Why does my screen recording stop automatically on Android?

For the past few weeks, my camera stops recording on its own randomly.
Sometimes after 1 second, sometimes after 15, sometimes it's fine [But that's rare]. It's very random.
I also downloaded a 3rd party camera app, the same thing happens.
It also happens when I record a video using the Marco Polo app, or Snapchat. In the middle or recording, it'll just stop, and act like I pushed the stop button.
So today, I've set aside hours to figure out the problem. Well, I haven't
Here's what I've done.
Wiped the cache in the camera app, wiped cache from the boot screen, uninstalled every app that could possibly use the camera. Uninstalled all apps that aren't really necissary for me. Backed up and wiped all pictures and videos from the phone. What I do have now is a blazing fast phone, with as much free space as humanly possible, that won't take a video.
So I have that going for me.
Google not much help. Although I have noticed more and more related search results over the past few weeks. So I think the problem is starting to spread.
Any thoughts?
A factory reset is never a good option [for me anyway].

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