Which of the following describes a self contradictory statement or situation?

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I'm an only child.

Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view. When witnesses give contradictory accounts of crimes—one saying the assailant had a knife and the other a gun—police officers often assume that at least one of the witnesses is lying.

Definitions of contradictory

  1. adjective

    unable to be both true at the same time

  2. adjective

    of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false

    “`perfect' and `imperfect' are contradictory terms”

    Synonyms: antonymous

    of words: having opposite meanings

  3. adjective

    in disagreement

    “" contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"- John Morley”

    synonyms: at odds, conflicting, self-contradictory inconsistent

    displaying a lack of consistency

  4. adjective

    that confounds or contradicts or confuses

    synonyms: confounding unsupportive

    not furnishing support or assistance

  5. noun

    two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time

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  1. Preface
  2. 1 Management and Organizational Behavior

    1. Introduction
    2. 1.1The Nature of Work
    3. 1.2The Changing Workplace
    4. 1.3The Nature of Management
    5. 1.4A Model of Organizational Behavior and Management
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Critical Thinking Case
  3. 2 Individual and Cultural Differences

    1. Introduction
    2. 2.1Individual and Cultural Factors in Employee Performance
    3. 2.2Employee Abilities and Skills
    4. 2.3Personality: An Introduction
    5. 2.4Personality and Work Behavior
    6. 2.5Personality and Organization: A Basic Conflict?
    7. 2.6Personal Values and Ethics
    8. 2.7Cultural Differences
    9. Key Terms
    10. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    11. Chapter Review Questions
    12. Management Skills Application Exercises
    13. Managerial Decision Exercises
    14. Critical Thinking Case
  4. 3 Perception and Job Attitudes

    1. Introduction
    2. 3.1The Perceptual Process
    3. 3.2Barriers to Accurate Social Perception
    4. 3.3 Attributions: Interpreting the Causes of Behavior
    5. 3.4Attitudes and Behavior
    6. 3.5 Work-Related Attitudes
    7. Key Terms
    8. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    9. Chapter Review Questions
    10. Management Skills Application Exercises
    11. Managerial Decision Exercises
    12. Critical Thinking Case
  5. 4 Learning and Reinforcement

    1. Introduction
    2. 4.1Basic Models of Learning
    3. 4.2Reinforcement and Behavioral Change
    4. 4.3Behavior Modification in Organizations
    5. 4.4Behavioral Self-Management
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Managerial Decision Exercises
    11. Critical Thinking Case
  6. 5 Diversity in Organizations

    1. Introduction
    2. 5.1An Introduction to Workplace Diversity
    3. 5.2Diversity and the Workforce
    4. 5.3 Diversity and Its Impact on Companies
    5. 5.4Challenges of Diversity
    6. 5.5 Key Diversity Theories
    7. 5.6Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity
    8. 5.7Recommendations for Managing Diversity
    9. Key Terms
    10. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    11. Chapter Review Questions
    12. Management Skills Application Exercises
    13. Managerial Decision Exercises
    14. Critical Thinking Case
  7. 6 Perception and Managerial Decision Making

    1. Introduction
    2. 6.1 Overview of Managerial Decision-Making
    3. 6.2How the Brain Processes Information to Make Decisions: Reflective and Reactive Systems
    4. 6.3Programmed and Nonprogrammed Decisions
    5. 6.4Barriers to Effective Decision-Making
    6. 6.5Improving the Quality of Decision-Making
    7. 6.6Group Decision-Making
    8. Key Terms
    9. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    10. Chapter Review Questions
    11. Management Skills Application Exercises
    12. Managerial Decision Exercises
    13. Critical Thinking Case
  8. 7 Work Motivation for Performance

    1. Introduction
    2. 7.1Motivation: Direction and Intensity
    3. 7.2Content Theories of Motivation
    4. 7.3Process Theories of Motivation
    5. 7.4Recent Research on Motivation Theories
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Managerial Decision Exercises
    11. Critical Thinking Case
  9. 8 Performance Appraisal and Rewards

    1. Introduction
    2. 8.1 Performance Appraisal Systems
    3. 8.2Techniques of Performance Appraisal
    4. 8.3 Feedback
    5. 8.4Reward Systems in Organizations
    6. 8.5 Individual and Group Incentive Plans
    7. Key Terms
    8. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    9. Chapter Review Questions
    10. Management Skills Application Exercises
    11. Managerial Decision Exercises
    12. Critical Thinking Case
  10. 9 Group and Intergroup Relations

    1. Introduction
    2. 9.1Work Groups: Basic Considerations
    3. 9.2Work Group Structure
    4. 9.3Managing Effective Work Groups
    5. 9.4Intergroup Behavior and Performance
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Managerial Decision Exercises
    11. Critical Thinking Case
  11. 10 Understanding and Managing Work Teams

    1. Introduction
    2. 10.1 Teamwork in the Workplace
    3. 10.2Team Development Over Time
    4. 10.3 Things to Consider When Managing Teams
    5. 10.4Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building
    6. 10.5Team Diversity
    7. 10.6Multicultural Teams
    8. Key Terms
    9. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    10. Chapter Review Questions
    11. Management Skills Application Exercises
    12. Managerial Decision Exercises
    13. Critical Thinking Case
    1. Introduction
    2. 11.1The Process of Managerial Communication
    3. 11.2Types of Communications in Organizations
    4. 11.3Factors Affecting Communications and the Roles of Managers
    5. 11.4Managerial Communication and Corporate Reputation
    6. 11.5 The Major Channels of Management Communication Are Talking, Listening, Reading, and Writing
    7. Key Terms
    8. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    9. Chapter Review Questions
    10. Management Skills Application Exercises
    11. Managerial Decision Exercises
    12. Critical Thinking Case
    1. Introduction
    2. 12.1The Nature of Leadership
    3. 12.2The Leadership Process
    4. 12.3Leader Emergence
    5. 12.4The Trait Approach to Leadership
    6. 12.5Behavioral Approaches to Leadership
    7. 12.6Situational (Contingency) Approaches to Leadership
    8. 12.7 Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership
    9. 12.8Transformational, Visionary, and Charismatic Leadership
    10. 12.9Leadership Needs in the 21st Century
    11. Key Terms
    12. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    13. Chapter Review Questions
    14. Management Skills Application Exercises
    15. Managerial Decision Exercises
    16. Critical Thinking Case
  12. 13 Organizational Power and Politics

    1. Introduction
    2. 13.1Power in Interpersonal Relations
    3. 13.2Uses of Power
    4. 13.3Political Behavior in Organizations
    5. 13.4Limiting the Influence of Political Behavior
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Managerial Decision Exercises
    11. Critical Thinking Case
  13. 14 Conflict and Negotiations

    1. Introduction
    2. 14.1Conflict in Organizations: Basic Considerations
    3. 14.2Causes of Conflict in Organizations
    4. 14.3Resolving Conflict in Organizations
    5. 14.4Negotiation Behavior
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Managerial Decision Exercises
    11. Critical Thinking Case
  14. 15 External and Internal Organizational Environments and Corporate Culture

    1. Introduction
    2. 15.1The Organization's External Environment
    3. 15.2External Environments and Industries
    4. 15.3Organizational Designs and Structures
    5. 15.4The Internal Organization and External Environments
    6. 15.5Corporate Cultures
    7. 15.6Organizing for Change in the 21st Century
    8. Key Terms
    9. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    10. Chapter Review Questions
    11. Management Skills Application Exercises
    12. Managerial Decision Exercises
    13. Critical Thinking Case
  15. 16 Organizational Structure and Change

    1. Introduction
    2. 16.1Organizational Structures and Design
    3. 16.2 Organizational Change
    4. 16.3Managing Change
    5. Key Terms
    6. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    7. Chapter Review Questions
    8. Management Skills Application Exercises
    9. Managerial Decision Exercises
    10. Critical Thinking Case
  16. 17 Human Resource Management

    1. Introduction
    2. 17.1An Introduction to Human Resource Management
    3. 17.2Human Resource Management and Compliance
    4. 17.3Performance Management
    5. 17.4Influencing Employee Performance and Motivation
    6. 17.5Building an Organization for the Future
    7. 17.6Talent Development and Succession Planning
    8. Key Terms
    9. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    10. Chapter Review Questions
    11. Management Skills Application Exercises
    12. Managerial Decision Exercises
    13. Critical Thinking Case
    1. Introduction
    2. 18.1Problems of Work Adjustment
    3. 18.2Organizational Influences on Stress
    4. 18.3Buffering Effects of Work related Stress
    5. 18.4Coping with Work related Stress
    6. Key Terms
    7. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    8. Chapter Review Questions
    9. Management Skills Application Exercises
    10. Critical Thinking Case
    1. Introduction
    2. 19.1Overview of Entrepreneurship
    3. 19.2Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
    4. 19.3Business Model Canvas
    5. 19.4New Venture Financing
    6. 19.5Design Thinking
    7. 19.6Optimal Support for Entrepreneurship
    8. Key Terms
    9. Summary of Learning Outcomes
    10. Chapter Review Questions
    11. Management Skills Application Exercises
    12. Managerial Decision Exercises
    13. Critical Thinking Case
  17. A | Scientific Method in Organizational Research
  18. B | Scoring Keys for Self-Assessment Exercises
  19. References
  20. Index

adaptationTechnique of working with or around differencesboundariesLines that make the limits of an area; team boundaries separate the team from its external stakeholderscognitive complexityThe ability to view situations from more than one cultural frameworkcollaborationThe action of working with someone to produce or create somethingcultural intelligenceA skill that enables individuals to function effectively in cross-cultural environmentsemotional intelligenceThe capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and others’ emotionsexitTechnique of last resort—removal of a team memberFormingThe first stage of team development—the positive and polite stageground rulesBasic rules or principles of conduct that govern a situation or endeavorhead, body, and heartTechniques for becoming more adept in cross-cultural skills—learning about cultures (head), physical manifestations of culture (body), and emotional commitment to new culture (heart)knowledge economyThe information society, using knowledge to generate tangible and intangible valuesmanagerial interventionTechnique of making decisions by management and without team involvementminingTo delve in to extract something of value; a technique for generating discussion instead of burying itNormingThe third stage of team development—when team resolves its differences and begins making progressparadoxA self-contradictory statement or situationPerformingThe fourth stage of team development—when hard work leads to the achievement of the team’s goalreal-time permissionA technique for recognizing when conflict is uncomfortable, and giving permission to continueStormingThe second stage of team development—when people are pushing against the boundariesstructural intervention Technique of reorganizing to reduce friction on a teamworking groupGroup of experts working together to achieve specific goals; performance is made up of the individual results of all members


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    • Authors: J. Stewart Black, David S. Bright
    • Publisher/website: OpenStax
    • Book title: Organizational Behavior
    • Publication date: Jun 5, 2019
    • Location: Houston, Texas
    • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/organizational-behavior/pages/1-introduction
    • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/organizational-behavior/pages/10-key-terms

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Which of the following describes a self

Paradox, a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation.

Which of the following describes a self

A paradox is a rhetorical device or a self-contradictory statement that can actually be true.

Which of the following is a destructive and active response?

An active and constructive response includes eye contact and smiles, while an active and destructive response features frowning or glares. Both types of passive response include little or no emotional expression. A passive and destructive response may also include a lack of eye contact or leaving the room.

Is a competency and a skill that enables individuals to function effectively in cross cultural environments?

Cultural intelligence is a competency and a skill that enables individuals to function effectively in cross-cultural environments. It develops as people become more aware of the influence of culture and more capable of adapting their behavior to the norms of other cultures.