Stretch ones legs according to the coverlet là gì

This teaches adaptability. If when you lie full length your lower limbs are not covered by the bedclothes, you must bend your legs in order to keep warm. It also teaches prudence. If you stretch your legs beyond your coverlet, your feet will get cold. In other words, try always to adjust yourself to circumstances and live within your means.

It’s a good idea to warm up your muscles as part of your exercise routine. Muscles that are not properly warmed up are at higher risk of injury. This can easily be accomplished with a light, active warmup such as dynamic stretching or jogging.

While professionals disagree over whether it’s better to stretch before or after a workout, most doctors recommend stretching as part of an exercise routine, particularly if you’re doing activities such as running or biking.

Flexibility doesn’t happen overnight, however. Some people are naturally less flexible than others, so it may take weeks of regular stretching to improve joint mobility. Carol Michaels, founder of Recovery Fitness, is certified by the Cancer Exercise Training Institute, the American Council on Exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine, and is a member of ACSM and IDEA.

Here are four leg stretches she recommends to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury. Try to hold each stretch for about 30 seconds.

"Stretch your legs according to the coverlet" means that you should live within your means and not try to exceed your financial or social status. It is often used to advise people to be content with what they have and not aspire to something that is beyond their reach.

What context can I use the in?


Don't try to impress others by living beyond your means. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet. It's important to be content with what you have.


Instead of constantly striving for more, it's better to be satisfied with what you can afford. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.


Living within your means is a wise decision. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet. Don't try to exceed your financial or social status

Is “Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.” an expression, an idiom, or a proverb?

“Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.” is a proverb. A proverb is a short saying that teaches us something important or gives us advice. Unlike an idiom, it’s easy to understand even if it uses figurative language.

How would I use “Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.” effectively in context?

You can use "Stretch your legs according to the coverlet" to advise someone to live within their means and not try to exceed their financial or social status. It emphasizes the importance of being content with what one has and not aspiring to something that is beyond their reach. For example, if a friend is constantly trying to impress others by living beyond their means, you might say, 'Don't try to impress others. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet. It's important to be content with what you have.'

  • 1Personal Finance Instead of constantly striving for more, it's better to be satisfied with what you can afford. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.
  • 2Contentment Living within your means is a wise decision. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet. Don't try to exceed your financial or social status.
  • 3Social Status Don't try to impress others by living beyond your means. Stretch your legs according to the coverlet. It's important to be content with what you have.

Similar phrases to “Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.”:

To spend only what you can afford and not go into debt


It's important to live within your means and avoid unnecessary expenses.

To appreciate and be grateful for what you have


Instead of always wanting more, take a moment to count your blessings.

The belief that other people's situations or circumstances are always better than one's own


She always thinks the grass is greener on the other side, but she should learn to appreciate what she has.

Good things to know:

Where does the phrase “Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.” come from?

The origin of the phrase "Stretch your legs according to the coverlet" is unknown.

Is “Stretch your legs according to the coverlet.” common in everyday conversation?

The phrase "Stretch your legs according to the coverlet" is typically used as part of a sentence to convey its full meaning. For example, 'Living within your means is important. You should stretch your legs according to the coverlet.' However, in informal conversations, people might understand the phrase even if used alone, like saying 'Time to stretch your legs according to the coverlet!' to imply the need to live within one's means.

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