How many 3 letter words can be formed using a b/c d/e if repetition is not allowed?

#32 - #33 page 171

  • How many selections are there in which either Dolph is chairperson or he is not an officer?
    Answer : case that Dolph is the chair plus the case that Dolph is not an officer, and these two cases are mutually disjoint.
  • How many selections are there in which Ben is either chairperson or treasurer?
    Answer : C[5,2]*2! + C[5,2]*2! or 5*4 + 5*4

  • [34 - 41 page 171]the letters ABCDE are to be used to form strings of length 3:
    • How many strings can be formed if repetitions are allowed?
      Answer : 53 .Since for each of the three positions , we hae five choices.
    • Same as before , but repetitions are not allowed.
      Answer : 5 * 4 * 3
    • How many strings begin with A , allowing repetition?
      Answer : 52 .
    • How many strings begin with A if repetitions are not allowed?
      Answer: 4 * 3
    • How many strings do not contain the letter A, allowing repetitions?
      Answer : ?? [similar to #34 but take letters only from BCDE]
    • How many strings do not contain the letter A, if repetitions are not allowed?
      Answer : ?? [Similar to #35, but takes letters from BCDE].
    • How many strings contain letter A, allowing repetition?
      Answer : #34 minus #38
    • How manu strings contain letter A if repetitions are not allowed?
      Answer : #35 minus #39
  • #42- 52 :integers from 5 to 200 , inclusive,
    • How many numbers are there ?
      Answr = 200 - [5-1]
    • How many are even ?
      Answer : half of them
    • How many are divisible by 5 ?
      Answer : [200/5]
    • How many contain the digit 7 ?
      Answer : single-digit case : 1 ; double digit case : 10 + 9 - 1 ; three digit case : [1XY] 10 + 10 -1
    • How many do not contain 0 ?
      Answer : 5 [single digit case] + 9*9 [2-digit case] + 9*9 [1XY case]
    • How many greater than 101 and do not contain the digit 6 ?
      Answer : 1 [case 200] + 9*9 [1XY case] - 2 [case 101 and case 100]
    • How many have the digits in strictly increasing order?
      Answer : 5 [signle-digit case] + [90 - 9-9] /2 [2-digit case] + [3-digit case : 1XY ] [100 - 10]/2
    • how many consist of distinct digits?
      Answer: [single-digit case ] 5 + ??? [double-digit case ] + [three-digit case : 1XY]
    • How many are of the form xyz, where 0 < x < y and y > z ?
      Since x must be 1 , then y > 1, so for y between 2 to 9 , z must less than y. Answer = 2 + 3 + ... + 9 = 44
  • #10 - 18 p.182 : determine how many strings can be formed by ordering the letters ABCDE subject to the conditions given:
    • Contains the substring ACE : 3!
    • Contains the letters ACE together in any order : 3! * [3!]
    • contains the substrings DB and AE : 3!
    • contains either the substring AE or the substring EA : 2 * 4!
    • A appears before D : 5!/2
    • Contain neither of the substring AB, CD
      5! - number of strings contains either AB or CD [or both]
    • Contains neither of the substring AB, BE :
      5! - { 4! + 4! - 3! }
    • A appears before C and C appears before E :
      5! / 3!
    • Contains either the substring DB or the substring BE :
      4! + 4! - 3!
  • #31-36 refer to a club consisting od six distinct men and seven distinct women :
    • In how many ways can we select a committee of five persons?
      Answer = C[6+7,5]
    • In how many ways can we select a committee of three men and four women?
      Hint : use multiplication principle
    • In how many ways can we select a committee of four persons that has at least one woman?
      Answer = C[7,1] * C[6+ 7-1, 3] or C[6+7,4] - C[6,4]
    • In how many ways can we select a committee of four persons that has at most one man?
      Answer = C[7,4] + C[6,1]*C[7,3]
    • In how many ways can we select committee of four persons that has persons of both sexes?
      Answer = C[13,4] - C[6,4] - C[7,4]
    • In how many ways can we select a committee of four so that Mabel and Ralph do not serve together?
      Answer = C[13,4] - C[11,2]
  • How many 8-bit strings contain exactly three 0's ?
    Answer = 8!/[3!5!] or C[8,3]
  • How many 8-bit strings contains three 0's in a row and five 1's?
    Answer = 6!/5!
  • #63 - 66 refer to a shipment of 50 microprocessors of which four are defective.
    • In how many ways can we select a set of four microprocessors?
      answer = C[50,4]
    • In how many ways can we select a set of four non-defective microprocessors?
      Answer = C[50-4,4]
    • In how many ways can we select a set of four microprocessors containing exactly two defective microprocessors?
      Hint : How many ways to select 2 defectives and how many ways to select two non-defective?
    • In how many ways to select a set of four containing at least one defective?
      Answer = C[50,4] - C[50-4,4]
  • How many 3

    If repetition is allowed, we have 4 choices for each letter. Therefore, we can form 4*4*4 = 64 such “words". Good luck!

    How many 3

    Solution, The word SIGNATURE has 9 different letters. The number of 3-letter words that can be formed = 3!

    How many ways 4 letters can be formed from a b/c d/e and f if repetition is not allowed?

    The answer is 625 ways.

    How many three letter combinations can be made from a b/c d/e and f without repeating a letter?

    Without any restrictions on the number of repetitions, we found 216 three-letter words.

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