever.


CHARLIE GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
SARAH PALIN: In what respect, Charlie? GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?
PALIN: His world view.
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.
GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us.

doctrine có nghĩa là

[1] The strategy by the world's economic elites of imposing an extremely neoliberal economic regime on communities they control, using some form of shock: a natural disaster, a coup d'etat, a war, a financial crisis, etc. Once the community has been crippled by this first shock, the economic "reforms" are imposed suddenly, creating a secondary blow. Then, as the community begins to recover and fight back, the authorities use torture and police brutality to [literally] shock the community a third time. [2] title of a book by Naomi Klein describing def. 1 [Please see disaster capitalism.]


Ms. Klein's 2007 book described the rise of disaster capitalism in mostly poor countries: Chile [after 1973], Argentina [after 1989], Poland [after 1993], and Sri Lanka [after 2004]. But in 2009, the super rich were able to inflict the shock doctrine on the richest countries of the world, including Germany, France, and Italy. The 2008 financial crisis was entirely a product of the richest 1% of the human race; but soon after, national governments scrambled to punish the remaining 99% for the crisis instead, by slashing public services and imposing austerity programs.

doctrine có nghĩa là

The term "Castle Doctrine" is used when describing law that primarily relates to the use of deadly force in situations of self defence. In simple english, it is the idea that a persons home is their castle and that any unlawfull intrution is considered a threat. The homeowner is then legaly justified in using lethal force against the intruder.

The opposite of Castle Doctrine is "Duty to Retreat" A simple example would be a person walking down a street at night who is confronted by an assailant. Legaly, the victim must try to escape or "retreat" before resorting to lethal force. But if retreat is impossible, then the person is justified in using lethal force.

Castle Doctrine originaly only applied to a persons home. However, in modern times it has been applied in different laws to mean a persons property, not just inside the home. A pesons car is also defined as a part of the home. Thus a carjacking victim is justified in shooting their assailant. Some states apply a persons place of employment to fall under Castle Doctrine.

Castle Doctrine also makes it next to impossible for an assailant [Or their family] to sue their victim after the fact.


The homowner shot and killed the burglar in her house. Her actions where justified under the "Castle Doctrine" law's of that state.

doctrine có nghĩa là

The definition of Bush Doctrine has changed over time. A chronology as presented by the phrase's originator, Charles Krauthammer:

1] 6/4/2001 - Bush administration policies of unilaterally withdrawing from the ABM treaty and rejecting the Kyoto protocol, together with others, amounted to a radical change in foreign policy that should be called the Bush doctrine.

2] Post-9/11 - Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists

3] Post-Iraq - A doctrine of preemptive war

4] Current - The idea that the fundamental mission of American foreign policy is to spread democracy throughout the world.


I used the Bush doctrine and told him he had to take a side!

doctrine có nghĩa là

Eliminate all sign of Obama's policy achievements and legacy.


The Trump Doctrine is Hope[less].

doctrine có nghĩa là

There was no collusion and I am not Vlady’s fuck toy.


The Trump Doctrine is a simpleminded one easily articulated by the Moron in Chief.

doctrine có nghĩa là

a word to use when you feel miserable and when you're in deep shit, similar to the "nika", and the "dpris".


oh im so sad and i hate myself, hyati is a doctrine.

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