Hướng dẫn nhiệm vụ allies north sea red alert 3 năm 2024

Welcome to the less evil side of things. In this walk through you will find out how to complete every single mission in Red Alert 3’s Allied Campaign on the hardest difficulty [which is Hard].

The campaign starts at a point in which the Soviets have conquered most of Europe and have pushed the Allied forces to the brink of collapse. Only England and small parts of Europe have stay around and kicking. The good ole US of A has joined the fight and with you in command seek to push back into Europe.

Mission 1: Ride of the Red Menace – Brighton Beach

It’s the very first mission, which makes it the easiest. You will have access to a few units on here, signaling that this campaign will already be more difficult than the Soviet one.

You will start off with Two attacks dogs and some Peacekeepers to clean up the island. Most things here won’t fight back so it won’t be too tough. The attack dogs F key can stun targets. However most of them will die so fast it really won’t matter. Now you will have to defend the beaches. The first few waves will be infantry. Use your peacekeepers to kill them.

There is a bonus objective to take buildings. This is a long term bad idea because the molotov cocktails of the Soviet Conscript will deal insanely high amounts of damage to clumped units in there. It’s something weird about the map and not a real concern in other missions.

You will also gain access to javelin rocket soldiers which you can use to fire at enemies while they are parachuting and full on kill enemy vehicles and air units. Note, you will need mostly javelin rocket soldiers. They also give you access to a vehicle which you don’t have to use. It adds a little more health and mobility to whatever unit you decide to house in them.

However javelins are far easier to micro. The guns you seek are along the coastline and can be acquired via an engineer. It might also be helpful to acquire the hospital with an engineer.

With the final rush coming all of the ships will be destroyed by bombers. Your only concern is dealing with the zeppelins that are flying overhead. Once you have destroyed so many of them the mission will end.

Mission 2: The Shark and the Lure – Cannes

After successfully defending England from invasion you are sent to Cannes. This is your first Tanya mission.

So you should train a few extra spies. The first three you are given are just enough for the first island. Move Tanya and your spies forward.

Select your spies and right click on one of the enemy conscripts. This will “cloak” your spy and make the enemy believe they are conscripts.

Select one of the spies and have them enter a power plant south of the western entrance of that base. This will shut down the defenses temporarily. Don’t worry about destroying any of this stuff because it will also self-destruct later anyway.

From here use Tanya to kill as many of the infantry and bears as you can. Bears can see your spies true form and will instantly kill them. You need to get your remaining two spies into the two marked buildings. It’s a simple matter of killing a bunch of people and then getting out. You will need three more spies for the next part so hopefully you’ve been training them. Use Tanya to kill the bears that are patrolling around the water. Use one of the spies to knock out the power grid on the second island and then move in with Tanya. Once again have Tanya run around and kill people. Now have Tanya clean up the bears and send the spies in the marked buildings again.

Finally you will need to place Tanya in the newly marked building and everything that you didn’t destroy and a few ships will suddenly become destroyed.

Next you will gain access to new units and will be able to wage a ground war. Tanya can be used immediately to take out all of the dreadnaughts. Literally not one at all will even look at Tanya. Just right click on each with Tanya and she will destroy each of them.

Next up an appropriate army to win the day. Stay heavy on guardian tanks but mix in some javelin infantry and some peacekeepers. Interesting fact, the guardian tanks F key will allow them to cause whatever they target to give increased damage. So having one of your guardian tanks set to this will give your entire army a massive boost.

Attack in when you have a hand full of tanks and use Tanya to aid in destroying buildings. Once all of the unit producing structures are defeated the mission will end.

Mission 3: The Famous Liberation – Heidelberg

The first part of this is rather simple. You will have access to four anti-air ships. The F key will make it so they can shut off someone’s ability to fire in exchange for losing their own. Having one set to this while engaging the first few anti-air units will help. The second one you need everyone set to this ability and have every single one targeting a different enemy. Being able to micro like this will come in handy later in the campaign.

You will say good bye to your sea units and will have access to brand new Vindicator bombers. You should setup a defensive position north of your base. Have some peacekeepers and javelin ready to deal with what will come, peacekeepers especially. With the double barracks next to your base you will see tones of infantry.

A secondary objective will become available to save Tanya by destroying large groups of enemy units. Note you only need to use the interceptor bombers on this as they have very little anti-air units and absolutely no structures. After a few bombing runs all of the buildings and tanks will be capoot.

For your attack north you should wipe out the two barracks first. Use javelins for this. You should be able to destroy each within one volley if you have enough javelins. After this destroy the two giant reactors. Once both are destroyed enemy defenses will shut down. You will be able to storm in this first base very fast and easily. The third base however is a bit trickier. This is the one wedged in the middle that has the iron curtain. Without destroying the iron curtain all buildings and tanks to the north will be permanently immune.

You will simply need to do a joint strike to get through, focus on the coils. The AA will get sold by the computer player eventually. Your computer player at this point will have also helped in breaking through part of this. It may take a second attack to destroy this.

Focus on building tanks and javelins as they will be your best money answer to anything the enemy has after this. Once the middle base is destroyed focus all of your forces on the western front and attack WITH your ally to quickly take out the enemy apocalypse tanks. Simply take your time and focus down each apocalypse tank and the war factory that builds them. The mission ends when you destroy the residential buildings at the top of the hill.

Mission 4: Enemy of Our Enemy – Gibraltar

This is one hell of a mission and it is quite a large difficulty scale.

There is a beginning mini-game with just Tanya and Natasha. Basically use Natasha’s insane range to deal with most threats. When there are tones of enemies run in with Tanya and kill 3-4 enemies and then use your F [Chrono watch] to get your health back and back off. Anyway…

To start build some static defenses north of your base. The enemy will have a massive infantry surprise attack that can be defeated by 2-3 static positions with peacekeepers in them.

If you feel too overburdened in this sneak attack you can use one of your resource trucks to run over their troops. But for the most part 3 static positions will wipe them all out.

Next on your list is to free a fleet of ships.

You can use Tanya and your cryo copters silmultaneously with building northern defenses to take out their harbor just south of those ships. Use the cryo copters on any resisting ships and you will be able to use Tanya to clean out these units. Cryocopters wil freeze opponents and make this easy. They are however not going to be effective in dealing with buildings.

Next up with a shipyard of your own build four hydrofoils. Have them set to their alternative setting which will de-activate weapons on the defenses. Have all four of them targeting a different one. You can use some dolphins or Tanya to destroy these. You will find no resistance.

With this you will gain access to four assault destroyers and your ally will gain four Akula Subs. Your ally will use all of his resources to destroy the naval base to the north.

You will place your fleet directly to the southeast and they will destroy everything as they come in. With your cryocopters and hydrofoils with some dolphins and your assault destroyers you should be able to destroy all of this before it can setup shop and deal any damage.

Next up you’ll want to create an army of tanks and infantry to deal with the base to the north. You can use your remaining assault destroyers, cryocopters and Tanya to deal with the base to the southwest easily. If you want to get the secondary objective simply place a base here.

Overwhelmingly the biggest challenge of this mission is all of the random events which are almost impossible to predict.

Mission 5: The Unfathomable Fortress – North Sea

This is a multi-section mission.

In the first section you will be given four dolphins and four and four hydrofoils. The dolphins do not do a lot of damage. However, the utility of the hydrofoils is insanely high.

This first part will interchange between air units and a single cruiser. You can disable the cruiser’s weapons by using the F key on one of your hydrofoils while your dolphins and your ally kill it. When the air units come switch to your anti-air weapons on the hydrofoil to deal with them. You should be able to clear this part relatively easy as long as you micro a few units effectively.

The next part has you team up Natasha with 4 spies. Right click the spy on a unit to cloak him. Now move your spies near each power source. None of their units here can target you. Natasha will destroy each reactor as you put a spy in it. So put a spy in the first one, wait for her to destroy it, then do the next.

The next part of this is Tanya and the four engineers. Simply have Tanya clean out the infantry in the area and click on the reactor to have the engineers take it over. As you de-activate a reactor so many guns will turn off. Just do them in order. Make sure to pick up the $ boxes on the ground, they will give you extra resources for later.

Now finally you will get to play the map.

The strategy here is to build a small fleet. Start with four hydrofoils, get 2-3 assault destroyers, and at least 2 aircraft carriers. Have them move along the eastern front [as a fleet] and take out all of the buildings along its path. Then have it move north taking out naval ports, barracks, turrets, war factories, generators, and resource facilities. This will put a massive damper on how many units the computer can make.

Getting air recon as a general power will help you a tone as you slowly move with this fleet. Note the four hydrofoils can be toggled on and off to disable weapons of enemy ships and to deal with air units.

While moving up with this fleet establish a base on the island to the east. Make sure to take over the enemy’s power generators right as well as take over as many of the oil derricks as you can.

You will want to create another fleet of roughly the same kinds of ships, heavy on assault destroyers and hydro foils with a huge aircraft carriers. On the island establish a barracks and start pumping out some javelins to defend the island against air units. There is a lighthouse that can be manned to help deal with most air and water invasions.

On this island make sure to place a MCV [Mobile Command Vehicle] and upgrade that vehicle to maximum clearance. Place an airport here and get some Century Bombers. Century Bombers can be equipped with infantry to be deployed on the ground.

Next on your list is to move forward with your jumbo fleet and start taking out anti-air turrets. It also makes sense to destroy the two naval bases to the west as this will stop any resistance to sea other than anti-air units. It means that you will not have to babysit your hydrofoils as usual.

With your aircraft carriers you can fire at most of the harbor turrets and some infrastructure.

With your bombers you can also bomb down some infantry to support in the effort. They can hit some structures deeper in land. With Tanya you can mass wipe out tones of structures. The bombers will also offer you a way to dump your engineers for the win.

Knock out all of the turrets at the two generators and have one bomber each drop engineers at these locations, then have the engineers simultaneously grab these points. If you don’t do it closely enough to in unison they will simply reset to enemy control.

Once you have both generators the island will blow up… and you win.

Mission 6: A Monument to Madness – Mt Rushmore

So this weird mission starts off with Tanya. Go northwest and take out the power plant. Kill all of the dogs and then command your ally to use the spies to take it down. Kill the guards, kill the turret and destroy the power plant. A new secondary mission will become available to take over this barracks. Do so and it will be yours at the beginning of the next part.

Now go to the other place on the map, bomb the tank, kill the infantry, and destroy the array. Your ally will make javelins that can destroy the turret.

So now you will get the full map, your ally will take the eastern flank. With your barracks produce one engineer to take over the oil derrick near your base and pump out only javelins.

You should build a generator and as soon as you get it make 4x turrets. Spread them out well. You can place 5 javelins in the one building near your base for extra defense.

Next up throw down your three resource gatherers.

Next on your list, an air base. Build three Vindicator bombers. Use these to eliminate the one infantry standing to the west of your base and the two turrets east of your base. You can use these bombers to destroy select turrets at the enemy’s base.

You should make sure to upgrade your clearance twice so you can get the century bombers. You will need at least one.

Once you get a century bomber load two engineers and dump the engineers to the east. One can take over the building immediately and the second can move north to where Akerman’s limo ought to be. This will shut down two of the harder “heads” to deal with.

After the enemy has attacked your base you can rush forward with your army of javelins. You will be able to supplement it with Tanya and some brand new Mirage Tanks. With javelins you will lose far less units to head attacks.

Attack northeast towards his cluster of power generators. Once you knock off all of these power generators all of his defenses will be down. If you want the other bonus objective you can load an engineer into another bomber and dump them at the third launch center to the northwest.

But after you have all the generators down you just need to pave your way to main target in the middle.

Akerman will use the chronosphere to teleport from the edge of the hill to the middle south of the map. This is of course after you try and bomb him. If you rally some javelins and peacekeepers to this location while you are attacking the main objective Akerman will die instantly.

If you don’t you can also use an Apollo Fighter jet to hit his helicopter… or some more javelins.

Mission 7: Forever Sets the Sun – Tokyo Harbor

This is one hell of a mission. You face off against all of the leadership of the Imperial army other than George Tchai. A lot of the challenge behind this mission is dealing with random events while still tackling all four Imperial lords.

The first step of this mission is to survive long enough for the Soviets to arrive. You are promised if you clear the blockades the Soviets will immediately arrive… but they don’t. The Soviets declare that they just can’t make it.

So what you will be doing is preparing for the next phase of the race. All of your buildings will be destroyed so all that is important is what units you can keep alive. Any unit near one of your buildings or your ally’s buildings will be destroyed.

So you will want to have 8 bombers out. You will want to get as many javelins as possible [you have two barracks] and a couple of Hammer Tanks [they’re not that important, honestly]. You should also try to get out as many dolphins and hydrofoils as possible.

Once you get your two hammer tanks, sell your two factories for an extra $1000 credits each. Slowly start selling all of your barracks, all of your generators, your shipyard, and once you’re really close to the end get your bombers [Vindicators are the best for this mission] out of there and sell off your airports too. Make sure all of your units are far away from your structures and make sure to sell off as many structures as humanly possible. It’s even worth while trying to save your resource truck as you can use that as a base expander.

Once the time runs out whatever you were unable to salvage will die.

You will gain access to a chronosphere and some extra money to re-build. Click on your ally’s construction yard and this will send your ally to “flank” the enemy. This is your best bet. Even if your ally dies she will deal enough damage to make it worth your while. How much damage she deals will be inconsistent. She will in the least remove the shielding power of the Japanese.

Your only real two units will be Vindicators and javelins. Javelins will defend your island and provide anti-air. The vindicators will take out targets strategically.

Your first target are the ports to the east. They are completely undefended and have no anti-air, this will also slow down the naval power of your enemy. It is worthwhile to get a third airport for 12 bombers. This will help with the eventual sneak naval attack.

Almost all of your general powers should be used to support your ally up north. Use them to help with her advances. Frost can be used to make her deal more damage faster, bombers can help deal damage to units and structures, and time bomb can deal excessive damage to almost anything.

If your ally doesn’t destroy the top middle base in time they will be wiped out, but don’t worry you can beat this without her.

Until the enemy fleet shows up focus your bombers towards decimating the middle island. Knock out turrets first and then go after unit producing facilities. If you can hit the construction yard, that helps a tonne.

Once the fleet randomly shows up focus all of your attention on it. As long as you have no navy there are only three units that can actually hit you. Wipe them out with your bombers fast and effectively. With 12 bombers you should be able to wipe them out in 3 fast waves. Hit the F key to get your bombers running back quickly after a successful run.

After the fleet is destroyed keep up bombing that middle island. Get rid of all the anti-air turrets as well as all infrastructure.

Next up attack remains of the north middle base. If this base is still around that is. You need to get rid of his general power as quickly as possible.

After this start picking away at the northwest base. It only has one building you have to destroy so you can opt to “all in” it as well.

The middle base has three targets. There is absolutely no anti-air defending them. So you can quickly pick this off and end the mission successfully.

If your ally is randomly useful the mission will take about 30 minutes, add another 10 minutes if your ally is however not useful.

Mission 8: The Great Bear Trap – Havana

The first part of this has you with a couple of dogs and two engineers running through the base. Try and spend all of your money recruiting troops. If you can keep enough AT troops alive you can do some serious damage to the stadium that first appears.

The second part is less about tactics and more about reaction times. If you send your ally to attack something keep in mind of what he will have to run through. Every single blimp that is heading to the west or north should be dealt with by Gilles. All others you should take care of yourself.

Getting the zeppelins is highest priority. Because of this your army will be very heavy on javelins and should later include Apollo Fighters.

You should build some hammer tanks to soak some hits while you have peacekeepers to eliminate their infantry.

The target order for the stadiums ought to be the one to the west, the one in the center, the one to the northwest and the one to the northeast. The one completely to the south can be destroyed entirely with time bombs and orbital strike general abilities.

For the arena to the northeast creep along the eastern coast to avoid most turrets. You will be able to get to the stadium without having to deal with any units.

For the northeastern one you should bring a nice collection of tanks and bust through the front. For whatever reason the enemy doesn’t build a lot of land units and keeps mostly expensive air vehicles and ships.

You shouldn’t rush to just “all in” him as control and consistency will be your key to victory.

Mission 9: The Moon Shall Never Have Him – Stalingrad

This mission requires a lot more aggression than one might be used to in order to achieve it on hard difficulty.

It’s important to note that the Soviets will start off with very few units. With your first group of Mirage tanks you can move east and destroy the entire first base. At your own base build a power plant, two resource collection facilities and create a couple of turrets.

Your first collection truck should come with you to build an expansion base to the east. Build a barracks here and use engineers to take over the large power plant, their resource gathering facility, the iron curtain, and the defense HQ.

The defense HQ of course can be sold to give you extra money.

You will want to build 3-4 turrets here, have a couple setup just north of the refinery. Load those two with peacekeepers and the rest with javelins. Now use your iron curtain on your four mirage tanks and have them destroy the second one to the east. This will immediately cause all of the forces in the buildings to rush your base, but your two turrets will deal with them.

You should be using all of your general powers to help push the western front. Your ally will use bombers to push and as long as you can deal extra damage to structures [which will never repair] he will push faster.

You will want to build a war factory for two athene tanks and a lot of javelins. You should also get an air base down for some apollo fighters. Get a defense HQ and immediately work to get the particle cannon.

You will use the two athene cannons to deal most of the damage, they can also deal with the long range naval units. The remainder of your tanks will use iron curtain and push in. The apollo fighters will deal with the ridiculous number of air units as will your javelins. The third iron curtain is surrounded by air bases… which will eliminate the majority of his anti-air units.

The base to the north will spawn a very dangerous weapon, but at your pace you will destroy most of this base before he shows up. He plants down a tonne of structures, recommend destroying all of them as they’re being built.

Next on this ring the 3rd base from the western front is completely surrounded by a wall. Using the Athene Cannons to destroy it. Sell off your iron curtain and if there is still one more left, use the athene cannons to destroy it.

While doing this march you should be preparing for ‘the final battle.’ The faster you do the march the more time you will have. Your ideal unit for the end is the Century Bomber. The more century bombers you have, the better. There is no point in paradropping anyone here, just burn it with bombs. Also make sure to target it for your ally to attack, otherwise he will waste his bombers on units.

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