8 câu đố c++

Chơi trò chơi 8 câu đố nổi tiếng với các mức độ không giới hạn bao gồm các hình ảnh vui nhộn và thú vị. Xem cách bạn chống lại các trạng thái tốt nhất có thể được thực hiện bởi AI bằng thuật toán Astar. Điểm của bạn được tính bằng cách chia số lần di chuyển để giải pháp tốt nhất có thể, được tạo bởi AI, cho số lần di chuyển của bạn để bạn giải câu đố. chúc vui vẻ

Dự án trò chơi này đã xuất hiện do hậu quả của một hướng dẫn mà tôi đã viết. "Giải quyết 8 vấn đề giải đố bằng cách sử dụng tìm kiếm sao A* trong C++" [ https. //faramira. com/solve-8-puheads-probols-USE-a-star -search-in-c /]. Điều này cuối cùng đã được chuyển đến Unity để chứng minh việc tìm đường của Astar để giải quyết 8 vấn đề giải câu đố

Trong giải pháp này, các nước đi liên tiếp có thể đưa chúng ta ra xa mục tiêu hơn là đưa chúng ta đến gần hơn. Việc tìm kiếm cây không gian trạng thái đi theo con đường ngoài cùng bên trái từ gốc bất kể trạng thái ban đầu. Một nút trả lời có thể không bao giờ được tìm thấy trong phương pháp này

2. BFS [Brute-Force] 
Chúng ta có thể thực hiện tìm kiếm theo chiều rộng trên cây không gian trạng thái. Điều này luôn tìm thấy trạng thái mục tiêu gần gốc nhất. Nhưng bất kể trạng thái ban đầu là gì, thuật toán sẽ thực hiện cùng một chuỗi các bước di chuyển như DFS.

3. Nhánh và Giới hạn 
Việc tìm kiếm nút trả lời thường có thể được tăng tốc bằng cách sử dụng hàm xếp hạng “thông minh”, còn được gọi là hàm chi phí gần đúng để tránh tìm kiếm trong các cây con không chứa câu trả lời . Nó tương tự như kỹ thuật quay lui nhưng sử dụng tìm kiếm giống như BFS.

Về cơ bản có ba loại nút liên quan đến Nhánh và Giới hạn 
1. Nút trực tiếp là nút đã được tạo nhưng nút con chưa được tạo.
2. Nút điện tử là nút trực tiếp có nút con hiện đang được khám phá. Nói cách khác, E-node là một nút hiện đang được mở rộng.
3. Nút chết là một nút được tạo không được mở rộng hoặc khám phá thêm nữa. Tất cả con của nút chết đã được mở rộng.

Hàm chi phí.
Mỗi nút X trong cây tìm kiếm được liên kết với một chi phí. Hàm chi phí rất hữu ích để xác định nút E tiếp theo. Nút điện tử tiếp theo là nút có chi phí thấp nhất. Hàm chi phí được định nghĩa là 

   C[X] = g[X] + h[X] where
   g[X] = cost of reaching the current node 
          from the root
   h[X] = cost of reaching an answer node from X.

Hàm Chi phí lý tưởng cho Thuật toán 8 câu đố.
Chúng tôi giả định rằng việc di chuyển một ô theo bất kỳ hướng nào sẽ có chi phí là 1 đơn vị. Ghi nhớ điều đó, chúng tôi xác định hàm chi phí cho thuật toán 8 câu đố như sau.

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

Một thuật toán có sẵn để lấy giá trị gần đúng của h[x] là một giá trị chưa biết

Thuật toán hoàn chỉnh.  

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

Sơ đồ dưới đây cho thấy con đường mà thuật toán trên theo sau để đạt được cấu hình cuối cùng từ cấu hình ban đầu đã cho của 8-Puzzle. Lưu ý rằng chỉ các nút có giá trị nhỏ nhất của hàm chi phí mới được mở rộng.


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

________ 791 ________ 792 ________ 10

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

________ 2405 ________ 2406

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

________ 2478 ________ 2479

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


________ 2482 ________ 2483

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state



   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state



   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state



   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state


   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state
/* Algorithm LCSearch uses c[x] to find an answer node
 * LCSearch uses Least[] and Add[] to maintain the list 
   of live nodes
 * Least[] finds a live node with least c[x], deletes
   it from the list and returns it
 * Add[x] adds x to the list of live nodes
 * Implement list of live nodes as a min-heap */

struct list_node
   list_node *next;

   // Helps in tracing path when answer is found
   list_node *parent; 
   float cost;

algorithm LCSearch[list_node *t]
   // Search t for an answer node
   // Input: Root node of tree t
   // Output: Path from answer node to root
   if [*t is an answer node]
   E = t; // E-node

   Initialize the list of live nodes to be empty;
   while [true]
      for each child x of E
          if x is an answer node
             print the path from x to t;
          Add [x]; // Add x to list of live nodes;
          x->parent = E; // Pointer for path to root

      if there are no more live nodes
         print ["No answer node"];
      // Find a live node with least estimated cost
      E = Least[]; 

      // The found node is deleted from the list of 
      // live nodes
   c[x] = f[x] + h[x] where
   f[x] is the length of the path from root to x 
        [the number of moves so far] and
   h[x] is the number of non-blank tiles not in 
        their goal position [the number of mis-
        -placed tiles]. There are at least h[x] 
        moves to transform state x to a goal state

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