Drought under global warming a review năm 2024

Dry spells ranging from years to decades have happened many times throughout history. North America, West Africa, and East Asia, for example, have seen significant changes in the past century. Asia. Droughts were most likely caused by unusual tropical sea surface temperatures. Temperatures [SSTs], with La Nina-like SST anomalies causing dryness in parts of the country. Drought in East China is being caused by El Nino-like SSTs in North America. Across Africa, warming in the Atlantic and a southern shift of the hottest SSTs Droughts in the Sahel have been blamed on the Indian Ocean. Local feedbacks may be useful. Intensify and extend the drought Since the 1970s, global aridity has risen dramatically. Due to recent dryness in Africa, southern Europe, and East and South Asia in the 1970s, as well as eastern Australia. Despite the El Nino-Southern Oscillation [ENSO], tropical cyclones continue to exist. Atlantic SSTs and Asian monsoons have aided the current dryness. The demand for moisture in the atmosphere has risen because of recent warming, and this has likely changed the landscape. Both of these factors contribute to the drying of the atmosphere. Models of climate change. In the twenty-first century, much of Africa and southern Europe saw increasing aridity and the Middle East, as well as the majority of North and South America, Australia, and Southeast Asia Region.


Drought, Global Warming, ENSO, Surface, Temperature.


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[Dr. Anubhav Soni , Pooran Singh [2022], A Review Paper on Drought under Global Warming, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management [IJIREM], Vol-9, Issue-1, Page No-253-256], [ISSN 2347 - 5552]. www.ijirem.org

A review of widely used drought indices and the challenges of drought assessment under climate change

Jeongwoo Han et al. Environ Monit Assess. 2023.


Under climate change, drought assessment, which can address nonstationarity in drought indicators and anthropogenic implications, is required to mitigate drought impacts. However, the development of drought indices for a reliable drought assessment is a challenging task in the warming climate. Thus, this study discusses factors that should be considered in developing drought indices in changing climate. Inconsistent drought assessment can be obtained, depending on the baseline period defined in developing drought indices. Therefore, the baseline period should represent the contemporary climate but should also correspond to long enough observations for stable parameter estimation. The importance of accurate potential evapotranspiration [PET] for drought indices becomes higher under a warming climate. Although the Penman-Monteith method yields accurate PET values, depending on the climate and vegetation cover, other suitable PET formulas, such as the Hargreaves method, with fewer hydrometeorological data can be used. Since a single drought index is not enough to properly monitor drought evolution, a method that can objectively combine multiple drought indices is required. Besides, quantifying anthropogenic impacts, which can add more uncertainty, on drought assessment is also important to adapt to the changing drought conditions and minimize human-induced drought. Drought is expected to occur more frequently with more severe, longer, and larger areal extent under global warming, since a more arid background, which climate change will provide, intensifies land-atmosphere feedback, leading to the desiccation of land and drying atmosphere. Thus, an accurate drought assessment, based on robust drought indices, is required.

Keywords: Climate change; Drought assessment; Drought indices; Global warming.

Does global warming contribute to drought?

Drought is a serious environmental threat across the United States. Climate change exacerbates droughts by making them more frequent, longer, and more severe.

What percentage of the US is in drought?

Meanwhile, the eastern Northwest, northern Rockies, and northern Michigan experienced degradations this past week. As of January 30, 2024, 19.72% of the U.S. and Puerto Rico and 23.52% of the lower 48 states are in drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Are droughts increasing globally?

Climate change is expected to lead to greater drought severity in most regions, so without significant improvements to how policy makers manage droughts, the world is on a path to even greater losses in economic growth and development gains due to these prolonged dry shocks.

What is causing the drought?

When rainfall is less than normal for a period of weeks to years, streamflows decline, water levels in lakes and reservoirs fall, and the depth to water in wells increases. If dry weather persists and water-supply problems develop, the dry period can become a drought.

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