How do I get my old farm back on Hay Day?

You have had to link it to something: gamecenter, googleplay, supercellID, facebook. If it's totally unlinked, and you can no longer access the farm... last hope is the farm ID. or game tag. If you got nothing, it's gone forever in the sea of database entries.

Unless your farm name was absolutely unique; maybe support might be able to dig it up... but how are you going to convince them it's yours?

Are you one of those cool Hay Day players? The game is really cool, right? Bringing green farms right into your hands. You have built a pretty little farm on your device. Everything is going fine. But one fine day, everything is just gone! You may have either deleted the app on purpose, cleared out app data, changed to a new device, or your progress just disappeared on its own. Whatever may be the reason, don’t get worried. Your progress is not permanently lost. There are a few ways to get them back. To help you protect your precious farm, we have listed all the methods that will recover your Hay Day Account. Just keep reading through all the methods, find the now that perfectly fits you, and start working it out. Happy farming again!

Method 1 – Using Linked Accounts to Recover Hay Day Account

Do you remember linking your Hay Day to any of your accounts like Facebook or Google Play? That is, while you were playing the game, do you remember logging in to any of your social media accounts or Google Play? If yes, then this process is very much simple for you. There is nothing to worry about. Your progress will be back in no time. Here is what you have to do –

  1. Install Hay Day again on your device. If you have the app already, you can proceed with that.
  2. From the in-game settings, click on Facebook or Google Play.
  3. Sign in to your respective social media account [which you linked with the game earlier].
  4. This will take some time as the app is downloading your progress. After this, close your app, clear out cache and try opening it out again.

You will see all your game progress back! However, if you have not linked any other account with Hay Day, then it is a bit more difficult to recover your gameplay. Also, you may sometimes be unsuccessful with this method. In either case, let us move on to the next methods possible.

Method 2 – Using your Supercell ID to Recover Hay Day Account

Supercell ID is a special service offered by the creators of Hay Day especially to protect your gameplay. So, if you have planned to face any future data loss, you would have probably created a Supercell ID for your game. If this is the case, you can easily transfer game progress to a new device, or for your new game, whichever is applicable. To add more spice to the dish, this Supercell ID does not require creating a password! It just sends you a verification code whenever you want to transfer progress to any game. So, whichever Supercell game you are using, if you want to transfer progress, you just need to do one thing — Log in with your Supercell registered email address.

You will now receive a verification email from Supercell. Follow all the instructions in the email. It may either have a verification code, or a link. Just do what it says, and you will recover your game progress in no time. However, if you haven’t created such an account previously, this method will not help you. Just head on to the next method!

Method 3 – Contacting Hay Day

When you have tried out everything and are still not able to recover your account, you can seek help from Hay Day itself. You can contact the support team and ask them to help you recover your account. Before you start with this process, make sure that you have an email address with you. This email must be accessible and must be other than the one linked with Supercell [if you cannot recover your account with the supercell ID]. When this is ready, here is what you need to do –

  1. Open up the Hay Day support contact form.
  2. Select the preferred language in the first field. Click and select Lost account from the second field.
  3. Type in your account name or your tag ID in the next field.
  4. After this, type in your email address. [the one that is accessible]
  5. Explain your problem in detail. Include as many details as possible. The more the detailed your message is, the more the chances of recovery.
  6. Finally, confirm that you are not a robot, and click on Submit.

You have now submitted a report to the Support team. Hay Day will review your request and if it is valid, a member of the support team will contact you. This process will take a little time, and you need to wait for any updates. All further updates will be communicated through the email address that you just mentioned.

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How do I get my Hay Day farm on another device?

If you'd like to continue your farm on another device [iOS to Android, Android to Android] please follow these steps:.
Connect Hay Day to Facebook through the game settings and make sure it was successful..
Launch Hay Day on the new device..
Connect Hay Day to the same Facebook account as you used in step 1..

What is supercell ID in Hay Day?

Supercell ID is a service we created to make it easier for you to safeguard your game progress. Watch this tutorial to help you get started!

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