Real calendula peel off pack review năm 2024

I have used this mask over a month now and about once or twice a week. On the first go, I did not apply enough so when I went to remove the mask I did not see much of an effect but noticed my skin felt a lot smoother and more matte compared to my naturally oily skin.

I continue to use this pack when I have breakouts but not on open spots and it helps reduce the redness and sensitivity on my skin while restoring moisture and removing dead skin cells that are around my non-active spots.

When I remove the mask, I use an upward/towards the centre motion and peel it off slowly so the mask can lift off any impurities - for me that is excess sebum and whiteheads. I wouldn't say this is a painful mask but if it gets on your hairs it does hurt when you peel it off and it even takes off a few facial hairs. My most noticeable areas are my nose and chin where my pores are larger but I am not a person that has blackheads.

Overall The mask helps calm and soothe my skin while cleaning out my pores and removing dead skin cells but the results are not as dramatic as you see on the Instagram ad. It is recommended you use this for 4 weeks to see good results and I do have clearer skin/pores especially on my nose. I like how the mask always comes off as one so you don't have messy bits and I enjoy the 30-minute waiting time where I can catch up on some TV or socials. Will I purchase this again? Yes.

I have reviewed the APRILSKIN Magic Snow BB Cushion and I will like to try more from APRILSKIN. This product is now stocked in selected Mannings and Watsons stores in Hong Kong. You can get this directly from the April Skin

Is there anything more satisfying than a good peel-off product? Whether it’s a nose strip or a mask, we all love to peel away dry, dead skin & reveal baby soft, smooth, refreshed skin. Despite our innate love for these products, we have to be careful when choosing a peel-off product. Why? In addition to peeling away the undesirables, these products can actually peel away the surface layer of your skin, disrupting skin’s moisture barrier & causing irritation to the skin. Irritation can lead to inflammation & a whole host of skin problems that none of us want to deal with. Also many peel-off products are most peel-off products are made with polyvinyl alcohol, a plastic adhesive commonly used to laminate safety glass. Yikes!

So you want to be careful when choosing a peel-off product. Words such as gentle & safe for sensitive skin can be indicators that the product you are considering putting on your precious facial skin is less likely to leave it looking like a tomato. Having super sensitive skin & having experienced losing a layer [or two] to peel-off products [that darned painful Elizavecca Hell-Pore Longo Longo Gronique Diamond Peel-Off Mask… don’t even be tempted] has made me especially leery to putting anything labeled peel-off on my face [which is too bad because I sure do love those cold wax, peel-off eyebrow strips]. Someday I will tell y’all the story of how I went to a job interview with no skin on my nose & cheeks; not a good look. I also tend to get really red at the drop of a hat, so peel-off products are generally a no-no for me.

Even if your skin is strong enough to withstand the pull of a peel-off without irritation, these masks aren’t necessarily doing your skin any favors. These masks generally cannot penetrate pores due to the water resistant & oil resistant plastic in the formulation.

All of this does not sound like I am about to give a glowing review for a peel-off product, does it? But, I am. This mask is different. Keep reading below for information & my thoughts about AprilSkin’s Real Calendula Peel Off Pack.

🌼About AprilSkin🌼

AprilSkin is a natural cosmetic brand founded in South Korea in 2014. The company’s goal is to use only natural ingredients to renew skin cells for a healthy complexion. AprilSkin chose their name because April signifies the beginning of Spring. The brand hopes to bring about rejuvenation of new skin, to reveal radiant & beautiful skin.

🌼Product Information🌼

Relax, kick back, & let this mask go to work for you. This Calendula Flower-infused mask sticks to skin impurities like glue. With blackheads, dead skin, oil, dirt, & debris cleared away, nutrients & products providing moisture to skin are better able to absorb. Skin looks clearer, smoother, & more even. This mask is recommended for those with normal, dry, oily, combination or sensitive skin. This mask will address dullness, dryness, rough texture, imperfections, blackheads, & excess oil. The results after using this mask as smooth, soft, supple skin & a brighter complexion. Your makeup will apply better & you will notice clear pores. This mask will also balance the oil levels in your skin. This mask is formulated without sulfates, parabens, artificial fragrances, gluten or toxins. It will not cause irritation.

🌼Key Benefits🌼

This mask is safe for even the most sensitive skin. Pure Calendula flower petals soothe & soften the skin. Due to a smaller molecular structure, this mask penetrates deeper than other peel-off style masks. You will note visible results in 4 weeks of consistent use. You will reveal clearer, smoother, & more even skin.

🌼Key Ingredients🌼

Calendula flower, which soothes & protects skin with healing properties. It’s antiseptic & antibacterial properties make it powerful against acne, while it’s anti-inflammatory properties help to calm even the most sensitive skin. This mask also contains AprilSkin’s flower complex, which is made from the extracts & oils from 5 different flowers clinically proven to promote healthy skin. Anti-inflammatory Starflower, Cornflower, & Chamomile Flower extracts soothe dry, itchy, scaly skin, leaving skin soft & smooth. Lavender & Clary oil team up to target bacteria lurking in your pores & stopping acne in it’s tracks. Orange peel oil clears up acne, reduces puffiness & redness, evens out skin tone, smooths skin texture, brightens & moisturizes. Texas Cedarwood & Balsam Torchwood Bark oils help to clear away acne, while helping to soothe & repair ultra dry skin.

🌼How to Use🌼

After cleansing skin, apply an even layer of mask to clean, dry skin, avoiding eyes, lips & hairline. Use the silicone brush for a more even application. Leave on for 30 minutes or until the mask is completely dry. Gently peel off the mask from the outer edges & wipe away any remaining mask with a fresh, clean towel. Tone skin & proceed with the rest of your skincare routine.

🌼My Thoughts 💭

This refreshing mask is a gorgeous translucent, pale yellow, thin gel with flower pieces visibly suspended within the gel. The mask has a very faint, floral, herbal fragrance that is not overpowering & did not irritate my sensitive skin or nose. The silicone brush that came with this mask is pliable, easy to use & allows for easy & consistent application of the mask. The mask does take a while to dry. The packaging indicates that it may take up to 30 minutes to dry. I have found that depending on the humidity in my house, it takes somewhere between 20-30 minutes to fully dry, giving me the perfect excuse to catch up on Instagram or

Influenster posts. The mask definitely works itself into all of the unreachable areas of your skin. I was very nervous to use this mask since I’ve recently had a terrible reaction to a product which caused my skin to be shockingly red & raw & extremely dry & irritated. I am also a regular user of Tretinoin & one has to be particularly careful when using peel off products because they can peel of the top layer of Tretinoin treated skin. As a result, I decided to try this mask just on my chin at first. As stated, this mask is very gentle & left my skin intact. 🙏 It wasn’t difficult to remove unlike some other peel-off masks I’ve used which have quite literally had me in tears. After removing this mask from the outside of my face inward, as instructed, I used a damp cloth to remove any remaining product. I immediately noticed how smooth my skin felt. It also looked brighter & less dry & patchy. Fine lines & wrinkles appeared smoother & less noticeable as well. My skin felt fresh, clean & rejuvenated. I love that this mask contains 2,000ppm of calendula flower to clarify & soothe skin. I did notice that my skin appeared less red which I did not expect because peel-off masks can be quite irritating. My skin even felt less sensitive. This mask helped calm & soothe my skin while cleaning out my pores & removing dead skin cells. It is recommended you use this mask regularly for 4 weeks to see good results. I have not yet had the opportunity to try this product for 4 weeks & will update once I have had that opportunity. You can find this product on eBay for $18.19 for 3.52 ounces. It is also currently on sale with the silicone brush on for $25. I definitely recommend applying this product with a silicone brush. Overall, I love this mask & it ended up being a lovely surprise to me. I recommend this product even for sensitive skin [patch test please] & will repurchase it.

Terms: April Skin, face mask, mask pack, skincare community, glass skin, Kbeauty addict, beauty, beauty bloggers, Kbeauty blog, skin care, skin care routine, skincare review, skincare product, product review, beauty blog, beauty blogger.

What are the benefits of calendula peel off mask?

It gently exfoliates dead skin cells, gunk, and pore-clogging impurities without causing irritation, making your skin look clearer, smoother, and more even. Infused with skin-calming Calendula Flowers, this peel-off mask soothes even the most sensitive skin, while shedding dullness, and improving overall skin texture.

How do you use real calendula peel off pack?

How to use.

After cleansing, apply an even layer to dry skin, avoiding eyes, lips, and hairline..

Leave on for 30 mins or until completely dry. If the pack doesn't come off easily it means it has not completely dried yet..

Gently peel off the mask from outer edges and wipe away any excess with a fresh clean towel..

How do you use April skin Calendula peeling pad?

How to use.

Use AM and PM after cleansing..

With the embossed side, gently swipe across face from center outwards..

With the silky side, gently swipe across face one more time for a final polishing touch..

Lightly pat remaining product into skin to enhance absorption..

What are the benefits of a peel off mask?

Your skin becomes instantly clear and more radiant. Additionally, it aids in removing whiteheads and blackheads. Enriched with the goodness of antioxidants, peel-off masks also serve to be beneficial in improving persistent skin problems like acne, pimples, fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentation.

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