Studies show that listening to music helps you concentrate better

Mar 29 2017

Listen. Whats that in the background? Is it rock, country or classical music? Did you know that certain types ofmusic can help you focus?

March is Music in Our Schools Month, which was created to increase awareness of the importance of music in students lives.

Music has the potential to take a person from the Beta brainwave state to deeper Alpha, and then Theta brainwave states, depending on the music, explained Dr. Masha Godkin, a professor in the Department of Marriage and Family Sciences at Northcentral University.

Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory, says Dr. Masha Godkin

According to Godkin, it's good to stick with classical music. One reason this genre works well is that there are no lyrics to distract you. You can also branch out intomeditation music, which is idealfor concentration as it is meant to relieve stress and relax your mind.

Music has a profound effect on our mood, blood pressure, and heart rate. For the best music to focus and study, choose tunes that keep you awake but won't cause you to start tapping your body to the beat.

Instead of relying on the radio or a random mix on Pandora or Spotify, it can help to create a playlist of the best study music for concentration. You can plan a set amount of uninterrupted music, which serves as a built-in timer for studying. When the music is up, youve earned a break.

Everyones taste in music is different, but when it comes to creating the best study music playlist, here are some genres and tips to consider:

  • Go Classical
    You may not want to go to a symphony concert, but the soothing sounds of classical orchestra music seem to increase mood and productivity, which makes it great for studying.
  • Consider Tempo
    Music with 60-70 beats per minute like Beethovens Fur Elise appears to help students study longer and retain more information.
  • Spa Music
    Ambient sounds that you would expect to hear on a soundtrack during a spa treatment can help you relax.
  • Nature Sounds
    Like ambient music, the sounds of babbling brooks, birds, wind and rain are very calming and make great background noise. You can even create your ownmix with websites likeNoisli.
  • Electronic Music
    New Age and ambient EDM music are a good choice for those who dont like classical. Any music with little to no lyrics is best.
  • Sound Control
    The volume of your study music is key. Don't drown out your own thoughts. Remember, its supposed to be in the background.

We would love to know whats on your study playlist. Follow Northcentral University onFacebook or Twitter and let us know what music helps you get through school!




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