Memes that sum up keeping on top of everything năm 2024

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Finals week is the week where most college students pick up their books or go over their material for the first time. It is the time of the year where college students everywhere frantically get in every last bit of studying in before they either pass or fail some of the biggest exams they will ever take. It is also the time of year where students calculate what they need to get on their exams to pass the class. College campuses during this week are definitely acting on a high level of stress from students and professors to get everything done in time. Here are 10 memes that accurately sum up finals week.


In other words, our brains know absolutely nothing, everything mushes together, or we are dying on the inside with no brain in our heads.


You can feel all the lack of sleep. All the sleep is gone and you know it.


We wish there were curves, but either way Hunger Games sums up finals week.


Again, low levels of sleep show on your face no matter where you go or whatever you do get rid of it. Not even make up for girls can help you out.


This meme describes itself, it needs no words.


Again, describes itself.


Pretty much every college student ever if you ask me.


If you are a coffee drinker, then this meme is definitely you but ten times as bad!


This can perfectly describe several of the professors I have had in my past.

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Every year when summer rolls back around, you can't wait to fire up the boat and get back out there. Here is a list of things you can probably identify with as a fellow lake-goer.

A bad day at the lake is still better than a good day not at the lake.

It's your place of escape, where you can leave everything else behind and just enjoy the beautiful summer day. No matter what kind of week you had, being able to come and relax without having to worry about anything else is the best therapy there is. After all, there's nothing better than a day of hanging out in the hot sun, telling old funny stories and listening to your favorite music.

You know the best beaches and coves to go to.

women sitting on rock near body of waterPhoto by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Whether you want to just hang out and float or go walk around on a beach, you know the best spots. These often have to be based on the people you're with, given that some "party coves" can get a little too crazy for little kids on board. I still have vivid memories from when I was six that scared me when I saw the things drunk girls would do for beads.

You have no patience for the guy who can't back his trailer into the water right.

When there's a long line of trucks waiting to dump their boats in the water, there's always that one clueless guy who can't get it right, and takes 5 attempts and holds up the line. No one likes that guy. One time my dad got so fed up with a guy who was taking too long that he actually got out of the car and asked this guy if he could just do it for him. So he got into the guy's car, threw it in reverse, and got it backed in on the first try. True story.

Doing the friendly wave to every boat you pass.

Similar to the "jeep wave," almost everyone waves to other boats passing by. It's just what you do, and is seen as a normal thing by everyone.

The cooler is always packed, mostly with beer.

Alcohol seems to be a big part of the lake experience, but other drinks are squeezed into the room remaining in the cooler for the kids, not to mention the wide assortment of chips and other foods in the snack bag.

Giving the idiot who goes 30 in a "No Wake Zone" a piece of your mind.

There's nothing worse than floating in the water, all settled in and minding your business, when some idiot barrels through. Now your anchor is loose, and you're left jostled by the waves when it was nice and perfectly still before. This annoyance is typically answered by someone yelling some choice words to them that are probably accompanied by a middle finger in the air.

You have no problem with peeing in the water.

It's the lake, and some social expectations are a little different here, if not lowered quite a bit. When you have to go, you just go, and it's no big deal to anyone because they do it too.

You know the frustration of getting your anchor stuck.

The number of anchors you go through as a boat owner is likely a number that can be counted on two hands. Every once in a while, it gets stuck on something on the bottom of the lake, and the only way to fix the problem is to cut the rope, and you have to replace it.

Watching in awe at the bigger, better boats that pass by.

If you're the typical lake-goer, you likely might have an average-sized boat that you're perfectly happy with. However, that doesn't mean you don't stop and stare at the fast boats that loudly speed by, or at the obnoxiously huge yachts that pass.

Knowing any swimsuit that you own with white in it is best left for the pool or the ocean.

You've learned this the hard way, coming back from a day in the water and seeing the flowers on your bathing suit that were once white, are now a nice brownish hue.

The momentary fear for your life as you get launched from the tube.

If the driver knows how to give you a good ride, or just wants to specifically throw you off, you know you're done when you're speeding up and heading straight for a big wave. Suddenly you're airborne, knowing you're about to completely wipe out, and you eat pure wake. Then you get back on and do it all again.

You're able to go to the restaurants by the water wearing minimal clothing.

One of the many nice things about the life at the lake is that everybody cares about everything a little less. Rolling up to the place wearing only your swimsuit, a cover-up, and flip flops, you fit right in. After a long day when you're sunburned, a little buzzed, and hungry, you're served without any hesitation.

Having unexpected problems with your boat.

Every once in a while you're hit with technical difficulties, no matter what type of watercraft you have. This is one of the most annoying setbacks when you're looking forward to just having a carefree day on the water, but it's bound to happen. This is just one of the joys that come along with being a boat owner.

Having a name for your boat unique to you and your life.

One of the many interesting things that make up the lake culture is the fact that many people name their boats. They can range from basic to funny, but they are unique to each and every owner, and often have interesting and clever meanings behind them.

There's no better place you'd rather be in the summer.

Summer is your all-time favorite season, mostly because it's spent at the lake. Whether you're floating in the cool water under the sun, or taking a boat ride as the sun sets, you don't have a care in the world at that moment. The people that don't understand have probably never experienced it, but it's what keeps you coming back every year.

So lock down this list and impress your friends and family with your impressive film knowledge that fills the space of all that schoolwork that you just forgot. Because after all, "How could I handle school on a day like this?"

1. Jurassic Park

2. Princess Bride

3. Office Space

4. Sixteen Candles

5. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

7. ​Absolutely Anything [Robin William's Last Movie]​

8. Mrs. Doubtfire

9. To Kill a Mockingbird

10. A Few Good Men

11. Good Will Hunting

12. Dead Poet’s Society

13. Wizard of Oz

14. The Shining

15. Silence of the Lambs

16. Jaws

17. Casablanca

18. Singin’ in the Rain

19. E.T. Extra Terrestrial

20. Zootopia [basically all things Disney, except frozen]

21. Alien

22. Gone With the Wind

23. Harry Potter [All of them]

24. Star Wars [All but Rogue One]

25. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc

26. Die Hard

27. Titanic

28. It’s a Wonderful Life

29. Lord of the Rings [All three]

30. Airplane

31. Ghostbusters

32. Groundhog Day

33. A Clockwork Orange

34. The Terminator

35. Saving Private Ryan

36. Carrie [1976]

37. Pulp Fiction

38. Sixth Sense

39. The Matrix

40. West Side Story

41. Fight Club

42. Shaun of the Dead

43. Hot Fuzz

44. Forrest Gump

45. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

46. Back to the Future

47. The Breakfast Club

48. Mean Girls

49. The Sandlot

50. Wayne’s World

51. A Christmas Story

52. Elf

53. Napoleon Dynamite

54. The Big Lebowski

55. Spaceballs

56. Shrek

57. Beetlejuice

58. The Hangover

59. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

60. Anatasia

61. Young Frankenstein

62. Zoolander

63. Field of Dreams

64. American Pie

65. Gremlins

66. Big V for Vendetta

67. The Birds

68. How to Train your Dragon

69. The Labyrinth

70. Marvel Movies [All of them, even the bad ones]

There are plenty of other movies that are fantastic and worth watching, but this is where you should start. Try knocking a few out during those rainy days this summer!

Happy Watching!!!

Blacksburg Children's Museum

Having just celebrated my birthday this past Thursday, the most common question I received from people all day and night was, “Is your birthday actually today?” I realized that, for many, they have the misfortune of either having a birthday in the summer, or on a day that wasn’t ideal for them to celebrate on.

Your birthday celebration is a special day, and it is important to make the most out of it. I decided to take the initiative and make a definitive list that will show you the best day to have a birthday, in descending order according to their rank:

7. Monday

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

If your birthday falls on a Monday, it just might be an unlucky year for you. Monday is, hands down, the worst day to have a birthday. Everyone else is focused on how stressful the week ahead of them will be, and are still recovering from the weekend. If you celebrate the weekend before, that’s too far in advance, and celebrating the weekend after feels too far away. It’s a lose/lose, unfortunately.

6. Tuesday

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

While not as unlucky as a Monday, a Tuesday is in a similar situation. Most are still feeling down as so much of the week lies ahead, and often, big assignments are due on Wednesday. Of course, a Tequila and TacoTuesday could be an option [for those turning 21 or older, of course], but that’s about the most you can do.

5. Sunday

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Taking the fifth spot is Sunday. By the time Sunday comes around, everyone’s pretty exhausted. However, it still is a very relaxing day, that would make for a pretty good birthday. You have the entire day to spend how you want, no class, few commitments, if any. Plus, you can always celebrate the night before. Your birthday technically starts at midnight, right?

4. Wednesday

Photo by Kevin Kelly on Unsplash

Honestly, the most I can say about this is Wine Wednesday. The week is still young, though. Hopefully you have an easy Thursday and Friday ahead of you, however, if not, the birthday could go south. Either way, it’s definitely right in the middle in terms of the best day of the week to have a birthday on.

3. Thursday

Photo by benjamin lehman on Unsplash

I can speak from personal experience, this is a pretty great day to have a birthday. My 11 a.m. French exam the next morning wasn’t ideal, however, there’s nothing better than a Thirsty Thursday [again, 21 and up only]. It gives you the whole weekend ahead of you. However, it’s right at the beginning of the weekend, and not everyone has the ability to celebrate on Thursday, as it is still a weeknight.

2. Saturday

Photo by Asit Khanda on Unsplash

Saturdays are special because a Saturday birthday is an all day affair. You celebrate from first thing in the morning, all the way through the night. You can grab a dinner with friends, the whole day is yours for the taking. The only downside is that it doesn’t lay right in the middle of the weekend, it’s on the last day.

1. Friday

Photo by Sam Battaglieri on Unsplash

The final consensus is that Friday is, in fact, the best day for your birthday to fall on. Right in the center of the weekend, you can really make anything you want out of your birthday. You’ve claimed the right to an entire weekend, and all of your week’s responsibilities come to a close at the end of your Friday school day. You can even skip that class you hate so much. Those who have a Friday birthday this year: consider yourself blessed.

In the end, a birthday is a birthday. No matter what day yours falls on, you have every right to live it up, and have yourself a day!

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