There were considerate amounts of money chữa lỗi sai năm 2024

+ People love this system because it is cheap, clean, and easy to use. [Mọi người yêu thích hệ thống này vì nó rẻ tiền, sạch sẽ và dễ sử dụng.]

→ A, B, D đúng

+ There are bicycle sharing systems in dozens of countries and hundreds of cities. In total, there are more than 530 bicycle sharing systems around the world, and that number is going up all the time. [Có những hệ thống chia sẻ xe đạp ở hàng chục quốc gia và hàng trăm thành phố. Tổng cộng, có hơn 530 hệ thống chia sẻ xe đạp trên thế giới, và con số này đang tăng lên theo thời gian.]

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Sai về cách dùng từ

  1. In your capacity as a judge, you have to work with high concentration. You must make A B C uninterested judgment. D
  2. The building was formally used as a bank, but it has been turned into a church recently. A B C D
  3. A considerate amount of time and effort has gone into this exhibition. A B C D
  4. I’m very appreciable of all the support you’ve given me. A B C D
  5. Emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety, or depression, can make a person more A B C forgettable. D
  6. Life expectation for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years. A B C D
  7. Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we’d go to our A B C respectful classes D
  8. You should be more respectable of other people’s points of view. Don’t embarrass A B C D someone even if they are wrong.
  9. This type of computer jargon is barely comprehensive to most people. A B C D



  1. From our points of view, we do not see how these changes will be beneficent to the company. A B C D
  2. She wasn’t very complementary about your performance, was she? A B C D
  3. We discussed the problem but we didn’t get much farther in actually solving it. A B C D
  4. I think the sensitive thing to do is call and ask for directions. A B C D
  5. We must develop more rapid, responsible systems for dealing with online messages. A B C D
  6. Our team won the trophy for the second successful season. A B C D
  7. The novel is regarded as one of the classical works. I really love reading it in my free time. A B C D
  8. Doctors fear possible epidemics of cholera, malaria, and other deadthly diseases. A B C D
  9. Recovery after the accident will be a continual process that may take several months. A B C D
  10. With rents so high, it wasn’t economic to continue to live in the city. A B C D
  11. The newspaper, or more especially, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the A B C D photographs.
  12. Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrific conditions. A B C D
  13. An area with a favourite climate will inevitably be richer than one without. A B C D
  14. It is awful to see these magnificent creatures in flight. I have never seen these things before. A B C D



  1. A growing percent of women are delaying marriage to pursue professional careers. A B C D
  2. She made a fabulous desert with alternate layers of chocolate and cream. A B C D
  3. The new trade agreement should felicitate more rapid economic growth. A B C D
  4. He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroine secreted in his clothing. A B C D
  5. She complained that her husband never paid her any complement anymore. A B C D
  6. The accident caused intensive damage to both cars, but fortunately no one died. A B C D
  7. The text has numerous foul, but none are particularly significant. A B C D
  8. We really should meet sometimes soon to discuss the details. A B C D
  9. The author’s wife was a good editor, beside being a great writer herself. A B C D
  10. Therefore, heavy reliance on this single strategy is highly unsafe, and the timely A B development of alternative or complementary methods to chemical control is advisory, C D
  11. We will offer you a comprehensible training in all aspects of the business if you take this course. A B C D
  12. When a child becomes a teenager, he encounters many experiences which are new A B for him to handle independently and on his own. Children of this age are often highly suggested. C D



  1. The course has four main ingredients: business law, finance, computing and management skills. A B C D
  2. He was not seriously wounded, though his coach took him off at half-time as a precaution. A B C D
  3. Someone has leaked confident government Information to the press. A B C D
  4. Scientists have invented how to predict an earthquake. A B C D
  5. Safety regulations are being neglected by company managers in the drive to increase profits. A B C D
  6. The study founded that men who were married lived longer than those who were not. A B C D
  7. She lied aside her book and went to answer the phone. A B C D
  8. We were having such a good time that we decided to last our stay by another week. A B C D
  9. The government has pledged to drop the amount of chemicals used in food production. A B C D
  10. The plans for the new development have risen angry protests from local residents. A B C D
  11. I’m exhausted. I’d like to rest a while before we continue, A B C D
  12. The police offered an award for any information about the robbery. A B C D
  13. Mia, you’re always forgetting your car keys on your desk. I’m getting tired of A B C D telling you about that.
  14. The repayment period will be expanded from 20 years to 25 years. A B C D



  1. He’s the author of several hugely successive children’s books. A B C D
  2. I discovered latter that she’d known all about it from the beginning. A B C D
  3. The equator is an imaginative line around the middle of the earth. A B C D
  4. We only need one more player for this game. Can you convince your sister to join in? A B C D
  5. The activity of English and French pirates began in the 16th century, and reached A B C its climate in the middle of the 17th century. D
  6. Unfortunately, the authors have been unsuccessful so far in finding a satisfying A B C explanation for this surprisingly simple correlation within the framework of the present theory. D
  7. I am sick of being too sacred to say what I think, or to tell people when they are out of line. A B C D
  8. We can confirm that we have been in communication with the application and have A B C responded fully to any concerns raised by her. D
  9. In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive benefits. As a A B result, the number of employers in the company has trebled over the past decade. C D
  10. It has to be said it was rather ingenious of him to ask a complete stranger to A B C take care of his luggage. D



  1. She gave him detailed directions on the procedure to be followed so that he can A B C quickly complete the task. D
  2. It’s a very permissible school where the children are allowed to do whatever they want. A B C D
  3. One of the minus points of working at home is not having sociable contact with colleagues. A B C D
  4. The building was burnt to the ground with all that it contained, including his A B C private dairy for forty years. D
  5. A mouse is a devise that makes it easier to select different options from computer menus. A B C D
  6. Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards could be persecuted A B C under the Consumers Protection Act, 1987. D
  7. I know you’ve been trained as a teacher, but do you have any practicable A B C teaching experience? D
  8. The realty of the situation is that unless we find some new funding soon, the youth A B C centre will have to close. D
  9. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent residence because of his A B C marriage to a U. citizen. D



  1. He’s a good teacher, but he doesn’t have much patients with the slower pupils. A B C D
  2. Numerate substances are found in nature and in the body that function as A B C protective agents against oxygen-free radicals. D
  3. Police are investigating a possible relative between the murder and a robbery that A B C took place last year. D
  4. Broker-dealers must use their judgment in assessing whether the issuer A B information is from a reliant source. C D
  5. Managers were asked what one piece of advise they would give to the board to improve A B C the quality of their working lives. D
  6. The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of initiative investigations. A B C D
  7. She holds a degree in human resource management from San Francisco State University. A B C D
  8. People may also become celebrations due to media attention on their lifestyle, A B wealth, or controversial actions, or for their connection to a famous person. C D
  9. Any healthy relation should allow each partner to feel respected enough to share A B C an opinion, even if it opposes the other partner’s opinion. D



  1. An advertisement strategy is a plan to reach and persuade a customer to buy a A B C D product or a service.
  2. People who cannot find time for creation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. A B C D
  3. Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fee to your hotel. A B C D
  4. Your annual wage is the amount of money your employer pays you over the A B course of a year in exchange for the work you perform. C D
  5. The Oscars award ceremony is one of the famous ceremonies in the world, and A B is watched lively on TV in over 200 countries. C D
  6. Wildlife conversation is the practice of protecting wild species and A B their habitats in order to prevent species from going extinct. C D
  7. The treatment for people addictive to tranquillizers includes training in stress A B C management and relaxation techniques. D
  8. I’m not surprised he failed his exam - he didn’t exactly try very hardly!



  1. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called. A B C D
  2. As a result of the Women’s Movement, women now holds positions A B that were once restricted to men. C D
  3. One of the students who are being considered for the scholarship A B C are from this university. D
  4. Mrs. Steven, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the A B C D festivities
  5. The mining of minerals often bring about the destruction of landscapes and wildlife A B C D habitats.
  6. The governor, with his wife and children, are at home watching the election A B C returns on TV. D
  7. Neither Russia nor the United States have been able to discover a mutually A B C satisfactory plan for gradual disarmament. D
  8. The office furniture that was ordered last month have just arrived, but we’re not sure A B whether the manager likes it. C D



  1. What happened in that city were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and A B C policemen who had been laid off from their jobs. D
  2. That these students have improved their grades because of their participation in the A B C D test review class.
  3. There are a car and two vans in front of my house. A B C D
  4. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam. A B C D
  5. The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal species that A B have become extinct have increased. C D
  6. The number of homeless people in Nepal have increased sharply due to the recent A B C severe earthquake. D
  7. Upon reaching the destination, a number of personnel is expected to change their A B C reservations and proceed to Hawaii. D
  8. The assumption that smoking has bad effects on our health have been proved. A B C D
  9. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues has given an explanation for the chaos in A B C the financial market last week. D



  1. P Barnum opened his own circus in 1871 and become the most famous showman A B C of his time. D
  2. Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and A B C Mathematics. D
  3. Below are some pieces of advice that can help you reduce the feeling of pressure and creating A B C a good impression on your interview. D
  4. You should stop wasting your time and doing something useful instead. A B C D
  5. Don’t go up to your hotel room because the maid is making the beds, cleaning the A B C bathroom, and vacuum the carpet. D
  6. Diamonds are graded according to weigh, color, and cut. A B C D
  7. According to most doctors, massage relieves pain and anxiety, eases depression A B and speeding up recovery from illnesses. C D
  8. Some of his favourite subjects at school are Maths, English and Geographical. A B C D
  9. Dictionaries frequently explain the origin of the defined word, state its part of speech A B C and indication its correct use. D



  1. When men lived in caves and hunt animals for food, strength of body was the most A B C D important thing.
  2. For thousands of years, people have used some kind of refrigeration cooling A B C beverages and preserve edibles. D
  3. The Oxford Dictionary is well known for including many different meanings of words A B C and to give real examples. D
  4. Exceeding speed limits and fail to wear safety belts are two common causes of A B C D automobile death.
  5. The woman is famous not only for her beauty, intelligent but also for her A B C hardworking. D
  6. Energy research, medicinal, tourism, and copper are important to the economy A B C D of Butte, Montana.
  7. For thousands of years, man has used rocks as main materials for building A B houses, made fences, pavements or even roofs for houses. C D
  8. Income from dancing is unstable so Giang popper also works as a director, A B C performance event, organizer, coach and dance instructor at home. D



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