oregon là gì - Nghĩa của từ oregon

oregon có nghĩa là

No sales tax and people pump your gas for you and minimum wage is 7.25! I'm all for it!


Let go to Oregon so we dont have to pump our own gas!

oregon có nghĩa là

A state where everyone moves to to get away from other states that they don't like. Oregon is very schizophrenic in that it has all those hippies but also some of the most conservative people anywhere. All Oregonians, though, seem to share at least some things in common. One is a love of the outdoors. The other is a generally non violent nature. A third is a a lack of fascination with getting rich. And they don't care if you don't like the weather or think they are boring, or think they are "wannabee Seattle". They're just happy they moved here because things sucked where they were.

Oregon is still mostly unspoiled and beautiful, but it lacks any "old world" charm if you like that. Its not so different from California or Washington anymore, although the older natives still prefer to think of it as "special". Its greatest charm lies in the Willamette Valley, the coast, and the Columbia River Gorge. Its greatest disappointment lies in the over logged mountains that seldom get very tall or seem grand like real mountains should. Another disappoinment is the encroaching strip malls and developments that ring the Portand area and larger towns.

Oregon's weather can be divided into two "seasons" - warm and sunny, or cool and cloudy. From July to December, it progresses in an orderly fashion from the first to the second. From January to June, it doesn't. Although the November rains bother some, they are at least relatively warm and predicable.
The April-June rains on the other hand, are cold and unpredicable. By June, you are often living under conditions that are colder than almost anywhere else in the country, then suddenly it is 100 degrees almost overnight. And after hot July and August, beautiful and almost perfect September, the October rains are not as unwelcome as you might think.

Oregon is a state of intense contrast like the spring weather. Hot and cool. Liberal and conservative. Just don't move here if you a] don't like the outdoors, b] want to get rich or c] think that the state is filled with nothing but hicks and dirty hippies.


"..while up here in Oregon, they're going to have a lot of very tall trees" Bill Murrey's weather report in "Groundhog Day."

oregon có nghĩa là

Best place ever. Every other state sucks. Its not raciest and not boring. Its fun. Its hot for 3 months of the year. Great things to do. The only place with year round snowbording in the united states. Great places to go swimming at, snowbording, skining, skating. Has the only underage gay night club on the west cost. Has 2 stupid football teams.


Tom: is that a black person?
Tim: Yes, but this is oregon we are not going to be raceist.
Tom: Okay i love black people.

oregon có nghĩa là

State of the union where the people and the speed limits are all five miles an hour slower than the rest of the country.


I was making good time until I hit Oregon.

oregon có nghĩa là

The center of the pacific northwest where were really dust dont give a damn about the rest of the country. We're not hippies we just hate bullshit. Yes, we have a drug problem, who doesnt, yes one of our govorners was in the KKK... get over it. Our speed limits are lower but we drive faster anyway. We dont care, leave us alone, you really arent welcome here.... by the way its pronounced ory-gun


I'm an Oregonian... Fuck California

oregon có nghĩa là

full of fags and mexicans just like the rest of lame ass america


oregon was once awesome but queer evil liberal nazi homo fags totally ruined it
it's been bad here ever since we had that child molester governor who was jimmy carter's labor secretary
fuck this place
kill and eat the rich

oregon có nghĩa là

oregon is the best place in the world it is lush and green and unforgettable. first i have to say go beavers![orange and black]
and i was born in oregon and grew up a little there and as soon as i turn 18 its out of the house and back to oregon for me!
As soon as you cross to oregon buy a tub of tilamok ice cream its the best ever! and oregon has the hugest trees so for all you tree hugers good luck but you will never be able to fit your arms around those trees! please reserve oregon and keep it green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oregon is always rainy and that means its time to sing because singing in the rain is the best! there is also lots of slugs!


lets go oregon bevers!

oregon có nghĩa là

The best state in the U.S. Californians hates us but that just because their state is full of fags and it’s is governed by a fucking movie actor. We have amazingly hot women and the best scenic views you could ever see. The only reason we are racist is because Mexicans realize that Oregon has allot of jobs. We have the best skiing and snowboarding in America. People from all over America come to the Columbia George to wind surf. You can come to visit but don’t move it. o, and we pronounce it ORY-GUN not ORY-gone you dumbasses.


I never want to leave Oregon. California sucks dick and who the fuck would ever want a movie actor to run a state. he might be able to kill robots in a movie but that doesnt make him able to run a state fuck-tards

you can talk all the shit you want about oregon, I will be at Mt. Hood hitting the slopes all year round bithes.

oregon có nghĩa là

1. California's fifth largest county.
2. Home of the world’s tallest trailer, rain, the loudest chain saw, rain, the largest spruce-bark canoe, and more rain.
3. Place where mighty college mascots are a beaver and a duck.
4. Place where disgruntled “southern” Californians from the Bay Area, tired of freedom and proud of their very tiny miniscule carbon footprints, reside in perfect blissful intolerance with the other player hater, ecofascism, tweaker, drugslut, hedonist hippies.

Memo to other Oregon definition writers: THIS IS NOT A TRAVEL GUIDE…SO STOP LYING!!!

Consider the Oregon County Credo: “When people attempt to rebel against the iron laws of nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against nature must lead to their own downfall.” [Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, 1925]

Disguised as grandparents, rich preppy snobs, techno-wankers, and assorted corporate suckups, they feed upon the blood of the free and fun-loving, by passing laws that force you to have a certified professional pump your gas, a city planner to make you take care of your property a certain way, and 10 times the number of bike racks needed for each private business. Hairy-armpit-hos, showerless emo-grungers, and wigged out wookie stooges continuously protest against freedom, much to the approval of the corporations in the service industry and the blood-sucking we-know-whats-good-for-you-bullies. Their pending legislation and lack of infrastructure development will soon force car owners to either drive a Yugo-type hybrid or subjugate themselves to mass transit and living in 2 bedroom townhomes.

The native Oregonian is practically extinct due to the massive influx of rodent-like sheep-people that spawn like rabbits and take advantage of the laws that extend health care, day care, hair care, bus fair and any other right not covered in any constitution anywhere. My family has lived in Oregon for three generations and I will be leaving for good once I graduate from High School.


Oregon used to be a nice place to live now out of my way so I can get out of here!

oregon có nghĩa là

an on the fence state. it is not as homosexual as california and not as drug addicted as washington.


oregon is right in between

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