What action should commanders take when something of an ethical nature is ever in doubt?

The Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program is an integrative and holistic framework to better understand, assess, and maintain the fitness of the ______________.

Joint force

A professional is a person of both character and competence. As military professionals charged with the defense of the Nation, Joint Leaders must be fully conversant in the ________________.

Military art and science

The seriousness of our profession was most vividly explained by _________ in his farewell speech to West Point Cadets in May of 1962 when he said, "Yours is the profession of arms, the will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, that if you lose, the Nation will be destroyed, that the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country."

General Douglas MacCarthur

In the Chairman's White Paper, "America's Military - A Profession of Arms," this aspect of the Armed Forces is identified as the foundation of our profession.


Derived from the integration of Service cultures and competencies, and requires teamwork amongst all Services and Military Departments to accomplish objectives in the best interest of national security unfettered by parochialism. _____ best describes this concept.


One of the characteristics of citizens that strengthens the U.S. is _____.


Joint education is based on joint _____ and should reflect the deliberate, iterative, and continuous nature of joint force development.


Effective joint learning relies on close coordination of training and education. As individuals _____ within their military specialties, they acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for positions of increased responsibilities.

mature and develop

In the Chairman's White Paper, "Mission Command" [2012], "...requires leaders at every echelon to be _____."


Commanders delegate decision-making authority to subordinates wherever possible, to minimize detailed control and empower subordinates to take initiative and make decisions based on understanding of the _______________ rather than on constant communications.

Commander's intent

Taking steps and precautions to reduce the likelihood of something negative or hazardous happening, or reducing the extent of the exposure to a risk, is called _______________.

Risk mitigation

_____ are operations require independent actions involving a high degree of professionalism, self-discipline, flexibility, patience, and tact.

Peacekeeping operations

Commanders at all levels need to set expectations and a framework of _________________________ to ensure the ethical conduct of all personnel associated with the procurement process.

Training and oversight

There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program. This one refers to the ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere and prevail in accomplishing missions.

Spiritual fitness

One of the three approaches within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program includes preventative strategies which include addressing and eliminating the stigma and other factors that prevent Service members [and their families] from seeking help early and focus on achieving increased performance.


The foremost value of joint force leaders is _____.


Service members with good ______________________ contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, prepared for new tasks, able to engage in critical thinking, and behave responsibly and ethically.

Psychological health

One of the most pressing health care issues facing the Armed Forces today is _____.

maintaining psychological health

During and after treatment, leaders assist their service members with recovery and reintegration efforts. Leaders must understand that ____________ based training contributes to overall mission readiness.


Strong character and competence represent the essence of the U.S joint military force and its leaders. Both are the products of lifelong learning and are embedded in _______________.

Joint Professional Military Education [JPME]

Within joint command organizations, leadership and ethics considerations require us to _____ and consider not only personal experiences, but also the lessons learned from others' experiences - both positive and negative.

critically think about

During and after treatment, leaders assist their service members with recovery and reintegration efforts. Leaders must understand that ____________ based training contributes to overall mission readiness.


There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program. This one refers to the ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere and prevail in accomplishing missions

Spiritual Fitness

The aspect of PME that focuses on imparting joint knowledge and attitudes is joint _____.


The main idea of the Chairman's White Paper, "America's Military - A Profession of Arms" is to:

NOT - establish a new way of thinking about the profession of arms

U.S Military service is based on values that are vital for operational success, adhere to the most idealistic societal norms, are common to all the Services and _______________.

Represent the essence of military professionalism

One of the characteristics of citizens that strengthens the U.S. is _____.


In the Chairman's White Paper, "America's Military - A Profession of Arms," this aspect of the Armed Forces is identified as the foundation of our profession.


Social Media gives people the ability to communicate with larger audiences faster and in new ways. Social Media is used by the U.S government and U.S military forces at

All levels

Joint education can be broadly parsed into three categories: Joint Professional Military Education [JPME], Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education [EJPME], other Joint Education.


Recognizing concussions/traumatic brain injuries, family impact and operational environment conditions are some of the many inherent military ____________ that impact psychological health.


During the Total Force Fitness [[TFF] Program section of the course, we discussed the importance of leader involvement. Leaders must identify the metrics that will set the right conditions to promote total fitness. In order to accurately assess the TFF program's effectiveness, metrics must be _____ .


Nightmares, memory loss and depression are some of the warning signs that are suggestive of ___________ disorders that leaders should look out for.

Trauma spectrum

Jointness implies cross-Service combination wherein the _____of the joint force is understood to be synergistic, with the sum greater than its parts.


Leaders that dedicate themselves to promoting healthy lifestyles should be able to control 100 percent of the factors that contribute to the psychological health of their service members and organizations.


In the Chairman's White Paper on "Mission Command" [2012], the joint force of the future will find themselves operating in a security environment that is


The main idea of the Chairman's White Paper, "America's Military - A Profession of Arms" is to:

renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms

During the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program section of the course, we discussed the importance of leader involvement. Leaders must identify the metrics that will set the right conditions to promote total fitness. In order to accurately assess the TFF program's effectiveness, metrics must be _____ .


"The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer: Backbone of the Armed Forces [2013]" states that, "The officer-NCO/PO relationship is a sacred feature in the Profession of Arms. It is built on mutual recognition of their _____, and a true appreciation of the contribution of each."

respective roles and responsibilities

Regardless of when or where employed, the Armed Forces of the United States abide by U.S. values, the standards for the profession of arms, and _______________.

Constitutional principles

This term refers to the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person. In the context of the profession of arms, it entails moral and ethical adherence to our values. It is at the heart of the relationship of the profession with the American people, and to each other.


Successful teamwork requires ________ commensurate with responsibility.

Delegation of authority

Taking steps and precautions to reduce the likelihood of something negative or hazardous happening, or reducing the extent of the exposure to a risk, is called risk modification.


If something of an ethical nature is ever in doubt, commanders should contact their legal counsel for advice.


Which of the following is a technical or personal risk when using social media?

All of the above

Internal trust is integral to _______________. External trust is the bond with which we connect with those we serve, our leaders in government and the American people.

NOT Mission success

The U.S. employs the military instrument of national power at home and abroad in support of its national security goals. The ultimate purpose of the U.S. Armed Forces is to _____.

NOT deter aggressors from attacking the U.S.

Individuals who voluntarily take the oath to serve our Nation are inspired by _____.

NOT incentives to join, like pay and other benefits, such as college tuition assistance and off-base housing allowances

U.S. Law, Title 10, USC Section 153, gives the _____ authority regarding joint force development, specifically providing authority to develop doctrine for the joint employment of the Armed Forces, and to formulate policies for the joint training of the Armed Forces to include policies for the military education and training of members of the Armed Forces.

NOT Joint Chiefs of Staff

U.S. Law, Title 10, USC Section 153, gives the _____ authority regarding joint force development, specifically providing authority to develop doctrine for the joint employment of the Armed Forces, and to formulate policies for the joint training of the Armed Forces to include policies for the military education and training of members of the Armed Forces.

NOT NCO/PO development

Leaders have the duty and responsibility to plan in advance for all foreseeable situations and circumstances for all activities. Failing in these duties is failing to lead


Using social media for professional and personal reasons incurs Inherent technical and personal risks such as network security intrusions, espionage, personal identity theft, personal information theft and stalking. Service members must realize that ___________________ must be practiced whenever using social media.

Operations Security [OPSEC]

There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program. This one refers to the ability to perform mission-specific duties in any environment.

Environmental Fitness

The foremost value of joint force leaders is _____.

NOT experience

Service members with good ______________________ contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, prepared for new tasks, able to engage in critical thinking, and behave responsibly and ethically.

NOT work ethic

One of the most pressing health care issues facing the Armed Forces today is _____.

maintaining psychological health

Readiness is a ______________ responsibility that leverages realistic training and unit cohesion to form resilience to the challenges and strains of military service.

NOT Service member's

In the Chairman?s White Paper, ?America?s Military ? A Profession of Arms?, ______________ is derived from the integration of Service cultures and competencies, and requires teamwork amongst all Services and Military Departments to accomplish objectives in the best interest of National Security unfettered by parochialism.


In the Chairman's White Paper, "Mission Command" [2012], "_____ equips decision-makers at all levels with the insight and foresight to make effective decisions, to manage associated risks, and to consider second and subsequent order effects."


Derived from the integration of Service cultures and competencies, and requires teamwork amongst all Services and Military Departments to accomplish objectives in the best interest of national security unfettered by parochialism. _____ best describes this concept.


Joint education is based on joint _____ and should reflect the deliberate, iterative, and continuous nature of joint force development.


Many external factors impact the _________ of individuals. The culture of the military and its expectations and the deployment/redeployment cycles require frequent change and adjustment


Derived from the integration of Service cultures and competencies, and requires teamwork amongst all Services and Military Departments to accomplish objectives in the best interest of national security unfettered by parochialism. _____ best describes this concept.


Which statement best describes why the concept of "jointness" must be advanced through continual joint force development efforts?

Because "jointness" is not automatic and is perishable

In "The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer: Backbone of the Armed Forces [2013]," it states, "The ability of the NCO/PO to understand the commander's intent, coupled with earned trust to execute it, is the foundation of _____."

the officer-NCO/PO relationship

Which statement best describes how service members with good psychological health contribute to force readiness?

By being focused, alert, and prepared for new tasks.

Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training?

It contributes to the overall mission readiness of the Armed Forces.

Which statement best describes what a military member is expected to maintain upon acceptance into the military?

A higher standard of conduct than might be accepted in the larger society

In relation to the eight domains found within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] program, what does the Physical Domain refer to?

The ability to physically accomplish all aspects of the mission while remaining healthy and uninjured

Which statement best describes what service members must adhere to when operating in an irregular warfare environment?

To remain faithful to basic American and military standards of behavior and respect for the sanctity of life.

The main idea of the Chairman's White Paper on "America's Military - Profession of Arms" is to _____.

renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms

Within the joint environment, cooperation requires team players, and the willingness to share _____ with all team members.


Leaders have the duty and responsibility to plan in advance for all foreseeable situations and circumstances for all activities. Failing in these duties is failing to lead.


The foremost value of joint force leaders is _____.


Which statement best describes what the joint force commander has the operational authority and responsibility to do?

Tailor forces for the mission at hand, selecting those that most effectively and efficiently ensure success.

Which statement best describes what experience and maturity allows a leader to do when leading personnel in a JIIM?

The increased ability to instinctually recognize signs of potential.

In the context of the Profession of Arms, which statement best defines the term Character?

The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a person, entailing moral and ethical adherence to our values.

Which statement best describes why service members prefer the term concussion vice "brain injury?"

It is preferred due to the connotations aroused by brain injury.

Which statement best describes the purpose of resilience-based training?

It contributes to the overall mission readiness of the Armed Forces.

Which statement best describes what service members must adhere to when operating in an irregular warfare environment?

To remain faithful to basic American and military standards of behavior and respect for the sanctity of life.

What actions should commanders take when something of an ethical nature is ever in doubt?

Commanders should contact their legal counsel for advice.

Which statement best describes the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program?

An integrative and holistic framework to better understand, assess, and maintain the fitness of the joint force.

If Joint education is based on joint doctrine, which statement best describes what joint education should reflect?

The deliberate, iterative, and continuous nature of joint force development.

Successful mission command demands that subordinate leaders at all echelons exercise disciplined and initiative, acting aggressively and independently to accomplish the mission.


The aspect of PME that focuses on imparting joint knowledge and attitudes is joint _____.


Which statement best describes the inherent military stressors that impact psychological health?

Family impact; operational environment conditions; and recognizing concussions/traumatic brain injury.

Which statement best describes what a military member is expected to maintain upon acceptance into the military?

A higher standard of conduct than might be accepted in the larger society

There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program. Which one of the following IS NOT one of the eight domains?

organizational fitness

Within joint command organizations, leadership and ethics considerations require us to _____ and consider not only personal experiences, but also the lessons learned from others' experiences - both positive and negative.

critically think about

In the Chairman's White Paper on, "America's Military - A Profession of Arms," this distinguishes our profession from others in society.

our expertise in the justified application of lethal military force

Successful teamwork requires _____ commensurate with responsibility.

delegation of authority

Which statement best describes the actions helpful in building resilience to the challenges and strains of military?

Receiving realistic training, understanding the types of situations encountered in war, eating well, getting enough rest, and having meaningful relationships and friendships are all helpful in building to the challenges and strains of military service.

Which statement best describes the US Code military commanders and their staffs are most familiar with?

Military commanders and their staffs are typically familiar with the large and diverse body of authorities under Title 10 of the United States Code.

What equips decision makers at all levels with insight and foresight to make effective decisions to manage associated risks and to consider seconds subsequent order effects?

A common understanding of the environment that includes an operation's purpose, challenges, and ways of solving them equips decision-makers at all levels with the insight and foresight needed to make effective decisions and manage associated risks.

What is the purposeful reliance by one service on another service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing efforts of both?

Joint interdependence is the purposeful reliance by one Service's forces on another Service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing effects of both. Army forces operate as part of an interdependent joint force. One area of joint interdependence is joint sustainment. Sustainment is inherently joint.

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