For what value of k will the pair of linear equations KX 3y K 3 12x Ky K have a unique solution?

Solution : Given pair of linear equations is
`kx + 3y = k - 3 " " ...[i] `
and `" " 12x + ky = k " " ...[ii]`
On comparing with `ax + by + c = 0`, we get
`a_[1] = k, b_[1] = 3` and `c_[1] = -[k - 3] " " ` [from Eq. [i]]
`a_[2] = 12, b_[2] = k` and ` c_[2] = -k " " `[from Eq. [ii]]
For no solution of the pair of linear equations,
`[a_[1]]/[a_[2]] = [b_[2]]/[b_[2]] != [c_[1]]/[c_[2]]`
`rArr " " [k]/[12] = [3]/[k] != [-[k - 3]]/[-k]`
Taking first two parts, we get
`rArr " " [k]/[12] = [3]/[k]`
`rArr " " k^[2] = 36`
`rArr " " k +- 6`
Taking last two parts, we get
`[3]/[k] != [k - 3]/[k]`
`rArr " " 3k != k [k - 3]`
`rArr " " 3k - k [k - 3] != 0`
`rArr " "k[ 3-k + 3] != 0`
`rArr " " k[6 - k] != 0`
`rArr " " k !=0` and `!= 6`
Hence, required value of k for which the given pair of linear equations has no solution is - 6.

Solution : Given pair of linear equations is
`kx + 3y = k - 3 " " ...[i] `
and `" " 12x + ky = k " " ...[ii]`
On comparing with `ax + by + c = 0`, we get
`a_[1] = k, b_[1] = 3` and `c_[1] = -[k - 3] " " ` [from Eq. [i]]
`a_[2] = 12, b_[2] = k` and ` c_[2] = -k " " `[from Eq. [ii]]
For no solution of the pair of linear equations,
`[a_[1]]/[a_[2]] = [b_[2]]/[b_[2]] != [c_[1]]/[c_[2]]`
`rArr " " [k]/[12] = [3]/[k] != [-[k - 3]]/[-k]`
Taking first two parts, we get
`rArr " " [k]/[12] = [3]/[k]`
`rArr " " k^[2] = 36`
`rArr " " k +- 6`
Taking last two parts, we get
`[3]/[k] != [k - 3]/[k]`
`rArr " " 3k != k [k - 3]`
`rArr " " 3k - k [k - 3] != 0`
`rArr " "k[ 3-k + 3] != 0`
`rArr " " k[6 - k] != 0`
`rArr " " k !=0` and `!= 6`
Hence, required value of k for which the given pair of linear equations has no solution is - 6.

Find the value of k for which the system of equations has a unique solution:
kx + 3y = [k – 3],
12x + ky = k

The given system of equations:
kx + 3y = [k – 3]
⇒ kx + 3y – [k - 3] = 0             ….[i]
And, 12x + ky = k
⇒12x + ky - k = 0                        …[ii]
These equations are of the following form:
`a_1x+b_1y+c_1 = 0, a_2x+b_2y+c_2 = 0`
Here, `a_1 = k, b_1= 3, c_1= -[k – 3] and a_2 = 12, b_2 = k, c_2= -k`
For a unique solution, we must have:
`[a_1]/[a_2] ≠ [b_1]/[b_2]`
i.e., `k /12 ≠ 3/k`
⇒ `k^2 ≠ 36 ⇒ k ≠ ±6`
Thus, for all real values of k, other than ±6, the given system of equations will have a unique solution.


For which value[s] of k will the pair of equations kx+3y=k-3 and 12x+ky=k have no solution?


Step 1: Convert the equations to standard form

Given pair of linear equations,

kx+3y=k-3 and 12x+ky=k

Converting the given equations to standard form,



Step 2: Compare the equations with the standard equation

Comparing the two equations with the standard form, we define

a1=k, b1=3 and c1=3-k

a2=12, b2=k and c2 =-k

Step 3: Define the condition for no solutions

For no solution, the given set of equations must satisfy the condition,




Step 4: Solve for k

Considering the first two parts,


Considering the last two parts,

3k≠3-k-k⇒k-3≠3⇒ k≠6

Considering the last two results, we can say that for k=-6, the set of equations will have no solutions

Therefore, for k=-6, the set of equations has no solutions.

The given pair of linear equations is

kx + 3y = k – 3 …[i]

12x + ky = k …[ii]

On comparing the equations [i] and [ii] with ax + by = c = 0,

We get,

a1 = k, b1 = 3, c1 = -[k – 3]

a2 = 12, b2 = k, c2 = – k


a1 /a2 = k/12

b1 /b2 = 3/k

c1 /c2 = [k-3]/k

For no solution of the pair of linear equations,

a1/a2 = b1/b2≠ c1/c2

k/12 = 3/k ≠ [k-3]/k

Taking first two parts, we get

k/12 = 3/k

k2 = 36

k = + 6

Taking last two parts, we get

3/k ≠ [k-3]/k

3k ≠ k[k – 3]

k2 – 6k ≠ 0

so, k ≠ 0,6

Therefore, value of k for which the given pair of linear equations has no solution is k = – 6.

For what value of k will the pair of equations have unique solution?

Thus for all real values of k other than 10, the given system of equations will have a unique solution. Hence, the required value of k is 10. There is no value of k for which the given system of equations has an infinite number of solutions.

For which value of k will the pair of linear equation have unique solution KX 2y 5 and 3x y 1?

Concept used: If [a1/a2] ≠ [b1/b2], then the system of equations a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 has a unique solution. ∴ The system has a unique solution if k ≠ 6.

How do you find K in a unique solution?

If a1a2≠b1b2 then the equations have unique solution, if a1a2 = b1b2 = c1c2 then the equations have infinitely many solutions and if a1a2 = b1b2 ≠ c1c2 then the equations have no solutions. Doing this will solve your problem and will give you the value of k while solving the equations.

For what value of k is the system of equations KX 3y K 2 12x Ky K inconsistent?

For k = ±6, the system of equations kx + 3y = k - 2, 12x + ky = k is inconsistent.

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