Review đánh giá jurassic world 2023

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the perfect sequel- it's bigger, better, and toothier than its predecessor in almost every way that matters.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is a much better game than its predecessor was at launch. That said, I can’t shake the feeling that much like the original, it’s only going to get better and more content-rich in the next coming year or so. It’s a beautiful trend from Frontier Developments that I think will make an already great game all the more excellent.

This is the definitive Jurassic World park building experience. I loved the first game, but this is a whole lot better. Building your park feels a lot more easier, while also having to think on what it takes to gain the 5 star rating. The dinosaurs act and feel like animals, the visuals are stunning, especially on the PS5, running at a smooth 60fps, and the new Chaos Theory mode provide a good challenge, while also having nostalgia of watching all the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies. I will say that the man campaign is very short, but Chaos Theory, Challenge Mode and Sandbox makes it up. I do hope to see that they make DLC for the upcoming Jurassic World Dominion, as that would be amazing to see new dinosaurs, new maps and potentially new skins for already existing dinosaurs. As Ian Malcolm would say, Life finds a way.

This game is the definitive example if what a sequel should be. All of the dinosaurs feel like actual animals this time around, with brand new social interactions & smoother animations. The pterosaurs & marine reptiles also have unique animations which makes them just as interesting to watch as the dinosaurs. The new scientist management adds a new level of management the first game lacked. Also the new customizable buildings really do make each park feel different & stick out from each other. The campaign is a fun way to introduce new players to the game &. Chaos theory is a blast to play. Getting to see each what if scenario is a real treat. Overall the game is a perfect sequel.

There's still some way to go to make the JWE franchise a viable management sim, but this sequel goes a long way to right a lot of its predecessor's wrongs.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 features a deeper process of building and managing your park, despite constant threats that stop it from thriving.

If we had to make a list of things that are totally radical then dinosaurs chasing and eating annoying fannypack-wearing tourists while we triumphantly hum the Jurassic Park theme tune would be top ten. Maybe even top five. We're here for that. Minor quibbles with the main campaign aside, Jurassic World Evolution 2 delivers an entertaining if simplistic park builder, that well-utilises the Jurassic World license, and throws in just the right amount of dinosaur-fuelled mayhem to boot.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 is a solid sequel to the already decent predecessor. It presents the player with a larger selection of dinosaurs, a welcome addition of visitor management and some various tweaks and additions that overall make the game experience much more realistic and enjoyable. It falls a bit with its too “micromanage-y” systems at some points and lacklustre campaign, but it is a sure sight of joy for any fans of tycoon games and Jurassic series alike.

If you enjoyed the original game, Jurassic World Evolution 2 is sure to bring you hours of entertainment [not including the “campaign”]. However, for players hoping for more than a full priced DLC, disappointment is unavoidable.

I would prefer Planet Zoo but it doesn't exists for PS5 so Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the best alternative. You just can't have cute red pandas but instead huge ugly and dangerous dinosaurs. Otherwise it's very similar. The game is beautiful, not too hard to learn and it's a good fun for a long time.

Since I was born I have been a fan of Jurassic Park. So no matter how much it costs or how great or bad it is, I end up buying the product almost every time. The game is good, it shows that they put a lot of effort into it, a lot of DLC's too, but it just always bores you, creating a park and maintaining it, etc. etc etc True fans are waiting for a good JP game. You know what I'm talking about. Blood people blood. This is a solid 7. Greetings everyone

I've platinumed the first JW:E on the PS4. Finished the Campaign and it was a more of a Tutorial than a story driven campaign. Gives a bit of a clue where the new movie is heading towards though. Chaos Theory is an interesting 'What if' scenario to all 4 movies. Nearly finished the JP one. Graphics even though good, I thought they would at least have some ray tracing in game especially the water reflections. Pretty disappointing for a next gen console. Dinos have new animations that are really cool, like the Carnotaurus resting on it's tail like a kangaroo. Planning your dino enclosures is more thorough implementing food types for Herbivores which they got from Claire's Sanctuary DLC from JW:E. There's no longer a plant dispenser so the Herbivores can just eat the foliage that you plant in their enclosures. Ranger's roles are now just patrolling and repair. There's a mobile vet team that handles dino injuries and sickness. They also have a station where you can send the seriously injured dinos in for emergency surgery with a magic spray machine : D Mechanics have been expanded where it can get very tedious. The most annoying part is the scientists and Hatchery having a 2 step method to freaking hatch the eggs. Couple of good additions is good and bad dino perks in the DNA sequencing. So you'll roughly 6 eggs and 3 out of the 6 eggs could have negative traits like aggression and anti social behaviours. So you might have to discard the eggs or if your not financially sound just go with it and risk a disaster happening at your park. Improvement to the shops, food and drinks where you can provide to different types of crowds. All the shops looks can be customised and renamed to really make it unique from each other. Overall, I find the game alright. I really preferred the island hopping in the first one where you can go back and fix. With JW:E 2 although improved, it made the small things too tedious. 7/10

My disappointment is IMMEASURABLE. I was so heartbroken upon finishing my first day with this game, genuinely crushed with tears of stress coming down my face. It’s inferior in nearly every way to the original, something I’ve seen thrown around in the reviews for this game is the exact opposite so allow me to explain. Positives first; the graphics are still lovely! The dinosaurs & reptiles still feel alive & do more in their pens now than just walk in circles. I also appreciate Frontier bringing back almost every species from the first game. The new dinosaurs & aquatic/aerial reptiles are all great! That’s where the positives end. In JWE1, you could unlock all the dinosaurs if you took your time in the campaign, but you only unlock a handful of the 84 species in the campaign this time around. Why change a perfect system, aside from padding out the game for dozens of hours? It took me 48 HOURS to unlock every species. That’s INSANE. Your playtime can obviously vary, but it’ll still take DOZENS of hours to get every species, most of them locked behind arbitrary goals in the research tab. The easiest way is to grind them out in Challenge mode, but it’s one of the most GRINDY experiences you can have in modern gaming & some dinosaurs are exclusive to certain maps! WHY? Not to mention you don’t actually unlock the dinos for Sandbox until you HATCH THEM. Why isn’t the genome enough? Setting the game to 3x speed only helps so much with the tedium. The campaign is so barebones that I’m shocked it’s even here in the first place, finished it in 4 hours. Can’t forget the 2nd mission which usually glitches & causes you to restart the mission! JWE1’s campaign barely had a story, but had engaging gameplay for a 20ish hour campaign. I also DESPISE the new scientist system. You need them for literally EVERYTHING. In JWE1 none of this complicated-for-no-reason crap existed, you had research/expedition teams do multiple tasks at once for you, so this is one of the most massive steps back I’ve ever seen. Your scientists only do one expedition at a time, with no way to expand it & you’re limited for some reason on extracting DNA from fossils. It’s beyond tedious & BORING relying on these drones to do everything for you instead of taking some initiative like in JWE1. Instead of carefully multitasking everything, your mind never has a chance to rest with JWE2, there’s always a problem going on & it’s really not my fault! I put 100’s of hours in JWE1, I know how to build a Jurassic Park by now! What also hurt is that releasing a new dino felt like a moment of accomplishment in the first game, here it feels like just another box to check with no fanfare & immediately worrying about their unforgiving environment needs instead, which makes putting 2 different species in the same enclosure a headache I never felt like dealing with. The new paleo healing mechanic is GRATING as hell too. Every time a dinosaur has a tiny fight or gets sick you have to send a separate team to scan them & their AI is HORRIBLE. Expect to transport your dinos for a small boo-boo every 5 minutes if you have 1 slightly unfriendly member of a species! Why’s the transport button now it’s own option at the bottom of the control panel instead of a shortcut on the R1 button like in the first? WHY THE STUPID CHANGES? The new hatchery mechanic with the dinosaur genes is frustrating too, so many negative genes too often even w gene editing. Chaos Theory was too annoying to get any enjoyment out of & throttled by insane expenses of the dinosaurs. Despite the scenarios being interesting, I’d just catch them on YouTube if I was you. The new systems added in are terrible & add so much aggravation that was never there to begin with! That’s what frustrates me so much about JWE2, all this to make the park management more “complex” but only added an unnecessary hassle to nearly every moment you’re playing it. What made me give up on JWE2 is the Sandbox mode, they BUTCHERED it. You can’t turn off the ridiculous scientist mechanic in Sandbox & you can’t turn off Dino fights either so if you want a T. Rex with a Spinosaurus you’ll have to wait until they hopefully fix their stupid mistake WHICH WAS ALREADY FIXED IN THE FIRST GAME. To get a good amount of dinos for Sandbox you’ll have to grind for DOZENS of hours in other modes for them, no jumping right in! Dear God game is a colossal disappointment. Say whatever about JWE1, at least it was put together competently & with respect for the person playing it! This is BAD. Play the first & leave JWE2 to rot. I don’t think the same post-launch roadmap can save this one. You have no idea how much it pained me to say all of this, my heart hurts. I won’t be touching this game again until it’s fixed, maybe. Moral of the story; next time you’re thinking of fixing something that isn’t broken, DON’T.

I would happily rate this 5* but the fact you need to unlock everything by playing challenge mode before you can free build a park in sandbox mode is crazy. Not everyone has time to spend researching everything in challenge mode. The idea of sandbox is to just build

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