Bài tập tiếng anh 6 lưu hoằng trí unit 4 năm 2024

Đây là bản xem thử, vui lòng mua tài liệu để xem chi tiết [có lời giải]


2. They are playing tennis.


3. Linda's having breakfast now.


4. Steve's sleeping.


  1. We're listening to the teacher.


6. It's raining.


  1. The students are doing morning exercises.


  1. She's interviewing some students.


XII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: go, play, help, have.

  1. Our cat football!

2. I computer games in the evening.

  1. I my sister with her homework.

4. My sister me to clean my bike.

5. We a new classmate, Mai.

6. We to school from Mondays to Fridays.

  1. My father to work at 7 o'clock every morning.
  1. On Sundays, my sister shopping.

XIII. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb.

Example: He likes Science, but he doesn't like History.

  1. She speaks English, but she French.

2. I understand Maths, but I Science.

  1. He helps me with Science, but he me with Maths.

4. I borrow books about English, but I books about History.

  1. You play the guitar, but you the piano.

XIV. Match the questions and answers. Write the answer in each blank.

_______ l. Are they cooking dinner? a. No, they aren't. They're cooking dinner.

_______ 2. Is he disturbing you? b. No, I'm not.

_______ 3. Are you listening to music? c. No, I'm not. I'm doing my English homework.

_______ 4. Are they watching TV? d. Yes, he is. He loves Italy.

_______ 5. Are you doing your Maths homework? e. No, they aren't. They're watching TV.

_______ 6. Is he enjoying his holiday? f. No, he isn't.

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