Cách sửa lỗi file error data may have been lost năm 2024

Trong một số trường hợp khi sử dụng Excel người dùng thường hay gặp phải nhiều lỗi, trong đó lỗi nghiêm trọng nhất là bị mất dữ liệu – lỗi File Error: data may have been lost.

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  • Nếu máy tính bị treo hãy ấn tổ hợp phím này

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Máy tính hay bị treo: Nguyên nhân và cách khắc phục

Có nhiều nguyên nhân khiến cho máy tính để bàn hoặc laptop của bạn bị treo, có thể là do phần mềm, phần cứng, đôi khi cũng có thể do nguồn điện không ổn định. Tùy từng nguyên nhân cụ thể mà chúng tôi sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách khắc phục tương ứng.

Summary: This blog addresses the “File Error – Data May Have Been Lost” issue in Excel files. It outlines the problem’s causes, including corruption, and suggests solutions like using the Kernel Excel Repair tool to recover data and maintain file integrity.

“Today, as I attempted to access a crucial Excel file, I encountered an unfamiliar error message: ‘File Error – Data May Have Been Lost.’ This immediately sparked concern within me. I’m now uncertain about the safety of my data. Is there a solution to resolve this issue? If so, I would greatly appreciate your guidance on the best course of action, as this Excel file holds significant importance for me. Thank you in advance.”

Excel files are undoubtedly essential for users who rely on them. They often contain critical data that can influence both the present and future. In such circumstances, encountering an error that jeopardizes data integrity can be a nightmarish experience. The error message “File Error – Data May Have Been Lost” has the potential to result in data loss if not addressed promptly and correctly. In this blog post, we will explore strategies to safeguard your Excel files and prevent the loss of vital data when facing this challenging situation.

What may lead to this error?

There are several factors that may lead to this error; we are going to mention a few common ones. Check the list mentioned below:

  • Corruption in the storage drive
  • Bad sectors in the hard disk
  • Abrupt or sudden system shut down
  • Power failure
  • Corruption in the operating system
  • Mishandling Excel files
  • Improper file closing practices
  • Virus or malware attacks
  • Corruption in the Excel file

How to fix the error?

There are several methods to address and potentially resolve the “File Error – Data May Have Been Lost” issue in Excel. Since file corruption is a common underlying cause of this error, we will focus on solutions tailored to address this particular issue. Here are some ways to fix the problem:

Open in the same version of Excel: If you encounter the “File Error – Data May Have Been Lost” in Excel, it’s advisable to attempt opening the Excel file with the same version of Microsoft Excel it was originally created with. Occasionally, compatibility issues arise when different Excel versions conflict with each other, leading to the inability to open files due to unsupported elements or features. Ensuring that you’re using the correct Excel version can help mitigate such problems.

Try Open and Repair: If you’re familiar with the Open and Repair feature, you’re likely aware of its effectiveness in certain situations. However, if you haven’t had the chance to use it before, don’t worry—it’s a straightforward tool. This built-in feature is designed to effortlessly handle minor damage or corruption in files, including Excel files. Fortunately, it works seamlessly with Excel. To utilize it, simply follow the steps outlined below:

  1. In MS Excel, click on the File option.
  2. Then select Open from the file’s menu.
  3. Now, go to the location where the problematic file exists.
  4. Select the corrupt or damaged workbook from there and click on the drop-down icon next to the Open option.
  5. From that drop-down box, select the Open and Repair option.
  6. In the next step, give them permission to make changes and proceed.

Once you are done, your problem should be fixed. If not, you should try the next method for the same.

Try a professional this tool: The Kernel Excel Repair tool is a specialized tool designed for repairing corrupted or damaged Excel workbooks. It is known for its efficiency in quickly resolving Excel file issues while preserving the original structure and data integrity. Here’s how this tool works:

  1. On the home page of the tool, click on the Browse button to select the problematic file.
  2. Select the file from the location it is saved in, and click on the Open button once done.
  3. Once the file is added, click on the Repair button.
  4. Wait for the repairing process to finish.
  5. As the file repairs, you will get a preview of the recovered file on your screen. Click on the Save button once satisfied.
  6. Now provide a destination to the repaired file by clicking on the Select Path option. Browse to the location where you want to save the file and click on OK.
  7. Once provided the path, click on the Save button.
  8. Wait for the saving process to finish. You can anytime click on the Stop button to stop the process.
  9. Once the file is saved on your system, you will get information on your screen. Also, you will get the link where they are saved.
    So, this is how you can fix a corrupt file with this tool. Similarly you can fix many other MS Excel issues with this tool like fix ‘failed to parse the corrupted excel file’ error.


In this blog, we delved into the “Data May Have Been Lost” error that can occur in Excel files. We explored the causes behind this issue and outlined various solutions to address it. Ultimately, we highlighted the effectiveness of using the Kernel Excel Repair tool as a recommended approach. We hope that the information provided in this blog has been valuable in resolving your Excel file-related problems and assisting you in successfully overcoming this error.

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