Dynamic priority list Excel

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Hello and thank you ahead of time for your time and help.

So I'm trying to come up with an automated system to help me create a dynamic two level priority list. I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm crossing my fingers that someone will come up with a creative solution.

Let me know if I can help clarify anything.

So given the following setup:

Overall priorityWithin priorityDescription of task
High2Project A
Medium1Project B
Low3Project C
Low2Project D
Medium2Project E
High1Project F
Low1Project G
High3Project H

If possible I'd like the following to be achieved:
  • Scenario 1: When user adds new item [assume as new row at bottom current table] they can specify overal category [using data validation for low/medium/high]
    • Within priority will be assigned as last number in that level. For example, if Project I is added as low priority within priority will be 4
    • Table will then be sorted by overall priority, then within priority, then project description
      • flexible as to whether this is done in a linked table in separate tab or within same table
    • User can then alter the within priority level
    • Program should renumber list as needed [so if new item is within priority level of 2, previous level 2 will be changed to 3 and so on]
    • Program resorts [either same table or linked table in separate tab] by overall priority, then within priority then project description
  • Scenario 2: User changes overall priority and/or within priority
    • If change overall priority
      • Automatically change within priority to last number in within priority list. For example, if Project E is changed to low priority it will be given within priority of 5 [assuming inclusion of Project I as mentioned above]. Also, the level the project left [medium] is renumbered so there are no missing values.
    • If change within priority
      • Program resorts [either same table or linked table in separate tab] by overall priority, then within priority then project description

Select all contiguous cells

Pressing Ctrl+* [asterisk] will select the "current region" - all contiguous cells in all directions.

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