How to clean glass top stove burnt on plastic năm 2024

This article was co-authored by Raymond Chiu and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for, a residential and commercial cleaning service based in New York City that provides home and office cleaning services at affordable prices. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and Management from Baruch College.

This article has been viewed 24,623 times.

It's always amazing how it only takes a second for plastic to melt on the stove or in your oven. If you're tired of spending lots of time trying to remove melted plastic without much luck, read some of these time-saving solutions to common questions. In most cases, you won't need much more than elbow grease and things you already have in your pantry!

  1. To quickly harden the plastic, set a bag of ice cubes right on the plastic. The cold temperature makes the plastic harden so you can try to scrape it off.
    • This will get the outside of the bag messy, so plan on pitching it once you're done cleaning off the plastic.
    • If you've just got a little plastic, it will probably harden on its own really quickly or you could place an ice cube right on it to speed things up.
    • Don't touch the melted plastic until it cools down to avoid burning yourself.
  1. If you're lucky enough to have a self-cleaning oven feature, try running it to see how much of the plastic it can burn off of the glass door. If you still see thin streaks of melted plastic, let the oven cool down before you scrub baking soda paste on the glass.
    • Always read your oven's instruction manual. It will tell how long the self-cleaning cycle takes and how long you have to wait before you open the oven door to clean inside.
  1. If you can see a puddle of melted plastic on your glass oven door, get out a razor. Carefully hold the razor blade at a 45-degree angle and scrape off the plastic.
    • Avoid going back and forth against the glass with the razor since you don't want to scratch the glass.
  2. 2

    Scrub a baking soda paste on the glass door to remove little bits of melted plastic. If you see small stringy bits of melted plastic on the door, pour some baking soda into a bowl. Then, stir in enough water to make a paste. Spread it on the glass door and use a scrubbing brush to work it into the glass of the oven door. When you wipe off the paste with a paper towel, it should lift the melted plastic, too!

    • You may have to repeat this if you still see a little melted plastic on the glass.
    • This is also a great way to clean built-up grease from the glass door.
  1. Carefully work the blade under the plastic at a 45-degree angle. Keep moving the razor blade under the plastic until you've removed most of it.
    • Don't have a razor? You can use any firm, plastic spatula as long as it doesn't scratch the glass.
  2. 2

    Scrub baking soda and vinegar onto the surface to remove the rest of the plastic. Sprinkle baking soda right onto the stovetop where the melted plastic is at. Then, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it onto the baking soda. Let it sit for up to 20 minutes before you scrub the stovetop with a heavy-duty scrubbing sponge.

    • Wipe off the baking soda to check if the plastic is all gone. You might have to repeat this if there was a lot of melted plastic on the stove.
  1. You don't want to scratch the surface of your glass stovetop or oven door so spray a little WD-40 lubricant onto the melted plastic. Let the product sit for 5 to 10 minutes and then scrape the plastic off with a razor or firm plastic spatula.
    • Be careful not to get lubricant on your hands before you pick up the razor. This could make it slippery and tricky to handle.

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Don't cook with your oven or stovetop until you've removed the melted plastic. Melted plastic releases harmful chemicals that could contaminate your food.

It happens to the best of us: in the middle of dinner prep, a plastic bowl gets left on a hot burner and tonight’s meal cleanup just got exponentially more complicated. The smell of melting plastic is never a good sign, but it’s especially disappointing to lose a favorite mixing bowl to the wrath of a hot burner. If you’ve fallen victim to a melted plastic situation, don’t lose hope: While it may feel like an impossible mess to clean up, experts say that learning how to get melted plastic off stove top is easy.

How to get melted plastic off a stove top

Colin Matthiesen, Marketing & Quality Assurance Specialist with PR Cleaners, has more than a decade of experience in the cleaning industry and offers helpful tips to clean up the melted plastic based upon what type of stove top you have.

Have a glass top or ceramic stove top?

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Cool it down

“The first step is always to turn off the heat and allow the stove and the plastic to cool down,” Matthiesen says. “This can prevent the plastic from further melting and reduce the risk of injuries.”

Step 2: Gently scrape

Use a plastic scraper [Buy from Amazon, $8.99 for set of 10] or a razor blade at an angle to gently scrape off the plastic. Be careful to avoid scratching the glass or ceramic surface.

Step 3: Freeze the plastic

If scraping isn’t effectively removing the plastic, you may need to cool the plastic even further. Fill a gallon or quart-sized bag with ice [the size of the bag varies based on the surface area of the stain]. Place the bag of ice on top of the plastic for 15-30 minutes. Once the plastic has hardened, use the plastic scraper to remove it. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as often as needed until the stain has been resolved.

Step 4: Finish with cleaning products

Once the big plastic chunks have been removed, it’s time to clean the stove top. A couple of well known cleaning products Matthiesen has experience using are:

For glass cooktops: Cerama Bryte

This cleaner [Buy from Amazon, $11.99] was specifically designed for glass-ceramic cooktops. It helps to remove burnt-on residue without scratching the delicate surface of a glass top stove.

For hard to remove residue: Weiman Cooktop Cleaner Kit

This kit [Buy from Amazon, $18.98] includes a cleaning solution, scrubbing pad and a razor blade scraper. It is effective for heavy-duty cleaning and removing hard-to-clean, burnt-on residue.

For lighter residue: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

A swipe from a Magic Eraser [Buy from Amazon, 10 for $13.24] can be an effective tool. The proprietary formula of Magic Eraser is under lock and key, but we know it uses melamine foam to gently scrub away residue.

For all stovetops: Bar Keepers Friend Cooktop Cleaner

This non-abrasive cleaner [Buy from Amazon, 2 for $10.76] is safe for all types of stovetops and can remove burnt-on food, grease, grime and plastic. [Click through for more uses for Bar Keepers Friend.]

And if after cleaning the cooktop you notice the surface looks dulled, Kathy Cohoon, Operations Manager at Two Maids, recommends using a glass or ceramic cooktop cleaner to restore the shine.

One caveat: Before using any of the above products, pay careful attention to and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not mix cleaning solutions or use an abrasive cleaner as they tend to scratch the stove top surface, causing irreparable damage.

Prefer to make your own cleaning solution for less?

Baking soda and vinegar to the rescue! Watch how to get melted plastic off a stove top using the mix, below.

How to get melted plastic off a metal hob on a gas stove top

If you’ve got a gas cooktop with a blob of melted plastic on the metal burner, the process to remove it is pretty simple., but don’t be afraid to use extra elbow grease. When there’s more plastic to clean up, it’s likely you’ll need to be more forceful to remove all the residue.

Step 1: Let cool completely

Turn off the gas and let the metal hob cool to room temperature.

Step 2: Scrape the melted plastic

Using a plastic scraper, gently scrape off the melted plastic from the metal hob. If any plastic melted on the metal grates, it might be easier to remove the grates from the cooktop and clean the grates in a utility or kitchen sink. If any plastic remains after scraping, use a hairdryer or a heat gun on low heat to soften the plastic. Then, scrape or peel any lingering plastic.

Step 3: Clean plastic-free surface

Once the melted plastic has been successfully removed, you’ll want to use a solvent such as rubbing alcohol or nail polish to thoroughly sanitize the surface. If any residue remains, use a non-abrasive scrubbing pad with a mild, metal cleaner.

Step 4: Scrub Clean

Finish cleaning the metal hobs with a gentle metal cleaner or soapy water. Rinse and dry.

How to get rid of the melted plastic fumes

The pungent smell of melted plastic is definitely not a welcome kitchen odor. To nix it, Cohoon recommends filling small bowls with white vinegar and placing them around the room to eliminate any lingering melted plastic smells.

Matthiesen takes a slightly different approach: “Open all windows and doors to ventilate the kitchen,” he says. “You can also use a fan to facilitate air circulation.”

The best way to avoid melted plastic on a stovetop in the first place

One easy way to avoid future melted plastic mishaps, is by selecting heat-resistant materials in your cooking collection can help. Look for silicone, metal or glass items that can withstand the heat. “Always check the stove top is cool before placing anything on it .

But, if you’re notorious for melting kitchen items, consider investing in an induction cooktop. The technology behind induction cooktops is designed to produce heat with magnetic currents [which is why induction cooktops require specific cookware]. The stove top will feel cold to the touch. Many cooks prefer induction because the stove tops are easy to clean.

For more tips on how to clean your stove click through these stories:

How to Clean an Oven Quickly and Painlessly

5 Oven Cleaning Hacks to Save Time and Money


Rachel Weber is an award-winning journalist with a passion for all things lifestyle, home, and garden. She started with Better Homes & Gardens as an editorial apprentice in 2006 and has been writing and editing ever since. She teaches journalism classes at Iowa State University, works at a boutique public relations firm and loves to write about all the things she learned when she was homeschooled. She’s worked on brands like Allrecipes, Lowe’s Creative Ideas, Shape, and Better Homes & Gardens doing everything from recipe testing to designing kitchens.

Rachel holds a B.A. in journalism and psychology from Iowa State University and an M.A. in communication leadership from Drake University. She loves to crack a good dad joke and listen to Taylor Swift. She’s also pretty proud of her alphabetized spice rack and color-coded closet. A breast cancer survivor, Rachel is passionate about early detection and healthcare advocacy.

How do you get burnt residue off a glass top stove?

Fill a spray bottle with vinegar directly onto the stains. Let it work its magic for a few minutes, and wipe away the burnt-on stains with a damp cloth. For tougher burnt-on messes, sprinkle baking soda onto the areas of grime and spray vinegar on top. The baking soda and vinegar will loosen and lift away the gunk.nullHow to Clean Glass Stove Top: Burnt On Food & More! › blog › how-to-clean-glass-stove-top-burnt-on-fo...null

How do you remove heat marks from a glass top stove?

Burn marks on a glass stove top can often be removed using dish soap and white vinegar. Apply a layer of dish soap over the burn marks, followed by a mist of vinegar. This combination can effectively break down the burnt residue. For stubborn stains, a razor blade can be used to carefully scrape them off.nullHow to Remove Burns from Stove Tops - Slager › blog › remove-burns-from-stove-topnull

How to get melted plastic off a glass top stove reddit?

Safety razors are cheap and will get almost anything off your glass stovetop. Use a little dish soap md water which can help too. If you don't have something to hold the razor just tape half of it with duct tape or electrical tape so you lower the chances of cutting yourself. Try at your own risk obviously.nullhi! How can I remove this melted plastic from the stovetop ... - › fixit › comments › hi_how_can_i_remove_this_melted_...null

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