Ascension Thursday 2023

Ascension Day is the day when Christians around the world celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven in the fourth decade AD.

2023 18 May Thu Ascension Day
2024 9 May Thu Ascension Day
2025 29 May Thu Ascension Day
2026 14 May Thu Ascension Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

It is a moveable holiday and depends on when Easter occurs. Ascension Day is celebrated on a Thursday, 40 days after Easter Sunday because, before his ascension, Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples after he rose from death.

Around the world, many countries consider Ascension Day as a holy day, but many don’t take a public holiday on this day. Here in France, as well as in several other European countries, it is a public holiday and shops, banks, post offices and schools are closed. Museums are often open but check if you’re thinking of visiting.

In France on this day, Christians usually attend church services before enjoying a Spring day off. For some, the traditional food on Ascension Day is poultry but, across France, the seasonal fair is the spring foods: young lamb, asparagus, avocado and romaine salad, new-potato salad, mushroom soups, apricots, figs and citrus. And how many of the French would not have a chocolate and hazelnut crepe, or mint sorbet to finish their public holiday meals?

If the weather is fine, people take their lunches to the parks in their towns or cities. There are other events like bike tours across the countryside and sporting events, and some villages hold their own local, cultural festivals.

Although shops are closed on this day, many cafes and restaurants open for a few hours. The boulangeries might open for just long enough to pick up a croissant and coffee, and some restaurants might open in the evening for dinner.

Previous Years

2022 26 May Thu Ascension Day
2021 13 May Thu Ascension Day
2020 21 May Thu Ascension Day
2019 30 May Thu Ascension Day
2018 10 May Thu Ascension Day
2017 25 May Thu Ascension Day

The Ascension Day of Jesus Christ always falls on a Thursday and is a day when Christians celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven as recorded in the Bible. It is a public holiday across Indonesia.

2023 18 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2024 9 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2025 29 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2026 14 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Although 90 percent of the Indonesian population is Muslim, Ascension Day is a major holiday, and Indonesians who are not Christian often use the holiday to relax. Ascension Day’s traditions are participated in by both Protestants and Catholics in Indonesia. The major Christian event is the 40th day of Easter. It is celebrated exactly 39 days after Easter Sunday.

According to the New Testament of the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ had five major milestones in his life. These milestones include baptism, transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. The Bible states that after Jesus Christ was crucified by the Romans, he was resurrected. During his life after resurrection, Jesus Christ spoke to his apostles and followers about the teachings of God. After this, Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven in the presence of eleven of his apostles.

Ascension Day is widely celebrated across Indonesia. The scale of Ascension Day celebrations in each Indonesian city depends on the size of nearby Christian communities. Many Indonesian Christians celebrate Ascension Day in the same manner as Europeans.

Attending a Christian Church service is one of the most common ways to celebrate Ascension Day of Jesus Christ in Indonesia. The details of these services can vary greatly depending on whether a church is Protestant or Catholic.

In general, Ascension Day services are positive and uplifting. These services may include hymns, prayers, and discussions about the ascension of Jesus Christ. Common topics of discussion include the Apostle’s Creed and various sections of the Bible. Readings of the Bible on Ascension Day often come from books of Luke and Ephesians in the Bible.

Previous Years

2022 26 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2021 13 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2020 21 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
22 May Fri Ascension Day of Jesus Christ Holiday
2019 30 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2018 10 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
2017 25 May Thu Ascension Day of Jesus Christ

Is Ascension Thursday moved to Sunday?

Following the account of Acts 1:3 that the risen Jesus appeared for 40 days prior to his Ascension, Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter; although some Christian denominations have moved the observance to the following Sunday.

Is the Ascension always on a Thursday?

The Ascension Day of Jesus Christ always falls on a Thursday and is a day when Christians celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven as recorded in the Bible.

What date is Accession day 2022?

Accession Day 2022 The Jubilee marked the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952. In her 2022 Accession Day message, the Queen said that she hoped the platinum jubilee would bring together families and friends, neighbours, and communities.

What happens on Ascension Day?

Ascension, in Christian belief, the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven on the 40th day after his Resurrection [Easter being reckoned as the first day]. The Feast of the Ascension ranks with Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost in the universality of its observance among Christians.

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