On condition that là gì

Đồng nghĩa của on the condition that


As long as
while as long as so long as if provided provided that providing with the proviso that with the understanding that only if on the assumption that presuming assuming providing that on condition that presuming that assuming that allowing that contingent on granted with the provision that on the understanding that contingent upon subject to if and only if given that given supposing that in case in the event that supposing upon these terms on the occasion that with the condition that allowing granting wherever admitting conceding that granted that when whenever in case that supposing it is the case that imagine suppose say in a state any time in the position where every time in the event let's say let's assume what if

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on the contrary on the crest of on the critical list on the cross on the cuff on the cusp of on the comeback trail on the circuit on the case on the cards on the canvas on the button

Trái nghĩa của on the condition that

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