Playlist of my life essay

My Life as a Soundtrack

My Life as a Soundtrack

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if there was to be a soundtrack playing in the background of it all. The soundtrack would just continue to play making sure to capture every moment in my life a significant one. When approaching a crush the soundtrack would be sure to pick a song that explained exactly how I was feeling, or on the days when nothing seems to be going my way, music that I like to call thinking music would continually play. Although having a soundtrack playing in the background of my life is an impossible idea to happen, there are still those certain songs that seem to sing in my head for every moment I have experienced in my life. From the days that seem perfect, to the days that have never ending misfortunes, there is almost one song to capture and describe every single one of the moments.

When thinking of my childhood an endless stream of memories comes spilling to my mind. As a child the word love became a whole new meaning to me. Being naïve and innocent during my childhood made me see the world as a happy, go-lucky, loving place. In the song Love Today, by Mika the chorus lyrics;
Everybodys gonna love today, gonna love today,
Everybodys gonna love today, gonna love today,
Anyway you want to; anyway youve got to,
Love, love me, love, love me, love, love, [1-4]
really defines a part of my childhood. The lyrics relate to the times when all of the kids on my block would hang out together everyday for hours at a time. Whether it was playing with sidewalk chalk, rolling down steep hills, until hives would appear on our stomachs, eating grass at the park, seeing who could find the biggest dandelion, or even just laying in the grass for hours naming the different shapes we saw in the clouds, we all had a reason to love the today we were in and love it anyway we wanted to. Everyone has had those certain on going fears when they were younger. As a child I was deathly scared of monsters. I believed that monsters lived underneath my bed, and that they could come through my bedroom window, and make a feast out of me. The only way for me to go to sleep feeling safe in my own bedroom would be if my mom would spray water at the window, and underneath my bed. I thought the water to be a magical potion to rid monsters forever from entering and living in my bedroom. The song Lullaby, by Jack Johnson begins the with the lyrics,
When you're so lonely lying in bed
Nights closed its eyes but you can't rest your head
Everyones sleeping all through the house
You wish you could dream but forgot to somehow
Sing this lullaby to yourself
Sing this lullaby to yourself. [1-6]
This song relates a lot to how my fears as a child would make me feel. Even though the lullaby that I may have sung to myself was not exactly a lullaby, it was always something to help me to feel safer and comforted from my fears. In my case that lullaby for me was the magic water potion that rid away all monsters.

Every spring the bruises, dust, scars, mouth guards, goggles, beaten up sticks, and the tan lines that only a lacrosse player could possibly achieve getting, take over my life once again. Lacrosse is one of those sports that have an addicting affect on you. Whether it is during the season or off season lacrosse is still a topic that is thrilling to talk about. In the song Down together, by the Refreshments the chorus reminds me a lot my lacrosse team experiences.
So lets go down together
Down together
Down together
Lets go down together
Down together
Down together
Together. [23-30
In lacrosse everything is done with a team outlook. If the defense does not put all of their effort into keeping a girl away from the goal, the team as a whole suffers from their little mistake. Playing on a team sport has made me realize what being on a team really means, and what affect it has on everyone. Going to state this year has showed me that up until that one game if one girl goes down, we all go down as a whole; we go down together as a team.Mmy most recent summers are my most cherished memories. To sum up the one thing responsible for my endless memories would be Jewish summer camp. Every summer I would excitedly begin to pack my entire life away for a month and a half, and little did I know what new and exciting experiences would become of themselves. The song Save Tonight, by Eagle Eye Cherry is one song that can be sure to define what effect camp had on me every summer.
Save tonight
and fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow,
Tomorrow I'll be gone.
There's a log on the fire
and it burns like me for you,
Tomorrow comes with one desire
to take me away it's true.
It ain't easy to say goodbye
darling please don't start to cry
Cause girl you know I've got to go, oh
Lord I wish it wasn't so. [13-24]
Going to camp had me on my toes every second. From being initiated and initiating others in ways that cannot be said, going down a hill called Suicide Hill, in a luggage cart, discovering new meanings to words, sneaking out to see that special someone, and most importantly making friendships that last a lifetime. Camp is one of those experiences that will keep you talking non stop all year long about the inside jokes and eventful days, until the next summer would come bringing more to talk about. Every summer I would never want to come home knowing that tomorrow Ill be gone.

When I was 6 years old thinking what life would hold for me in six years seemed so far in the future, that I never thought I would make it. The truth of the matter is I actually did make it to 16, but now looking back on the past ten years, time has seemed to fly right past my eyes. When I think about where I want to be in ten years is a scary thought for me, knowing that those ten years will too fly right past my eyes. The funny thing about the future is that you always tend to think and hope for one thing, when in reality, the complete opposite happens. The song Dont Stop Believing, by Journey really reminds me to keep on believing for the best in my future.
Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlights, people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlights, people. [13-26]
In the future I know that I will face hardships, but no matter what the circumstances are I must believe in what I want. I can talk of all of the memories that I hope to have in ten years, when the truth is whats the fun in coming up with unreal memories instead of just waiting to find out what life has in store for you. In ten years there is one definite thing that I know that I want to have. That one thing is to have all of memories from my past and present; every single detail, never forgetting one moment. Memories are the most important thing to hold on to. They are something to laugh about, cry about, and sometimes to become angry about. Even today I am creating a memory for my future that I will be able to look back onto. Without having all of the memories in your future, you can never learn from past experiences to make better for the future. The song Caught by the River, by Doves, reminds me to not let go of everything that I have learned in my future.
son what are you doing?
you learned a hard lesson
when you stood by the water
you and i were so full of love and hope
would you give it all up now?
would you give in just to spite them all?
and you give it all away
would you give it all away now?
don't let it come apart
don't want to see you come apart. [11-20]
It is important for me in my future to not give away everything that I have learned and hold onto all of my memories.
From the days that seem perfect, to the days that have never ending misfortunes, there is almost one song to capture and describe every single one of the moments. Songs and their melodies have an incredible way of taking you back to a time that is most memorable. Songs have the ability to make you feel as if you are the only one that exists for those couple of minutes. Whether you want a song to fit your free spirited mood, or songs that will make you tear up with every word sung, there is a song to capture every feeling. Song writers use their own emotions and words to allow you to create a whole new story of your own relating to the song. Songs have much more meaning inside them than just the catchy melody; they make a lasting impression.

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