Lỗi please run gta v using playgtav.exe năm 2024

My game won't even start. I click "Play", I choose Online or Singleplayer, then my mouse loads for a little, then it just stops. If I run GTAV.exe from the Steam Directory, I get an error saying:

Playgtav isn't part of steam version of gtav. Running gta5/gtavlauncher.exe's as admin can give this error - instead, run steam as admin. Launch the game from within steam, or from a steam generated shortcut. Launching straight from the .exe can give this error too. Antivirus/security software can give this error [windows defender too -.-] - temp sleep/disable or add .exe's to exclusions. Overclocks can occasionally give this error. 3rd party overlays/apps like msi, rtss, etc - can give this error. Corrupt files can also give this error - typical with incorrectly installed mods.

Also, only install 1 mod at a time, and test thoroughly.

Directions to clean the folder if you need -

And I don't recall if natural vision was able to be installed into the "mods" folder, instead of the vanilla files - which makes things much easier to undo/revert.

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