Maximizing fat-free mass is desirable for athletes involved in activities

Research Group on Food and Nutrition [ALINUT], Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Alicante, 03690 Alicante, Spain


Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Nutrients 2021, 13[9], 3255; //

Received: 29 July 2021 / Revised: 13 September 2021 / Accepted: 15 September 2021 / Published: 18 September 2021

[This article belongs to the Special Issue Applied Nutrition in Strength and Conditioning for Health and Performance]


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Managing the body composition of athletes is a common practice in the field of sports nutrition. The loss of body weight [BW] in resistance-trained athletes is mainly conducted for aesthetic reasons [bodybuilding] or performance [powerlifting or weightlifting]. The aim of this review is to provide dietary–nutritional strategies for the loss of fat mass in resistance-trained athletes. During the weight loss phase, the goal is to reduce the fat mass by maximizing the retention of fat-free mass. In this narrative review, the scientific literature is evaluated, and dietary–nutritional and supplementation recommendations for the weight loss phase of resistance-trained athletes are provided. Caloric intake should be set based on a target BW loss of 0.5–1.0%/week to maximize fat-free mass retention. Protein intake [2.2–3.0 g/kgBW/day] should be distributed throughout the day [3–6 meals], ensuring in each meal an adequate amount of protein [0.40–0.55 g/kgBW/meal] and including a meal within 2–3 h before and after training. Carbohydrate intake should be adapted to the level of activity of the athlete in order to training performance [2–5 g/kgBW/day]. Caffeine [3–6 mg/kgBW/day] and creatine monohydrate [3–5 g/day] could be incorporated into the athlete’s diet due to their ergogenic effects in relation to resistance training. The intake of micronutrients complexes should be limited to special situations in which there is a real deficiency, and the athlete cannot consume through their diet.


resistance training; bodybuilding; weight loss; fat loss; body composition; diet

1. Introduction

In sports nutrition, management of the body composition of athletes is a common practice. Loss of body weight [BW] in athletes is generally motivated by the desire to optimize performance by increasing the strength-to-body weight ratio [e.g., powerlifting or weightlifting] or to compete in a discipline limited by BW category [e.g., boxing], or for aesthetic reasons in sports that require it [e.g., bodybuilding] [,,,]. However, a hypocaloric diet could result in a significant loss of fat-free mass [FFM], which could affect the athlete’s performance [,,]. Therefore, nutritional strategies during a weight loss phase in athletes, in addition to reducing fat mass [FM], should aim to maintain FFM [,,].

Current recommendations regarding BW loss in athletes favor more moderate approaches with the intention of minimizing the negative effects associated with rapid BW loss. It has been observed that a loss of BW of 0.5–1.0 %/week, accompanied by a high protein intake and resistance exercises, could favor the retention of FFM during fat loss phases [,,,,,,,,,,,]. Nevertheless, the scientific literature on this topic in resistance-trained athletes is very limited. The latest research focuses on bodybuilders, being necessary scientific literature on dietary–nutritional and supplementation recommendations for fat loss in these athletes [,,].

Unlike in other sports where strength exercise is used to complement to the athlete’s specific training, in disciplines such as powerlifting, weightlifting and bodybuilding, resistance training forms the basis of the training []. While in weightlifting and powerlifting, a reduction in FM could improve performance through an increase in the strength-to-body weight ratio [,,], in preparation for a bodybuilding competition, a drastic reduction in FM is required to achieve optimal muscle definition [,,,,].

The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of dietary–nutritional strategies for the loss of FM and the maintenance of FFM in resistance-trained athletes from a theoretical and contextual point of view, to enable focused future systematic reviews in some subtopics. This review can be an evidence-based guide for implementing the limited and relevant available data to resistance-trained athletes during periods of calorie restriction.

2. Materials and Methods

The work comprised a descriptive study, involving a narrative review, to answer the research question, “What are the dietary–nutritional recommendations for optimal fat loss in resistance-trained athletes?”. A structured search was carried out in the PubMed, Epitesmonikos and Scopus databases, using descriptors as the Medical Subjects Headings [MeSH], entry terms and natural vocabulary related to the aim of the study []. In addition, reference lists were used for further search of the selected papers for related references.

3. Energy Intake

To achieve weight loss, the implementation of an energy deficit is required, by reduction of the energy intake [EI] and/or an increase in caloric expenditure. The exercise activity thermogenesis [EAT] is one of the components of energy expenditure associated with physical activity-related energy expenditure [,]. The magnitude and duration of this energy deficit will determine the amount of weight loss []. The performance of resistance exercise prevents the loss of FFM during periods of caloric restriction [CR] []; however, resistance-trained athletes represent a population that already performs this type of training. Traditionally, the 3500 kcal [,] rule has been used, which postulates that after accumulating a weekly caloric deficit of 3500 kcal, 1 lb of BW [0.45 kg] is lost. However, this static mathematical model of weight loss has been repeatedly questioned since, among other issues, it does not necessarily account for the metabolic adaptations caused by the energy deficit itself [,,], nor the non-lipid fraction of the adipose tissue [,]. Hall et al. [] recently proposed the “rule of 55 kcal/day per pound of BW”. Hall et al. [] explain that a person who maintains a deficit of 500 kcal per day could reduce their weight by 9 lb [4 kg] in total over a year [500 kcal/day divided by 55 kcal/day/lb], reaching a plateau at 12 months. With this 55 kcal/day rule, Hall et al. indicate a dynamic relationship between diet calories and weight loss and presents a more realistic view of the challenges experienced by patients with obesity []. However, after an objective analysis, it can be seen that the caloric intake of these people increased in an unconscious manner over time [], due in part to the increased appetite experienced after the application of an energy deficit []. This fact, added to the physiological adaptations that reduce daily energy expenditure [], facilitates the appearance of the so-called plateau in weight loss. Some of these adaptations are highlighted in the review of Trexler et al. [], who concluded that after the implementation of a caloric deficit in order to lose fat, the body activates different mechanisms to minimize this weight loss. These include a reduction in daily energy expenditure [mainly due to the loss of body mass itself and the decrease in energy expenditure associated with physical activities other than exercise, the so-called non-exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT], greater mitochondrial efficiency in the use of energy and changes in circulating hormone levels. Therefore, these factors should be considered, since, as the fat loss phase progresses, a lower caloric intake will be required to compensate for these adaptations. In aesthetic athletes, these adaptations are reduced, in part because these athletes are characterized by strict adherence to their diets [], and by increased daily energy expenditure through cardiovascular exercise throughout contest preparation [,,,,,,].

An important aspect to consider when determining the magnitude of the caloric deficit is the potential for more aggressive energy restriction to result in greater loss of FFM [], as indicated by the results of several case studies which showed greater retention of FFM with weekly weight losses of 0.5% [] than with losses of 0.7% [] or 1% of BW per week []. In the case of the latter study, the loss of FFM amounted to 42.8% of the total weight. These data are in line with the last two revisions of the nutritional recommendations for athletes during their preparation for a natural bodybuilding competition [,], for which slow weight losses were recommended in order to preserve the maximum amount of FFM, especially in the final stage of preparation, since, as the competitor reduces his or her FM, the risk of FFM loss increases when he or she is subjected to a caloric deficit [].

3.1. Low Energy Availability

Energy availability [EA] is a scientific concept that describes how much energy is available for the basic metabolic functions of the body when EAT is subtracted from EI []. To calculate EA, EAT is subtracted from EI and the result is divided by the FFM [ [EI-EAT]/FFM].

Low energy availability [LEA] consists of a mismatch between EI and EAT, resulting in an amount of energy that is inadequate to support the body’s requirements for maintenance of optimal health and performance. In women, EA for optimal physiological function amounts to 45 kcal/kg FFM/day []. Below a threshold of 30 kcal/kg FFM/day, hormonal alterations can appear [disruption in female sex hormones, decreases in T3, insulin, GH, IGF-1, leptin, and glucose, and increased cortisol]. However, it has been observed that not all women respond in the same way to the same energy insufficiency [,,]. Recently, Alwan et al. [] reviewed the physiological and psychological implications of preparations for aesthetic competitions in female athletes, concluding that in these disciplines it is common for female athletes to remain below this threshold for prolonged periods of time, especially in the pre-competitive phase, in which energy availability ranged between 18.2 and 31.1 kcal/kg FFM/day [,]. Due to this, hormonal alterations and irregularities in menstruation [] are quite frequent, and in some cases up to 71 weeks post-competition can be necessary to restore the menstrual cycle []. The appearance of irregularities in the menstrual cycle is frequently used as a secondary indicator of a long-term LEA; however, the use of contraceptive hormones could prevent this relationship from being established in some cases [,]. Considering the high prevalence of the use of hormonal contraceptives [,], it is possible that many female athletes who experience LEA are not detected, since the use of these contraceptives could maintain regular menstruation [].

Fagerberg [] reviewed the consequences of LEA in natural bodybuilders, concluding that, in men, an EA

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