Past modals for speculating là gì

Modal Verbs: Chi tiết cách học và sử dụng


Có bao giờ bạn thắc mắc tại sao trong cùng một câu, đôi khi người ta sử dụng , đôi lúc sử dụng , hoặcĐây là những  rất hay gặp trong tiếng anh. Và để sử dụng các  hay  này, Aland đã soạn nội dung này để cùng với mọi người thảo luận nhé.

Trong bài ngày hôm nay, chúng ta cùng tìm sâu hơn về can, could, may nói riêng và động từ khuyết thiếu- Modal verbs nói chung nhé. Từ đó, chúng ta có thể tìm ra nguyên căn lý do vì đâu mà người bản ngữ thay đổi mặc dù trong cùng một câu như vậy?

I. Modal verb là gì

, hay động từ khuyết thiếu, động từ khiếm khuyết là những động từ được coi là bất quy tắc và dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ chính trong câu, do đó, sau modal verbs, động từ chính thường giữ nguyên không chia.

có chức năng diễn tả mục đích và ngữ nghĩa của câu, bao gồm khả năng, sự cho phép, bắt buộc, cần thiết, dự đoán, yêu cầu, .

có những đặc điểm nổi bật cần lưu ý:

Có rất nhiều cách học Modal verbs, tuy nhiên, học gộp cũng có hiệu quả, mà học lẻ từng từ một cũng là một cách nhiều bạn áp dụng.

II. Modal verbs thông dụng và chức năng của nó

Diễn tả sự bắt buộc ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

You must go to bed at 11.30 pm everyday.

Mustnt- sự cấm đoán, không được làm gì đó.

Example: You mustnt smoke at the hospital.

Phủ định của must là had to.

Example: They had to do this task yesterday because of running out of time.

Lời đoán hoặc sự chắc chắn về điều gì đó có căn cứ.

He must be very tired after working hard all day long.

Diễn tả khả năng hiện tại hoặc tương lai mà ai đó có thể làm được, hoặc sự việc nào đó có thể xảy ra.

I can speaking English fluently.

It can rain today.

Can và could thường có cùng chức năng: diễn tả khả năng của ai đó hoặc cái gì có thể xảy ra, sự cho phép. Tuy nhiên sắc thái khác nhau. Can dùng hiện tại, could dùng quá khứ và có phần lịch sự hơn.


Can I borrow your book?

Could I borrow your book?

Yêu cầu sự cho phép

Can I use your computer?

Diễn tả khả năng

Smoking can cause lung cancer.

Diễn tả khả năng trong quá khứ

I could read when I was six years old.

Sự xin phép một cách lịch sự

Excuse me, Could I use your phone?

Diễn tả khả năng

It could rain tomorrow!

Sự cho phép

May I use your phone please?

May và might dùng để xin phép, tuy nhiên might hầu như chỉ dùng trong câu gián tiếp và ít dùng trong văn nói.

Example: He asked if she might come later.

May và might đều nói về khả năng nhưng mức độ xảy ra thấp khi dùng might, còn mức độ xảy ra cao hơn khi dùng may.


I may join you tomorrow.

I might join you tomorrow.

Với quá khứ, chúng ta sử dụng may have/ might have


I wonder why kate didnt answer her phone? She may have been asleep.

I can find my jey anywhere.- You might have left it at work.

Khả năng, xác suất

It may rain tomorrow!

Hỏi sự cho phép một cách lịch sự.

Might I interrupt for a moment?

Khả năng, xác suất

The car looks nice but it might be expensive.

Không cần thiết, không bắt buộc phải làm gì đó.

I neednt come with us.

Có thể sử dụng dont/ doesnt need to

We dont need to hurry.

50 % sự ép buộc

You should / ought to see a doctor.

Should/ ought to cũng được dùng khi diễ tả điều gì đó không đúng nếu không xảy ra.

Example: Wheres Jane?- She should be here right now.

Lời khuyên

You should / ought to revise your lessons at home.

Kết luận có căn cứ

He should / ought to be very tired. He's been working all day long.

Lời khuyên [ tốt hơn hết là..]

You'd better do the homework right now.

Bắt buộc phải làm gì đó vì sự cần thiết

You have to sign your name here.

Mức độ bắt buộc của have to không cao bằng must.

Phủ định của have to là dont/ doesnt have to.

Đoán sự việc có thể xảy ra trong tương lai

It will be rainy tomorrow

Will và would có thể dùng trong câu đề nghị, yêu cầu, lời mời.

Example: Will you give me your address?

Would you like some coffee?

Diễn tả giả định xảy ra, dự đoán sự việc xảy ra trong quá khứ

He would be exhausted when hear this bad news.

Đề xuất làm gì với ngôi I, we hoặc giao nhiệm vụ cho người khác một cách trang trọng

What shall we meet?

We shall commit doing the articles in the agreement.

III. Modal verb thông dụng và phân loại modal verbs

Có 5 loại modal verbs chính mà Aland đã phân tích và tổng hợp một cách ngắn gọn nhất như dưới đây:

  1. Ability

can, could, be able to

  1. Permission

can, could, may, be allowed to

  1. Obligation and Necessity

Must, have to, have got to, need to

  1. Advice

should, ought to, had better

  1. Possibility

might, may, could, can

>>> Tham khảo thêm video Modal Verbs Grammar để nắm bắt tổng quan về modal verbs trước khi đi vào chi tiết từng loại nhỏ nhé:

Example: Can you sing? I can speak fluent French when I was 6.

Example: We can see the beach from our house.

The word dance can be a noun or a verbs

Thể phủ định : cant= cannot

Example: We are able to see the beach from our house.

Example: I could smell gas when I walk into the room

Chúng ta dùng  để nói rằng ai đó đã có khả năng, kĩ năng làm việc gì đó trong quá khứ.

Example: My uncle could speak 4 languages.

We were free. We could do what we wanted.

Example: I am able to write the lyrics of a song = I can write the lyrics of a song.

Example: I cant sleep - I havent been able to sleep.

Moana can speak Spanish and English - Candidates for the contest must be able to speaking two foreign language.

Example: The fire spread quickly but everyone was able to escape. [NOT could escape]

George was excellent badminton player when he was younger. He could beat anybody. [= he was good enough to beat anybody, he had the ability]

Jane and George play a match yesterday. Jane played well, but George managed to beat him. [= George succeeded in beating Jane this time]

1. I havent been sleep very well recently. [ could/ able to/ can]

2. I .. swim to safety [ can/ could/ was able to]

3. I . get you a chips when I go to the shop, if you want. [ can/ could/ able to]

4. Dennis .play the trumpet after weeks last month. [ can/ could/ was able to]

5. After his car crashes he was so confused that he  tell the police who he was or where he was going. [ can/ cant/ could/ couldnt]

1. Able to   2. Was able to     3. Can    4. Could  5.couldnt


You may go as soon as you have finished your work.

May I go to the restroom, Mr. Crowd?


Could I bring my brother to the party?

You could go to any shop in the mall you wanted to.


Can I borrow your book?

You can sit here until he come.

Example: I are not allowed to use your calculator on your maths exam.

You were allowed backstage after my third attempt.

1. . I have more cheese on my sandwich? [medium formal]

2. . she have a cookies? [casual]

3. .. I go to the washroom? [ most polite]

4. hey buddy, I cant get a connection on my phone. . I borrow yours? [ can/ could/ may]

5. Theres a lot of noise coming from outside, we could not focus on presentation.  I close the window? [ can/ could/ may]

: 1.could       2. Can  3. May     4. Can     5. May

Example: You cant turn right here. You have to turn left.

Chúng ta có thể nói  Ill have to., Im going to have to.., I might have to..., I may have to

Example: We may have to change the plans.


He is a really nice person. I must meet him/ I have to phone him.


I have to work from 8.30 to 6.00 everyday.

Steve has to travel a lot for her work.


Applications for the job must have 2 foreign languages.

Example: They has to work overtime >< They>

1. I . drink a few cups of coffee to stay awake. [ need to/ must]

2. We . book in advance. It isnt much crowded [ dont need to/ need to/ mustnt/ dont have to]

3. You . eat less if you want to lose weight. [must/ need to]

4. We have plenty of time. We . hurry. [mustnt/ neednt/ dont have to]

5. I dont want anyone to know about out plan. You .. tell anyone. [ mustnt/ dont have to/ doesnt have to].

: 1. Need to  2. Dont need to   3. Must     4. Neednt  5. Mustnt


You should go home, you worked all day long.

The organization should held more activities to raise fund.

Example: The organization ought to held more activities to raise fund.

Phủ định: shouldnt have done


I wonder why theyre so late. They should have come here long ago.

You missed a great party last night. You should have come. Why didnt you?

Should và should have done:


You look tired. You should go to bed now.

You went to bed very late last night. You should have gone to bed earlier.

1. Im feeling sick. I ate too much


2. When we went to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadnt reserved one.


3. Laura told me her address, but I didnt write it down. Now I cant remember the house number.


4. I wasnt feeling well yesterday, but I went to work. That was a mistake. Now I feel worse.


5. Tomorrow there is a football match between Team A and team B. team A are much better.


1. You should eat too much

2. We should have reserved before

3. I should have written down her address.

4. I shouldnt have gone to work.

5. Team A should win the match.

- May, might có thể nói về khả năng thực hiện hoặc xảy ra điều gì trong tương lai.

Example: Take an umbrella with you. It might rain later.

I havent decided where to go on holiday. I may go to Ireland.

- Phủ định của may là might là .

Example: She might not know now.

Ở quá khứ, chúng ta sử dụng may have. hoặc might have.

Example: I wonder why Kate didnt answer her phone.- She may have been asleep.


Its a strange story, but it could be true

I could have left your phone at work.

- Tuy nhiên,  lại dùng khác với may not và might not.


Tina couldnt have received my message. Otherwise she would have replied. [= it is not possible that she got my message]

Why hasnt Tina replied to my message? I suppose she might not have received it [= its possible that she didnt receive it- perhaps she did, perhaps she didnt]

1. They [can/ might] .. be away for the weekend but Im not sure.

2. Where are you going for your holidays?- I havent decided yet. I .. go to London. [ might/ am going/ can]

3. We havent heard from him for fifteen years. He .. died [ may have/ could have]

4. Do you know where Helen is?- Im not sure. She in her room [ might/ can]

5. You should introduce yourself. He .remember you. [might not/ may not/ couldnt]

: 1. Might    2. Might    3. Both is correct  4. might    5. Might not/ may not

1. Rose and Ted _________________ be good players. They have won hundreds of cups !

2. You _________________ pay to use the library. Its free.

3. Im not sure where my wife is at the moment. She _________________ be at her dance class.

4. Jerry _________________ be working today. He never works on Sundays.

5. You _________________ be 18 to see that film.

6. You _________________ hear this story. Its very funny.

7. Dad _________________ go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.

8. You dont have to shout. I _________________ hear you very well.

9. It _________________ be him. I saw him a week ago, and he didnt look like that. 10. You look pretty tired. I think you _________________ go to bed early tonight.

Answer key:

1. must

2. dont have to

3. might

4. cant


6. must

7. should

8. can

9. cant

10. should

may be Toms

may not be feeling well

may not be possible

might be in her room

might be Brazilian

might be driving

might have one might know

1. A: Do you know where Helen is?

B: Im not sure. She might be in her room .

2. A: Is there a bookshop near here?

B: Im not sure, but ask Anna. She . ...

3. A: Where are those people from?

B: I dont know. They . ...

4. A: I hope you can help me.

B: Ill try, but it . .

5. A: Whose phone is this?

B: Its not mine. It ..

6. A: Why doesnt George answer his phone?

B: He ...

7. A: Do you know anyone who has a key to this cupboard?

B: Rachel , but Im not sure. ...

8. A: Gary is in a strange mood today.

B: Yes, he is. He ..

2. might know

3. might be Brazilian

4. may not be possible

5. may be Toms

6. might be driving

7. might have one

8. may not be feeling well

Trên đây là một phần kiến thức về Modal verbs thông dụng, các bạn có thể tham khảo và làm bài tập thực hành để hiểu rõ hơn về  nhé.

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