griffons là gì - Nghĩa của từ griffons

griffons có nghĩa là

spelt G-R-I-F-F-I-N....nt griffon...duuuh

youngest member of the Griffin family, with the one goal - world domination and killing his mother lois - most of the time they don't work.

[sorry the nxt bit is so long, i lke stewie and know a few quotes!!!]


"Ok, ok. I've got it, I've got it. If you cooked any more slowly, you wouldn't need an egg timer. You'd need an egg calendar. Oh, that's right. I went there."

"I was under the impression the name of the show was "Kids Say the Darndest Things," not "Old Black Comedians Never Shut the Hell Up.""

Olivia: You are the weakest link, goodbye. ------
Stewie: Oh gosh that's funny! That's really funny! Do you write your own material? Do you? Because that is so fresh. You are the weakest link goodbye. You know, I've, I've never heard anyone make that joke before. Hmm. You're the first. I've never heard anyone reference, reference that outside the program before. Because that's what she says on the show right? Isn't it? You are the weakest link goodbye. And, and yet you've taken that and used it out of context to insult me in this everyday situation. God what a clever, smart girl you must be, to come up with a joke like that all by yourself. That's so fresh too. Any, any Titanic jokes you want to throw at me too as long as we're hitting these phenomena at the height of their popularity. God you're so funny!

griffons có nghĩa là

The Mythical Griffon refers to the sexual act where a male pulls out of the female right before ejaculation [typically in the missionary, cowgirl, and other related positions where the participants are facing each other] and cums into one's hand and simply, openhandedly, slaps the female across the face, or bitch slaps her, unexpectedly thus splattering the semen all over the female's face hopefully to get it in the eyes, mouth, ears, nose and hair. Can also be accomplished using the "Cymbal" effect: a two handed Mythical Griffon via Doggie Style by clapping one's hands on the face of the female unexpectedly after having came in both hands and rubbed together as if playing the Cymbals. Sometimes referred to as the Cymballic Mythical Griffon.


"She had taken Excedrin and wine together by accident and I was boning her blacked-out ass in standing missionary and then I pulled out and fucking Mythical Griffoned the shit out of her!"

griffons có nghĩa là

Just want to let you know it's spelled Griffin, not Griffon.


Hi, I like to spell things wrong, like Stewie Griffon.

griffons có nghĩa là

A misspelt version of Stewie Griffin.


Person 1A: Hey, do you want to go watch Stewie Griffon?


Person 3D: EYYY I'm 3D.

griffons có nghĩa là

The baby on the popular show "Family Guy" that is bent on world destruction and killing his mother. He is extremely funny and has a british accent.

Sorry about the Quotes i love his quotes


Janet: Hi. Cookie?
Stewie: Well, it's Stewie, but... you can call me "cookie" if you like. Yes, I also answer to "Artemis," "Agent Buckwald" and "Snake." Yes, I rather like "Snake." "Snake Griffin."

Li: Stewie, come complete our rainbow.
Stewie: I've got a better idea. Let's go play "swallow the stuff under the sink."

Stewie: Oh I feel so delightfully white trash. Mommy, I want a mullet.

Stewie: Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.

Stewie: Picking up the phone. Hello, operator. Hello... Oh god, that's right you have to punch in the numbers nowadays. Uhhh, I should know this. Oh yes,
dialing number
Stewie: 867-5309, yes that's it. Wait that's not it, damn you Tommy Two-Tone. Huh, only one thing to do 111-1111, Lois? Damn. 111-1112 Lois? DAMN. 111-1113...

Stewie: You. Fetch me my copy of the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death.

Stewie: Hmm, time for dessert. Let's see - big chocolate cake for Stewie,
holds up a leaf to Chris
Stewie: and something very tasty for big, fat you.

Stewie: Come any closer and I'll cut her.
realizes he's holding a tongue depresser
Stewie: I'll give her a series of splinters... that could become infected.

Stewie: hitting on some co-eds I must say, the most recent campus sporting event was quite spectacular.
Co-ed: Aw. Are you in a fraternity, little boy?
Stewie: Not yet, but I'm thinking of joining I Felta Thigh.

Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."

griffons có nghĩa là

WEll it's Griffin not Griffon.
Stewart Gilligan Griffin is the football headed, 1 year old, youngest child of Lois and Peter Griffin on the tv show, Family Guy. He is easily the coolest one on the show simply because he is bent on world domination but is still overcome by the simple weeknesses of a 1 year old, such as a binky or the dreaded Teletubbies.


stewie's quotes:

Brian: say something please.

Stewie: oh for god sacks, hmmm let's see here... oh yes *clears throat*
yay, and God said to Abraham, "you must kill your eldest son Issac." and Abraham said, "i'm sorry i can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone" and God said, "oh i'm sorry, is this better? Check Check Check, Jerry i think you'll have to take the high end out i'm still getting some his back here..."


Stewie: oh yes, i'm sorry. I never knew bisscut as a dog, but i did know her has a table. She was sturdy, all for legs the same length..

Brian: Thanks, Thanks, That's enough

[stewie goes down the slide and lenard a kid from his preschool lands on the back of his head.

[another kid goes down the slide and lands on stewies head.

griffons có nghĩa là

[1]Griffon = Griffin; a mythical beast with the HEAD and wings ofan EAGLE,and the body and tail of a lion.

[2]a small breed of dog similar to a terrier belonging to a breed with wiry hair and a short muzzle.


Where's your pet griffon? =P

griffons có nghĩa là

Absolutely Nothing at all.
[spelled Griffin, "YOU DUMBASS"]


"Look at me,I dont exist!!!"

griffons có nghĩa là

It's Spelt Stewie GRIFFIN not Griffon. LEARN TO SPELL.
Stewie is a 1 year old son of Lois and Peter Griffin. His life goal is to kill his mother and take over the world. He is the COOLEST character by far and the special episodes of him and Brian are the best.


Quotes: *he goes to hell*"Hell, well thats a bit much don't you think. I mean sure I've tried to spend my entire life trying to kill my mother, but who hasn't?" This thing wont let me enter this without saying Stewie Griffon. There, I said it.

griffons có nghĩa là

A great alto-player. Very sensitive and shy around girls.


Dang, did you see Griffon at the concert!?

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