Windows Update Something went wrong try to reopen Settings later reddit

I've recently updated to windows 10 20H2 update. Worked fine for a while.

Suddenly, Windows Updates stopped working.

When I open Settings > Windows Update, I get this message.

Something went wrong. Try opening Settings Later.


I checked Services > Windows Update and I found the service has been disabled.  But whenever I set the startup type to automatic and start the service, it gets back to the "Disabled" state.

Then I found a service called "StopUpdates10 Guard". IDK what it is but when I set it to Disabled state, I was able to turn on the "Windows Update" service and now it's running.

But no luck, I get the same message on the Settings app.

Then I tried to run Windows 10 Update Assistant. Then I get this error message.


Does anyone have a solution for this?

Please note that my windows 10 is not cracked and using a genuine license key. And I have Malwarebytes Premium up and running.Read More


GUYS, GUYS!!! Got a solution which works!!!

So download that "StopUpdate10" app again! [From //]

Open the app and you find something interesting: "Windows Updates was partially blocked"

Click the undo button and Voila! Windows Update is up again!!2Reply


Exact same problem but on 1903 version of windows 10.2Reply


IDK why :/ I tried a few methods but no luck. Seems like I have to do a fresh install again1Reply



It looks like this was ran on your PC.

According to that page, simply uninstalling will allow the updates again.1Reply


what kind of a monster would use this????2Reply1 more reply


Often, tools like this are run by people who know enough to get themselves into trouble, but not as much as much as they think. Sometimes they are following bad advice and believed that this tool will improve things. They end up in a situation like the OP where their PC no longer properly functions. At least in this case it can be easily undone.


But I didnt install it :/




No brother, all of these happened after 20H2 update




I was on Win 10 2004 update at first. Then I heard the news about 20H2 and checked the updates on Settings app but I didnt receive it. Then I downloaded windows update assistant and successfully updated to 20H2. After that, there were no issues at all.

This error message is here since about a week


Ok? It doesn't change the fact it appears to be on your PC and causing your issue. Go to Apps & Features and uninstall it.

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