Minolta mc 28mm 2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

Due to its popularity there have been quite some model variations based on the same optical design of 7 elements in 7 groups. It appeared first in 1975 in the form of a MC W.Rokkor.

MC W.Rokkor

Minolta came with a budget version for the North-American market in the form of a Celtic variant.

MC Celtic

In 1977 the lens was updated to an MD W.Rokkor version to service the XD7’s dual exposure automation.

MD W.Rokkor, first version

Again a Celtic model appeared for the North-American market.

MD Celtic, first version

Soon enough the MD W.Rokkor got a cosmetic update and lost some weight to conform with the trend to more compact lenses dictated by the Olympus OM cameras. That is the version featuring in this post, repeated here for the sake of clarity and completeness.

MD W.Rokkor, second version

Also this more compact lens was offered as a Celtic model.

MD Celtic, second version

I have seen several samples of a MD W.Rokkor variant with the looks of the Celtic lens but with the Rokkor designation up-front. Some people state that these are fakes; I don’t have enough information to confirm or deny that.

MD W.Rokkor, second version variant

The last guise in which the optical design appeared was the plain MD version without Rokkor designation, introduced in 1981.

Plain MD

Later appeared with the same 28mm 1:2.8 specification.

Image quality

All test shots are made with the Sony A7R2.

Here is the usual test scene.

Full scene at f/2.8
Centre crop at f/2.8
Upper left corner crop at f/2.8
Upper right corner crop somewhat more inside at f/2.8

To me this image quality wide-open is quite respectable, except for the extreme corners. Stopping down to f/4 though delivers more contrast and the veiling flare is gone.

Centre crop at f/8
Upper left corner crop at f/8
Lower right corner at f/8

Centre sharpness is excellent but the upper left corner is a bit disappointing. From what I see it’s coming from curvature of field that becomes more prominent on stopping down; the lower right corner crop is sharper while it is much closer.


The Minolta MD W.Rokkor 28mm 1:2.8 is an affordable introduction into the world of wide-angle legacy lenses, offering very decent image quality in a small and light package; its biggest weakness is curvature of field. I actually would prefer this lens for landscape use over the FE 3.5-5.6/28-70mm which isn’t all that great at 28mm in edges and corners. However, in my experience the Minolta 28mm is outperformed by the Sony FE 2/28, 4/24-70 and 4/16-35 lenses at their corresponding focal lengths, no contest.

I took my A37 camera out of retirement to test it and quite liked it...but in all honesty, this isn't a sharp lens unless your subject is framed centrally.


33751 date: Jan-10-2017

sharpness: 4 color: 5 build: 4 distortion: 4 flare control: 3 overall: 4

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:no comparisonprice paid:70 euros [used]positive:Very light Nice color rendition Useful focal length for FF and APS-Cnegative:Not so sharp before f/4 f/5.6 Prone to flare and lack of contrast some distorsion and CA Useless tiny inner lens hood Super thin focus ringcomment:More cons than pros in my review, and yet I like this lens and can't get out without it. I even perform pro work in photography with it, like journalism and wedding, without any shame ! If you know its weaknesses [flare and lack of sharpness wide open mostly, along with CA] and learn to play around it or use it to your advantage, it is a real bargain for its low price!

I've been using it for the past two years on a sony Nex 7, APS-C , with a resulting 42 mm focal length, and it's just the perfect street photography focal for me, below it beeing too wide angle for my taste. I'll probably give a better feedback than some other reviewers here regarding its sharpness [already falling at the edges on APS-C, it has to be worse on full frame obviously...]. I find it sharp enough and i enjoy its bokeh, not super sweet but not distracting. When situation demands it, I shoot wide open at 2.8, a bit more CA, a bit less sharp, but still very usable images.

I will soon get a better lens of comparable focal length, yet I won't sell this Minolta, as it's so light that as a backup lens, I won't feel it in my bag.


31698 date: Oct-14-2016

sharpness: 4 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 4 flare control: 4 overall: 4.4

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I used to own this lenscompared to:Minolta 24/2,8 Minolta 28/2,8 Minolta 28/2,0 Minolta 50/1,7 Minolta 100/2,8 Macro Sigma 300/4,0 Minolta 28-35/3,5-4,5 Minollta 35-70/4,0 Minolta 70-210/4,0 price paid:


positive:Size and weigth. Minolta colors.negative:Not as sharp as the other primes. Flare control not as good as the other primes. Fiddly lens hood Cornes are not really sharp, would be OK at f8.comment:Sold after got an 28 2,0. The 2,0 has a lot of better corner sharpness open and in the whole range compared to the 28 2,8. But the 28 2,8 is still a cheap and good staring lens.


11919 date: Jul-25-2014

sharpness: 4 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 5 flare control: 3 overall: 4.4

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:Sony DT 18-70, Sony DT 18-55 SAM, Sony 55-200 SAM, Minolta 50mm f1.7 RS, Minolta 35-105 [original], Minolta 75-300 II, Minolta 100-200 f4.5, Tokina 70-210mm AF 210 II, Sigma UC II 70-210mm price paid:$65positive:Good colors. Tank-like build. At 5.6, consistent qualities across the frame.negative:Soft corners wide open. Silly non-hooding hood.comment:I've a long history with this lens, since the optical formula is the same as the MD version on the SR mount with manual focus. I loved that lens, also, but not because I fooled myself into thinking that it's pro glass. It's not. The Minolta 28mm f2 was pro glass. Good luck finding one of those-MD OR AF. Meanwhile, as has been pointed out here, the 2.8 is not the sharpest sword in the armory, corners are soft wide open, and, for me, 5.6 is the sweet spot. The colors are somewhat muted compared to other early Minoltas which, according to Canikon folks, may be taken to mean that they are more accurate. Never mind. For all of its faults, or quirks, or whatever, I cannot bring myself to part with it. I've read others hinting at vague qualities, because there's just something about this lens. It simply has a certain "look" to it that balances all the different qualities you want a lens to have, whether or not you can afford glass that will excel in every area of the dark art of lens design. If you're in the business of shooting architecture, you're going to be spending more money in this range in order to reduce distortion to a minimum. Flare rejection seems problematic in the wide range anyway. But, for my money, great compromises were made in this optical design, weighing color, sharpness, distortion, flare rejection, speed, cost, and build. Again, it's not pro glass, but some of my favorite pictures have come from this lens, because of the balancing act of lens qualities performed by Minolta. I stole mine on ebay for 65 bucks. It was filthy. I cleaned it. It has the same look as my old MD. Once I can afford something of pro quality in the range, I might sell it. Then again, I might not. On APS-C cameras, it makes a great walk-around lens, since it translates to 42mm, which takes me back to rangefinder cameras when they often had 40mm lenses, like my old Hi-Matic E. Also, it's good indoors in a museum, where flash is prohibited, and you can keep ISO down.


11572 date: Jan-1-2014

sharpness: 4 color: 4 build: 5 distortion: 5 flare control: 4 overall: 4.4

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I used to own this lenscompared to:Minolta AF 50 f1.7 Minolta AF 24-50 f4.0 Minolta AF 28-135 f4-4.5 Sony 18-135 f3.5-5.6 Konica Minolta 11-18 f4.5-5.6 price paid:65€positive:Small, light, build, fast AF focus Beautiful bokehnegative:Some flare-ghostling issues Not very sharp for a prime comment:Bought this used but almost mint. Almost 30 years lens that seems to have 3, amazing build.

This was my initiation lens, never get it out from the camera during the first 2 months. Only good words about it, but it´s range it´s not so useful on a APSC sensor for me, because I almost take lanscape pictures, so I sold it to buy a Minolta 11-18.

Not so sharp as a Minolta AF 50 f1.7 I used to own and not so good colors, maybe because I used it on a sony a230 and now I´m comparing with a slt a37 pictures.

Sold it to help me afford a used Minolta 11-18 and a used sony 18-135, but it´s a jewel for its price for somebody with a FF camera o who likes fixed focal lenght lenses


11484 date: Nov-16-2013

sharpness: 4.5 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 4 flare control: 4 overall: 4.5

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:24-85 f3.5-4.5 35-70 f4 35-105 f3.5-4.5 [0riginal] Sigma 24 f2.8 28-135 f4-4.5 24 f2.8 RSprice paid:$50 USD [used]positive:Acceptable as a "standard" lens on APS-C Small and light Fast focus even in low light Decent bokehnegative:So-so sharpness for a prime [better on a900] color on a700 slightly subdued The built in "hood" is a joke [a filter gives the same "shading" as this hood]comment:This lens is a bit underwhelming in my opinion. The overall performance isn't actually bad, but I had been hoping that it would handily outperform the zoom lenses that are close to its range at least in terms of sharpness and distortion...

The truth is that unless I need the extra little bit of wide range and the extra stop of light gathering, I prefer the 35-70 f4 or 35-105 to this lens for overall IQ. If I were to pick a single prime to mount up for walkaround, then the Sigma 24 f2.8 SWII would get the nod as I like the rendering and crisper look of the images I get from it, as well as the versatility that its close focus capability offers.

The 28 f2.8 certainly has good qualities, but it feels like a compromise in almost every way when compared to other lenses in my kit. I think that the only thing I would use it for as my go-to would be street photography on an overcast day where the extra light gathering was a benefit, or in a situation where I couldn't get enough distance from my subjects to make the 35mm focal length viable, but didn't want the the images to have an obvious wide-angle look.

If I hadn't gotten a deal on this lens I would be pretty disappointed, but at $50 total cost I can keep it in the bag without feeling guilty, in my opinion this lens won't be worth the average $80-100 used retail price to many Dyxum users.

P.S. If I would rate the color at a 4.5 if that was an option, it's not *bad* color, just not quite as pleasing as the best of the first gen. Maxxum lenses.

** after using the 28 f2.8 for a few more weeks, I have to say that its positive qualities are beginning to win me over... the goodness in this lens is subtle while the failings are less subtle, however I am beginning to get the hang of using it to its best advantage; as long as the shot doesn't need ultimate sharpness, punchiest contrast [by Minolta standards that is] or perfect linearity, but *does* need a quick handling lens with just-wide-of-standard angle of view, then the feel that the 28 f2.8 imparts on images makes it worth bringing along in the pack.

**Now that I've used this lens on the a900, I'm more impressed by its capability, stopping down past f5.6 gives excellent sharpness and on FF it seems to have slightly more pronounced contrast and saturation. Bokeh remains smooth and linear distortion doesn't seem to be notably worse when compared to use on APS-C.

Tom Ely

11235 date: Jul-5-2013

sharpness: 4.5 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 4 flare control: 3 overall: 4.3

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:


price paid:100positive:




comment:Quality lens.

For the cash it's quite unbelievable cosidering the cost of many lenses today.

When coupled with the Minolta 7D, it's the dream ticket. I say this as the 7D is sssslloooooowww by todays standards, but this lens makes it a perfect camera.

It hasn't been off my Minolta 7D for a long time.


11053 date: Apr-18-2013

sharpness: 4.5 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 5 flare control: 4 overall: 4.7

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:35/2, 50/1.4price paid:


positive:Sharp center wide open, all over at f5.6 Small, light and excellent buildnegative:Soft corners until f4comment:I really like this lens, and usually take it with me when I carry my A850, though the 35/2 is better and now that I own another, will likely carry it instead of the 28 and 50.

This was a very inexpensive lens when new, but it doesn't show. Build quality is the same as my more expensive Minolta primes and the optical quality matches. Useable wide open, but stopped down to f5.6 or f8 you won't do any better at any price. As a primarily landscape and travel lens I'll trade wide-open sharpness for light weight, small size and excellent build quality any day.

I got mine for $50 and use it far more than my 24/2.8, which isn't any sharper at medium apertures.


10601 date: Oct-18-2012

sharpness: 4.5 color: 5 build: 5 distortion: 4 flare control: 5 overall: 4.7

tested on:

  • film camera:
  • APS-C: 6MP; 10MP; 12MP; 14MP; 16MP; 20MP; 24MP
  • full frame: 12MP; 24MP; 36MP; 42MP; 61MP ownership:I own this lenscompared to:Carl Zeiss 2470Z price paid:100 USD [USED]positive:Very compact. Very sharp. See comments. Excellent color. Excellent flare control. Extremely tight built and good feel. Fast and quite AF. negative:Not so good extreme corner sharpness. None. comment:This is a GOOD Lens, I mean it. Though a 1985 design, it is not old, Sony has a exactly same copy for it for several years.

If you can find it for 100USD, don't think, go for it!!

It has the typical Minolta household color, a top class built, I mean the focus ring even feels like a manual lens. Center sharpness is on par with Carl Zeiss 24-70 on F2.8, corner is not so good wide open, but at F5.6 it is as good as center.

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