How do you prevent a laptop from being stolen you can use a surge protector?

Your systems and peripherals are constantly at risk of sustaining electrical damage, whether the culprit is improper site wiring, fluctuations in a system's electrical supply, overtaxed circuits, or lightning strikes. These precautionary measures will help you prevent the destructive consequences of electrical mishaps.

Protecting your computer from theft and unexpected data loss is crucial when you rely on the device to store school assignments, important work documents and personal files. Investing the time and money to secure your desktop or laptop will give you peace of mind and provide safeguards for your computer hardware. You can choose from numerous affordable products to protect your machine.

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1 Anti-theft Equipment

On desktop computers, you can install a PCI card with an alarm system to detect when your computer is moved without your permission. The motion, light and tampering PCI-based detection system sold by Barracuda Security includes software that will also send an alert to your pre-existing home or office security monitoring service.

Cable locks are a common method of protecting laptops and other equipment from thieves. Many hardware manufacturers include a Kensington Security Slot in the design of desktops, laptops, monitors, projectors, printers, servers and other equipment. You can attach Kensington and other brands of compatible cable locks into the slot. If you own an Apple laptop or iMac, you can purchase Kensington-brand locks directly from Apple.

For heavy-duty security, you can install Belkin’s Bulldog Security Kit. The kit comes with steel cables and locks for securing desktop components and laptops.

2 Protection via Webcam

If you own a webcam, you can use it along with software to protect your computer from thieves and anyone trying to take a sneak peek at your computer files. GadgetTrak’s software provides anti-theft software that uses your computer’s webcam to protect your machine from theft. The webcam will snap a photo of the intruder to help identify him, along with other details collected by the software such as the exact location of your stolen laptop.

If you own a Mac OS computer, you can install Oribcule's Undercover to protect your hardware with the help of a webcam. The software will activate your webcam, take a photo of the thief every eight minutes and track the location of the computer.

3 Biometric Protection

Fingerprint readers are no longer sci-fi gadgets only seen in movies, but affordable devices that can plug into your computer’s USB port; a USB fingerprint reader is considerably stronger login protection than a password. Some fingerprint readers also include data protection software. Technology firms Targus, DigitalPersona and Zvetco sell USB fingerprint readers. Targus, a company that specializes in mobile technology, also sells cable locks for laptops.

4 Power Backup and Surge Protection

Inclement weather, unexpected power outages and wiring issues in your home can interrupt power to your computer if you do not have an uninterruptible power supply. A UPS will power your electronics for a short time so you can save the documents you are working on and back up important files. While laptops and tablets will immediately switch to their internal batteries in the event of a power outage, a desktop will simply shut down if you do not have a UPS. You can purchase UPS devices from department, hardware and electronics shops. Online computer retailers also provide deals on UPS devices.

Surge protection strips protect your computer from spikes in electricity. Such spikes can happen during a lightning storm or as a result of a wiring malfunction. You will not have to worry about these surges frying your computer’s motherboard or AC adapter if you have your computer plugged into a high-quality surge protector.


  • 1 Kensington: Kensington Security Slot
  • 2 Apple: Kensington Combination Laptop Lock
  • 3 Apple: Kensington SafeDome Secure Lock for iMac
  • 4 Targus: DEFCON 1 Ultra Laptop Computer Security System

About the Author

Lauren Miller has more than 10 years of experience as a writer and editor. Her articles on technology, small business and legal topics have appeared in magazines, newspapers and trade journals. She has a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and is an avid gardener and sports fan.

Unexpected power surges and load shedding are our current reality; so we should protect our valued appliances and electronics from the damaging effects. [Image: Supplied]

Many of us own electronically - powered gadgets, appliances and computers in our homes. Power surges can result in damage, which are often irreparable for many kinds of electronics or appliances. Computers can even experience data loss from a power surge. There are things you can do to protect your valuables - and it's simpler than you may think.

What is a power surge?

In South Africa, the standard electrical voltage supply is 220/230 volts at a frequency of 50HZ. Power surges occur when the voltage exceeds the norm and flows at a higher voltage and frequency. When the normal operating voltage is exceeded, an arc of electrical current can occur. This generates heat - and it's this heat that causes damage to an electronic circuit board, and by extension, an affected appliance or electronic device. Surges can happen during a power grid switching process, or can occur unexpectedly if there's a malfunction in a nearby transmission line or transformer. Load shedding, and even an instance where a lightning strike occurs during an electrical storm can also result in power surges too.

Smaller power surges are also possible if a high-powered electrical appliance switches on and off too often- such as a refrigerator or an air conditioner. The motors and compressors of these appliances typically require a considerable amount of energy in order to switch on and off; and so if they do, the normal voltage flow in the electrical system is disrupted - resulting in a surge. Damage as a result of smaller power surges can be incremental and accumulate over time. A major surge can cause more permanent damage instantly, but smaller disruptions typically tend to shorten the "lifespan" of a particular device or appliance over time.

4 Indications your appliances or electronics have experienced a power surge

  1. The clock or lights of a device or appliance are flashing
  2. There may be a burning or acrid odour in the vicinity of the device or appliance [especially near the power source]
  3. The device or appliance is not working or appears off
  4. A power strip or surge protector may require re-setting

7 Ways to prevent the damaging effects of a power surge

Sometimes a utility company may need to perform maintenance which could result in surges. Any other occurrence will likely be unexpected. So, to best protect either small or major surges from damaging your valuables, the below tips can be useful to get into the habit of implementing:

  1. Disconnect electrical devices and appliances from the plug source when not in use or during an electrical storm. This will help to save your valuables, reduce the likelihood of damage and even conserve valuable energy too.
  2. Be careful not to overload your power outlets, especially those appliances that use high amounts of electricity. Valuables, such as computers, laptops, widescreen TVs or internet modems or routers should ideally not be plugged into the same power outlet as they typically use a lot of energy and have sensitive circuit boards too. Items such as air conditioners, washing machines and refrigerators should also have its own dedicated plug - in source or power strip.
  3. Make use of surge protectors for your electric mains board, as well as plug adaptors. These typically divert excess energy into the round when a surge occurs instead of allowing it to flow into the circuit that your valuables may be plugged in to. Surge plug adaptors are a simple solution that you can implement yourself, but any protectors on your DB boards should be installed by a certified electrician.
  4. Consider purchasing a UPS [uninterruptible power supply]. This is useful for protecting your internet or fibre connections and electronics such as a modem and router. It also allows you to be able to continue using your computerised devices even during a round of load shedding.
  5. Make use of a surge protecting power strip. Such power strips that have a built-in surge protector typically have a fuse that is designed to fail if a voltage spike occurs. When this happens, power supply is prevented from flowing through to your plugged in appliance or device; and thereby preventing damage during a surge.
  6. Allow an electrician to double check your electrical switchboard or fuse box to ensure that you have an adequate supply for your home and electrical devices and appliances. If you've noticed a few flickers or experienced power trips may indicate circuit breaker issues. A certified electrician can help you to ensure that you can sufficiently upgrade if needed.
  7. Cross check your home insurance plan details. Does your plan cover damage as a result of a power surge? It's a good idea to ensure that you're 100% clear as to whether your plan has taken into account the different kinds of risk scenarios your valuables may be exposed to; providing sufficient cover should a power surge happen, resulting in a need for repair or replacement.

On the Discovery Insure home insurance plans, there is varying levels of cover provided for power surge claims that result in damage or a need to have an insured item replaced. Discovery Insure clients can also upgrade their Essential and Classic plans to higher amounts of power surge cover for a small monthly amount. To find out about the power surge cover from discovery insure call us on 086 751 751 or speak to your adviser.

This post and content is sponsored, written and provided by Discovery Insure.

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How can you protect a computer from electrical spikes and surges?

The most effective way to protect your computer from a power surge is to use a surge protector. Not to be confused with a power strip, a surge protector is a device with one or more outlets in which you plug electronic devices to protect them from power surges.

Which is a first step to deter thieves?

1. Lock your doors. Keeping your doors locked is the first step in deterring a thief.

How can you protect personal information gathered?

Here are a few tips to ensure your personal information doesn't end up in the wrong hands..
Create strong passwords. ... .
Don't overshare on social media. ... .
Use free Wi-Fi with caution. ... .
Watch out for links and attachments. ... .
Check to see if the site is secure. ... .
Consider additional protection..

In which situation is a digital certificate useful?

Websites use digital certificates for domain validation to show they are trusted and authentic. Digital certificates are used in secure email to identify one user to another and may also be used for electronic document signing. The sender digitally signs the email, and the recipient verifies the signature.

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