What is Y network in communication?

The five basic communication networks are: the Star or the Wheel, the Y, the Chain, the Circle and the Comcon [Bavelas, 1950] [‘Comcon’ is the combination of two words: 'completely connected’]. The five communication networks are illustrated in Figure 6.1 - the arrows in the illustration indicate the permitted direction of the flow of communication, or the access to communication channels.

Figure 6.1 Five communication networks [Bavelas, 1950]

Degree of centralization

The most important or central characteristic of networks is the degree of centralization. Centralized networks are those in which one position has the greatest number of linkages or access to communication channels. This position becomes the focal or central point in the network to and through which all information flows. Such key access allows this position to be more than a clearing house of information. It can process information - that is, perform the necessary analysis and synthesis - as no other position can; and then disseminate it to others. Decentralized networks, on the other hand, do not have any one position which is focal or central. On the contrary, any position can communicate with any other position. In terms of communication channels, each position in decentralized networks is linked or has access to an approximately equal number of channels.

On the continuum of centralization-decentralization, the Star network is an example of a communication network at one end of the continuum, with the greatest degree of centralization. In Figure 6.1. we see that ‘B’ is the hub position with access to the largest number of communication channels. The Y network has the next- highest degree of centralization, with ‘E’ being the hub position, but without the degree of centrality possessed by ‘B’ in the Star network. The Chain network falls into a more moderate category on the continuum. At the other extreme of the continuum, the Comcon network has the highest degree of decentralization. The Circle network is also decentralized but not to the same degree as the Comcon network. If we have to categorize the five networks in terms of centralization/decentralization, then the centralized communication networks are the Star, the Y and the Chain; the decentralized communication networks are the Comcon and the Circle.

Communication is considered as a core part of an organization, dynamically differentiated as internal and external communications. Read on to understand the various ways of structuring communication for different hierarchies and networks.

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Communication is considered as a core part of an organization, dynamically differentiated as internal and external communications. Read on to understand the various ways of structuring communication for different hierarchies and networks.

For more such innovative content on management studies, join WeSchool PGDM-DLP Program: //bit.ly/ZEcPAc

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This article throws light upon the five types of design of communication networks. The types are: 1. Y Network 2. Wheel Network 3. Chain Network 4. Circle Network 5. All Channel or Star Network.

1. Y Network:

Here A is the central person who communicates with B, C and D. It follows the formal chain of command where upward and downward communication takes place in the organisational hierarchy.

The individual, thus, communicates with both his superior and subordinates.

2. Wheel Network:

Here again, all messages flow through A, who is at the centre of the wheel. He communicates with other members of the group, while members cannot communicate with each other. This communication network is found in highly formal organisation structures where task-oriented approach to leadership is preferred to employee-oriented approach.

The superior communicates the information to subordination to subordinates while the subordinates do not communicate amongst themselves.

3. Chain Network:

Similar to Y network, chain network also follows a formal chain of command where information flows vertically upwards or downwards.

A superior and subordinate communicate with each other through vertical chain of command, both upwards and downwards. Information distortion is not likely to take place but communication system becomes time consuming.

4. Circle Network:

This network is similar to chain network except that information flows in a circular direction rather than vertical direction. A can communicate simultaneously with two persons, B and C but to communicate with D, he has to pass the messages through B or C and E.

All five persons cannot directly communicate with each other. In a circle network, the lowest level worker can communicate with the top manager. [A could be the top manager and C could be the lowest level worker]. The formal claim of command is, thus, not respected in this network.

5. All Channel or Star Network:

All the members in this network communicate with each other freely and regularly.

It follows the informal channel of communication and provides maximum satisfaction to members. Information flows fast, though there may be problem of coordination. There is one path of communication in single channel network for a specific position and information flows through that path only to various persons. This is usually the official path of communication where information flows ‘through proper channel’ between the superior and subordinates. All information flows through the concerned superior or subordinates only.

It has many positive attributes like:

a. Only essential information flows through this path,

b. Information is authentic and chances of miscommunication are reduced, and 

c. Superiors exercise control over subordinates and hold them accountable for the information transmitted to them.

In large organisations, with too many levels, single channel network may not be feasible as geographical distances and gaps in levels can result in information distortion. Multiple channel networks are more suitable in such situations as one position can be linked to various positions.

Single channel networks are also called centralised networks and multiple channel networks are also called decentralised networks. The wheel, Y and chain networks are centralised networks as one person passes the information to others. He is called the central person. The other two networks, the circle and the star networks are decentralised networks because there is free flow of information among the members.

Efficiency of centralised and decentralised networks can be tested on the basis of following variables:

[a] Nature of task,

[b] Leader emergence,

[c] Group satisfaction,

[d] Speed of work.

What is Y type communication?

1. Y network: Y Network. Here A is the main person who communicates or transfers our information with B, C, and D. It follows the formal chain of authority where an upward and downward type of communication takes place in the organizational hierarchy.

What is wheel network of communication?

A wheel network is a type of network that is found in a variety of groups, teams, and organizations. It is a type of centralized structure of communication that allows information to flow downward, from managers to employees. This pattern of communication consists of one leader who directs the group.

What is network of communication?

A communication network refers to how information flows within the organization. Information within an organization generally flows through a system, rather than being a free flow. Communication networks are regular patterns of person-to-person relationships through which information flows in an organization.

What are the three common communication networks?

These three common networks are the chain, wheel and all channel. These diagrams represent communication in a three-level organization, with the dot at the top being the leader, the second tier being mid-level supervisors, and the third tier being subordinates to the mid-level supervisors.

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