Moral of the story là gì năm 2024

Morale is improved by maintaining a healthy surplus of basic necessities and efficient worker distribution, while it is decreased by food shortages, disasters, and overcrowding.

1. "moral" là danh từ đếm được

2.1. Mang nghĩa "bài học rút ra; lời răn dạy"

\=The moral of a story or event is what you learn from it about how you should or should not behave.

  • The moral of the fable [IELTS TUTOR giải thích: lời răn dạy của truyện ngụ ngôn]
  • I think the moral of the story is let the buyer beware.
  • The moral is that, once cooked, they look the same and taste every bit as good

2.2. Mang nghĩa "đạo đức; đức hạnh; phẩm hạnh

\=Morals are principles and beliefs concerning right and wrong behaviour.


  • morals với nghĩa này thường ở số nhiều
  • His morals are excellent [IELTS TUTOR giải thích: đạo đức của anh ta rất tốt]
  • a person of loose morals [IELTS TUTOR giải thích: kẻ buông thả về đạo đức]
  • to question somebody's morals [IELTS TUTOR giải thích: nghi ngờ phẩm hạnh của ai]
  • ...Western ideas and morals.
  • They have no morals.

Only where both coincide can business be expected to act out of moral concerns for past sins or the future public good.

For similar reasons, we examine attitudes towards gender roles and moral issues.

In addition to prescribing forms of work to the patient, each of the three models assigns the physician a moral function alongside his technical function.

Natural philosophy was supposed to lead to moral virtue, to modesty and religious reverence.

Is the symbolic value of the technology of any moral relevance?

Now, these were the people doing 'moral' things.

Moral and socio-religious explanations thus jostled for space in a wider teleology of profanation and purification.

Rights-based arguments founder on the difficulties of transferring a general moral claim of an individual patient to a specific claim against individual physicians.

Finally, it is in the interest of employees to have ethical care that respects them as persons - in the full moral sense of the term.

An authority that rests on substantive moral limitations is conceptually possible.

Nonetheless, it appears that moral orthodoxy, as defined by what the public is prepared to accept, is on the side of the animal experimentalists.

In the moral case, we can reasonably require agents to inquire into the nature of the situation when deciding what to do.

So, if it can be the case that a deity's activity cannot account for worlds' moral differences, [7a] is false.

Feminist ethicists reject this stance and assert that moral philosophy has to pay attention to the psychological, social and political dimensions of life.

Out of "idleness," experts generated such "futile" knowledge, and brought about a general dissolution of morals and corruption of taste.

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