Cout is ambiguous visual studio c++ là gì năm 2024

__label__bug "ToggledFrames that are not enabled for all ships do not close when new ship is loaded This can lead to a rather messy situation: ![afbeelding][//] " __label__enhancement "Switching boards We need to implement some sort of mechanism for opening a new board/switching to a saved board. Of course, this depends on

2, persistence. Once this is implemented, there should be command to switch to a new board. If the current board hasn't been saved in it's most current state, prompt the user. If the board they attempt to open does not exist, open it as a blank or scaffold board [perhaps with one empty list]. It it does exist, open it." __label__enhancement Complete Fixture banks.json Complete [file][//] with all banks sorted by code. @edvaldolj02 __label__question Conditional logging removed from version 16.* Why have you removed conditional logging from version 16.*? __label__bug "Catalogue number of pageviews is no longer updated Catalogue ""number of pageviews"" is no longer updated. this happens for all ges." __label__enhancement "Optimization of UI for better response in larger screens **Actual Behaviour** Currently, the UI for all activities are just streched out for larger screens. **Expected Behaviour** A better option would be to optimize the UI to respond better for devices with larger screens and landscape layouts specifically according to material design guidelines such as, an open navigation drawer for tablet view, having more number of items populated on screen when on larger devices, etc. **Steps to reproduce it** Redefining of layouts for various screen widths as specified by material design guidelines. **LogCat for the issue** Not applicable **Screenshots of the issue** ![screenshot_1514053265][//] ![screenshot_1514053271][//] ![screenshot_1514053294][//] ![screenshot_1514053317][//] ![screenshot_1514053323][//] ![screenshot_1514053337][//] The views can be redefined to have a more centrally aligned text view with larger font sizes. More options could be included instead of having extra large streched out views. **Would you like to work on the issue?** YES, I would like to work on the issue " __label__bug "VsTest Platform installer indicating path too long ## Description I added VsTest Platform installer task to my release with Version set to Latest Pre-Release. When the task runs it fails indicating it cannot install. Logs indicate path is too long. Directory limit is 248 characters as indicated in the log, but my directory is only 69 characters. I also tried using the specific version option and setting that to ""15.6.0-preview-20171211-02"" which is the current version in the nuget gallery. ## Environment Agent.OS | Windows_NT Agent.OSVersion | 6.3.9600 Agent.Version | 2.124.0 ## Diagnostic logs > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.8618746Z ##[section]Starting: VsTest Platform Installer > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.8782263Z ============================================================================== > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.8782263Z Task : Visual Studio Test Platform Installer > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.9087427Z Description : Acquires the test platform from or the tools cache. Satisfies the ‘vstest’ demand and can be used for running tests and collecting diagnostic data using the Visual Studio Test task. > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.9087427Z Version : 1.0.3 > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.9087427Z Author : Microsoft Corporation > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.9087427Z Help : Acquires the test platform from or the tools cache. Satisfies the ‘vstest’ demand and can be used for running tests and collecting diagnostic data using the ‘Visual Studio Test’ task. > 2018-01-08T13:53:16.9087427Z ============================================================================== > 2018-01-08T13:53:18.4123441Z Starting VsTest platform tools installer task. > 2018-01-08T13:53:18.4123441Z ============================================================================== > 2018-01-08T13:53:18.4123441Z Looking for the latest pre-release version of the Microsoft.Testplatform. > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.2694764Z [command]C:\VSTSReleaseAgent\vsts-agent-win7-x64-2.110.0_2\_work\_tasks\VisualStudioTestPlatformInstaller_2c65196a-54fd-4a02-9be8-d9d1837b7111\1.0.3\nuget.exe install Microsoft.TestPlatform -Version 15.6.0-preview-20171211-02 -Source // -OutputDirectory C:\VSTSReleaseAgent\vsts-agent-win7-x64-2.110.0_2\_work\_temp\VsTest -NoCache -DirectDownload > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.3623966Z Feeds used: > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.3623966Z // > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.3623966Z > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.3943197Z > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.3943197Z > 2018-01-08T13:53:22.4717887Z Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform.15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' with respect to project 'C:\VSTSReleaseAgent\vsts-agent-win7-x64-2.110.0_2\_work\_temp\VsTest', targeting 'Any,Version=v0.0' > 2018-01-08T13:53:23.9288385Z Gathering dependency information took 1.43 sec > 2018-01-08T13:53:23.9600560Z Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform.15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest' > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.0225533Z Resolving dependency information took 0 ms > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.0225533Z Resolving actions to install package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform.15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.0225533Z Resolved actions to install package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform.15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.0694243Z Retrieving package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform 15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' from ''. > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.1631710Z GET // > 2018-01-08T13:53:24.3749288Z OK // 209ms > 2018-01-08T13:53:27.4662730Z Adding package 'Microsoft.TestPlatform.15.6.0-preview-20171211-02' to folder 'C:\VSTSReleaseAgent\vsts-agent-win7-x64-2.110.0_2\_work\_temp\VsTest' > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.5918697Z WARNING: Install failed. Rolling back... > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.5918697Z Executing nuget actions took 4.55 sec > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.5918697Z The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.7268717Z ##[warning]Failed to download version 15.6.0-preview-20171211-02 of the test platform. Looking in the cache for the latest available version. > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.7425047Z ##[warning]Failed to find any version of the test platform package in the cache. > 2018-01-08T13:53:28.7425047Z ##[error]Failed to acquire the test platform. Please refer to the logs for additional information. " __label__question "Kit ? Hi, i want to create kit, i use this version : forgeessentials-1.10.2-10.1.1343-server.jar but where or how create kit ?? Thanks for answer ! :]" __label__enhancement "JIT initialization and shutdown is not done transparently Currently, calling `initializeJit` and `shutdownJit` is the responsibility of the program making use of wasmjit-omr. However, this requires source code changes to any program that previously embedded the WABT interpreter to support wasmjit-omr. A better solution would be to find a way to manage the lifetime of the JIT transparently from within `libwabt`. Right now, this is not done since we have not yet found a clear location to make these calls to ensure that the lifetime of the JIT is correct." __label__bug "Ampersands in tags need to be escaped. == Github Issues are for bug reports and feature requests only == == Please visit // for other support == == Found a security exploit? Please email us at instead for immediate attention == == → DO NOT SUBMIT VULNERABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC BUG TRACKER == > Please include the following information when submitting a bug report > - **NodeBB version:** v1.7.3 - **NodeBB git hash:** 0020b8a18b7ad9345162a5843817458724dafc14 [to find your git hash, execute `git rev-parse HEAD` from the main NodeBB directory] > - **Database type:** mongo - **Database version:** v3.4.9 `mongod --version` or `redis-server --version` > - **Exact steps to cause this issue:** Create a tag with an & in it. 1. First I did this... 2. Then, I clicked on this item... > - **What you expected:** I expected the & to be propery escaped in html as in ` & ` e.g. I expected *abc* to *xyz* > - **What happened instead:** e.g. Instead, I got *zyx* and NodeBB set fire to my house > Instead it wasn't escaped and edge wasn't happy. ` books&mags ` ` HTML1402: Character reference is missing an ending semicolon "";"". ` Thank you! > " __label__bug "When because message contains “{someText}”, then exception will thrown Example: public void Foo[string info] { object someObject = null; someObject.Should[].BeNull[$“because {info}”]; } public void Bar[] { //this will throw exception: Foo[“{a}”]; } " __label__question Is it possible to cancel a transaction? I have a transaction stuck in pending. Is it possible to cancel it? __label__enhancement "Examples: Those examples that is in the root of the examples folder need to be cleaned up **Details of the scenario you try and problem that is occurring:** To be able to turn on the new common test for testing examples the examples in the root of the Examples folder need to be cleaned up and make sure they are working in AppVeyor. That might include moving some examples to a markdown instead, if they seem to problematic to make work in the tests. For example some examples are using resource not present during testing, unless we configure the example [or test] to download the necessary resources. **The DSC configuration that is using the resource [as detailed as possible]:** n/a **Version of the Operating System, SQL Server and PowerShell the DSC Target Node is running:** n/a **Version of the DSC module you're using, or 'dev' if you're using current dev branch:** Dev" __label__enhancement IOS support And Android Support Via Viewport We need to add a viewport :] __label__enhancement "Caching Da wir fast ausschließlich statische Seiten ausliefern, könnte caching ziemlich nützlich sein. " __label__enhancement Create initial implementation autorequire files via an rails initializer. __label__bug "After released the button ""P0"", the selected box of Slow-Mo doesn't locate to ""basic.showIcon[IconNames.Yes]"". **Repro step:** - Navigate to [//][url] - switch ""BLocks"" to ""_{}JavaScript_"" and copy the following code to content panel: "" _input.onPinReleased[TouchPin.P0, [] => { basic.showIcon[IconNames.Yes] }] input.onPinPressed[TouchPin.P0, [] => { basic.showNumber[1]}]_ "" - Enable ""_Slow-Mo_"" **Expected Result:** If released the button ""_P0_"", the event ""_input.onPinReleased[]_"" could be triggered. So the selected box of Slow-Mo should locate to ""_basic.showIcon[IconNames.Yes]_"". **Actual Result:** When released the button ""_P0_"", the slow-mo doesn't locate to ""_basic.showIcon[IconNames.Yes]_"".Detail as follows: ![slow-moissue][//] " __label__enhancement Enhance group summary number formatting for integers Ensure numeric integers are formatted correctly in grid group header/footer summaries. __label__question "Queue doesn't work properly with modal with timer ```js swal.queue[[ {title: 'Modal 1', timer: 2000}, {title: 'Modal 2', timer: 2000} ]] ``` jsfiddle: // expected: two modal are shown, one after another actual: only the first modal is shown reason: closing by timer is a dismissal and queue stops because of the first modal was dismissed. Is ""two modal are shown, one after another"" expected only by me or someone else also expecting that? " __label__bug Sign out is not working. Version bba9f44 Reproduce steps: Sign in. Expand the user menu. Click on `Sign out`. Go back to the previous page. Obtained: The user is still signed in. // __label__enhancement "Add json_encode[] function and json_decode[] function. Add json_encode[] function and json_decode[] function so that developers easily migrate to this library from the built-in functions. ```php

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