GitHub Desktop Reddit

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Why does Telegram have only the desktop client Github repo, and not the mobile client repo? 1/r/telegram , 2022-01-02, 18:23:03Permalink
Trying to use an older version of github desktop 0/r/git , 2021-12-18, 18:14:53Permalink
GitHub desktop help "error: path does not have our version" 1/r/github , 2021-12-14, 05:31:27Permalink
GitHub Desktop - Too many commits/too large 4/r/git , 2021-12-09, 08:23:11Permalink
Okay, so Signal claims they are secure because they use an Open Source protocol. I can find their code repositories online. How do I know the code on GitHub is what actually makes it onto my phone/desktop through the app stores? 27/r/askengineers , 2021-11-06, 18:39:45Permalink
Qual a vantagem de usar o Github desktop ao invés de utilizar os comandos no terminal? 6/r/brdev , 2021-10-13, 18:12:54Permalink
CIAB Remote Desktop System v5 using LXD Containers on Ubuntu 20.04 available on Github 1/r/ubuntu , 2021-10-12, 21:46:55Permalink
CIAB Remote Desktop System v5 using LXD Containers on Ubuntu 2.04 available on Github 1/r/ubuntu , 2021-10-12, 21:45:55Permalink
Distributing a Python 'desktop' application via Github - what should I include? 2/r/pythonhelp , 2021-10-07, 23:44:29Permalink

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