Lỗi plaxis project has been create with a newer version

The main window will remain open, regardless of which option you may select, until a follow-up action is selected.

Submit bug report

This option will gather any necessary files to report the encountered issue in a temporary folder and launch your internet browser to submit a Service Request.

This includes:

  • bugreport.txt : contains essential information about the code considered in this issue
  • PlaxisBugReportProjectFiles.zip : contains three log files with executed commands in the project
  • screenshot.png : contains a screenshot of the current view of your PC to clarify the issue

You can attach these files as attachments when you submit a Service Request for further assistance.

Save bug report

This option will open a window in which you can select where to save the bug report file generated - bugreport.txt. This is a text file that contains essential information about the code considered in this issue.

You can provide this file as an attachment when you submit a Service Request for further assistance.

Show bug report

This option opens a window in which all the details of the bug report are presented. This is mostly used for debugging purposes by the PLAXIS team.

Follow-up actions explained

In the case that an issue is encountered, and the bug report information appears, the PLAXIS application requires a follow-up action by the user.

Continue application

This action will close the pop-up window and perform an attempt to continue using the application. Note that this might mean that the project can be corrupted, and unexpected issues may arise.

In case this fails and the pop-up window with the issue re-appears, you need to pick one of the other follow-up actions.

Restart application

This action will restart the current application that encountered the issue. You need to try and save your progress in the project, if possible, before you select this option. When restarting you can also choose the option Recover crashed project to continue working as shown in Figure 2.

Note that by starting a new project or opening a different project, the option to recover will no longer be available for the crashed project. Restarting the application will ensure that PLAXIS is ready to run again.

Figure 2. Option to recover the crashed project

Close application

This action will close the application entirely without saving any data for the project. When using this option, the data might be lost.

To start PLAXIS again you need to start it via the Windows Start menu, via a shortcut or a project file.

Recommended actions for a user

Any issues encountered with PLAXIS applications can be handled by directly reporting them to the support team: How to receive Technical Support.

In case you encounter an issue, you can reach out to the Support services by providing the relevant files – the bugreport.txt and a screenshot of the application – along with detailed information on which steps lead to this issue.

The preferred follow-up action would be to continue using the application, however, PLAXIS may still be in a state where the issue can arise again.

The error message mentions that the project you have received is created with a newer version. Since you are using PLAXIS 2D 2019, this means that the project was created with PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition V20 or later.

PLAXIS applications only support backwards compatibility, which means that projects created in older versions can be opened in newer versions.

Please upgrade your software to the CONNECT Edition to be able to open and work on the project you received. Note that since a few days ago we have released a new version, Update 2 which included lot's of improvements and new functionality.

To request for an upgrade please submit a service request so that we can process it as soon as possible.

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