How to reduce your fashion footprint top 10 năm 2024

Launched by Cyclescheme Limited, a UK company founded in 2005 by cycling enthusiasts who wanted to promote cycling as a practical and sustainable form of transport, Cycle to Work Day is an annual event that celebrates the benefits of cycling to work and encourages more people to try it. On their website, you can also estimate how much carbon footprint [CO2] you can save by choosing cycling as your travel method.

According to Cyclescheme’s CO2 calculator, taking a typical commute journey of 5 miles, the statistics below shows how much can be saved by cycling in comparison to other transport methods, and that’s quite an impact!

- 178 kg of CO2 emissions/ 8 trees per year [Car]

- 132 kg of CO2 emissions/ 6 trees per year [Bus]

- 89 kg of CO2 emissions/ 4 trees per year [Tube & Train]

Reducing Carbon footprint

But why does it matter? First of all, let’s unpick what carbon emissions are and why they are a concern for the planet.

Carbon emission is the release of carbon dioxide [CO2] and other greenhouse gases [GHGs] into the atmosphere as a result of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture, and industry operations.

These gases trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming and climate change, which in this article we will not dig into its serious consequences to the environment, lives, and the economy.

Choosing a greener commute method is a great way to reduce our daily carbon emissions, and there are other areas of our daily life that can make a meaningful difference - did you know that what you wear every day can make a significant contribution to climate change?

According to the , that is more than the aviation and shipping combined.

You can also use the Fashion Footprint Calculator developed by ThredUp to get an idea of your fashion’s estimated environmental impact.

How to reduce your fashion footprint?

In our pursuit of fashion and self-expression, it is crucial to understand the “invisible costs” behind our clothes.

We might think that it is the responsibility for producers and brands to reduce carbon footprint, or that our individual actions as consumers won't make a significant difference- which is in fact not so true.

Even our smallest decisions carry substantial weight and can contribute to a better world! Here are a few tips of how you as a consumer can use your power to impact, and reduce your fashion footprint.

Responsible Consumption

  • Buying less and choosing quality over quantity. Fast fashion is a major source of waste and pollution, as it encourages overconsumption and disposal of cheap and poorly made clothes. Instead of buying 10 pairs of jeans that you will barely wear, invest in one or two pairs that fit well and last long.
  • Choosing ethical and eco-friendly brands. Some brands are committed to producing clothes that are made from organic or recycled materials, use less water and chemicals, and pay fair wages to their workers. You can support these brands by checking their sustainability credentials and choosing them over fast fashion brands.

Better Care

  • Cutting down the number of times you wash your clothes. If possible, wash your clothes in cold water and air dry them.This could hugely reduce the energy and water consumption, whilst keeping your clothes in good condition for longer.

Extend the life of a garment

  • Repairing or upcycling your clothes. Instead of throwing away your clothes when they get torn or stained, you can try to fix them yourself or take them to a tailor. You can also get creative and transform your old clothes into something new, such as turning a shirt into a pillowcase or a skirt into a tote bag.
  • Renting, buying second-hand or swapping clothes with friends. You can find some amazing and unique pieces in thrift stores, online platforms, or swap events. You can also give your old clothes a new life by donating them to charity or exchanging them with someone else.

According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Keeping clothes in use for as long as possible is a central strategy of a circular economy for fashion. ThredUP estimated that if everyone in the US bought one item “used” instead of “new” in 2020 it would save:

  • 3.6Mts of CO2e [66M trees planted]
  • 100 billion litres of water [1.25B showers]
  • 200 million kilos of waste [18,700 full garbage trucks]

You have power as a consumer and individual! With more awareness, collectively, even our smallest decisions could lead to a huge impact, and protect the place where we all call home 🌍.

At Madeby, we verify brands’ sustainability claims so you can quickly identify the ethical and eco-friendly brands and purchase more consciously, without the threat of greenwashing.

On brand’s profile pages, you could also see the options to “buy new”, “rent” or “buy second-hand” if they are available.

How to avoid fast fashion 10 actionable ways to go sustainable?

In this article, we will go over the best ways to reduce the fast fashion trend and shop sustainably..

Choose Organic Or Recycled Fabric..

Repair Your Clothes Instead Of Buying New Ones..

Second-Hand Shops Are Useful..

Choose Locally-Made Clothes..

Choose Transparent Brands..

Wash Your Clothes Correctly..

How might we reduce fast fashion waste?

How can we reduce our Fashion Environmental Impact?.

buy less. ... .

Buy CLOTHES FROM sustainable BRANDS. ... .

Buy better quality. ... .

Think twice before throwing out your clothes. ... .

Buy second hand, swap, & rent clothing. ... .

Keep an eye on your washing..

What is an example of a fashion footprint?

From the chemicals used to make the dye for your nice purple T-shirt, to the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in transporting it to you, it all adds up. This environmental impact is known as your fashion footprint, and it's something we all need to reduce.

How can we stop clothes pollution?


WASH LESS. Only wash clothes when they are dirty! ... .


WASH AT 30C. ... .





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