Ethics meaning in English with example

Ethics meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Ethics’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

Ethics’ pronunciation= e-thiks

  • Ethics meaning in English
    • Ethics-Example
      • ‘Ethics’ other meanings
      • ‘Ethics’ Synonyms-antonyms

‘Ethics’ is helps us to differentiate between good decisions and bad decisions.

1. ‘Ethics’ is a code of conduct that proves what is right or wrong for individuals, societies, and groups.

2. ‘Ethics’ provides a framework to understand and explain right and wrong in society.

Ethics- English meaning
code of conduct


The word ‘Ethics’ acts as a Noun.

The plural noun of the word ‘Ethic’ is ‘Ethics’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Ethics’ are as follows.


▪ Thank you for sharing these ethics and values with me.

▪ I have learned more about ethics from my parents.

▪ Is ignoring someone’s questions ethical or unethical?

▪ Ethics is constantly evolving as a discipline.

▪ Ethics is concerned with good actions and behaviors.

▪ The practice of ethics is necessary because there are still norms in society that we need to follow.

▪ Without convention, everything is arbitrary in ethics.

▪ He follows the strict ethics of his medical profession.

▪ As an advocate, he always ignores the code of ethics of his profession.

▪ Ethics is a nice assignment.

▪ Medicine, law, journalism, and accounting disciplines have their own code of ethics.

▪ Ethics is the branch of philosophy that asks practical questions.

▪ The term ethics describes moral principles.

▪ You cannot always apply the principles of Epistemology in Ethics.

▪ My ethics prevent me from lying to others.

‘Ethics’ other meanings

ethic= Moral principle

unethical= Immoral, unprincipled

professional ethics= Business moral principle, A code of conduct for a profession

ethics committee= Moral principle committee, conduct committee

ethics in business= Morals in business, manners in business

code of ethics= A code of conduct for a profession or business

social ethics= A code of conduct for a community

philosophical ethics= philosophical ethics involves concepts of right and wrong behavior

marketing ethics= Marketing ethics help identify acceptable practices and deal honestly and fairly with customers.

ethics of journalism= Good practices and moral principles applicable to journalists

medical ethics= A set of moral principles, beliefs, and values that govern the practice of medicine

Islamic ethics= Islamic ethics is the teachings of the Quran. Islamic ethics explained what Muslims ought to do.

deontological ethics= Deontological ethics is the morality of human actions.

ethical responsibility= Moral responsibility, moral obligation

‘Ethics’ Synonyms-antonyms

The synonyms of the word ‘Ethics’ are as follows.

moral code

The antonyms of the word ‘Ethics’ are as follows.


What are some examples of ethics?

Ethics, for example, refers to those standards that impose the reasonable obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.

What is ethics explain with example?

Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgments; it studies what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust. In a broader sense, ethics reflects on human beings and their interaction with nature and with other humans, on freedom, on responsibility and on justice.

What are simple words ethics?

1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. 2. being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp. the standards of a profession.

What are the 3 types of ethics?

Ethics is traditionally subdivided into normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics.

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