Once cut of the dead review năm 2024

Things go badly for a hack director and film crew shooting a low budget zombie movie in an abandoned Second World War Japanese facility, when they are attacked by real zombies.

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Assistant Director



Original Writer











Alternative Titles

Kamera wo tomeru na!, Ne coupez pas!, Снимай без остановки!, วันคัท ซอมบี้งับๆๆๆ, 카메라를 멈추면 안 돼!, Ne coupez pas !, 屍殺片場, 一屍到底, One Cut of The Dead, Zombie contro zombie, 摄影机不要停!, Naneživo, Kamera o Tomeru Na!, Zombiai prieš zombius, Зомби одним планом!, Plano-Sequência dos Mortos, Quay Trối Chết, Jednym cięciem



Popular reviews


  • A truly grueling 30 minutes followed by an okay 30 minutes followed by a great 30 minute payoff that almost makes it worth it- but boy, do really you have to be committed to finishing this movie for it to be worth it. The structure of this film is both necessary and frustrating. If you’ve got the commitment, it’s like a feature-length Always Sunny episode with absolutely ludicrous music choices. But ultimately fun!
  • This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth. When you thought you've seen enough genre movies. When you thought you’ve seen enough zombie movies. When you thought you’ve seen enough comedy movies. When you thought you’ve seen enough zombie comedy movies. When you thought you've seen enough Japanese movies. When you thought you’ve seen enough movies within movies movies. When you thought you've seen enough low-budget movies. And then comes ONE CUT OF THE DEAD.
  • Taking this off of Kate's "Never Seen It" list... [here's the link if you want to follow along at home] letterboxd.com/flanaganfilm/list/movies-kate-siegel-hasnt-seen-but-has-probably/ My third time watching this - I just LOVE this film. Best viewed knowing nothing about it, this is a glorious love letter to making movies. It captures a feeling that's impossible to describe, but something you recognize immediately if you've ever worked on a movie - especially a horror movie. I can't really think of any other film that more accurately captures that feeling; a delirious joy born out of the absurd chaos of collaborative creation. My face hurts from smiling, and I want to be back on set as soon as possible. Kate's response: "I love this…
  • This film should be seen by anyone and everyone who loves movies, zombies, subversion, intelligent writing, B-movies, a good laugh, very clever filmmaking and surprises. So basically you. One Cut of the Dead will have you raise your eyebrows in doubt in the first act, raise them in surprised delight in the second and make you fall completely and utterly in love with it in the third act. Read as little about it as you can and just watch it, ok?
  • It’s not saying very much to declare Ueda Shin’ichirô’s debut feature the best zombie comedy since “Shaun of the Dead” — no disrespect to the likes of “Life After Beth” and “Scouts Guide to the Apocalypse,” but the decomposing sub-genre has been in desperate need of fresh brains ever since Edgar Wright brought it back to life. Enter “One Cut of the Dead,” a low-budget, high-concept work of tongue-in-cheek genius that not only matches the best of its predecessors, but also lovingly articulates why people are drawn to these movies in the first place. Unfolding like some kind of unholy cross between “Day for Night” and “Diary of the Dead,” Ueda’s self-reflexive delight honors and humiliates zombie cinema in equal…
  • This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth. Slightly disappointed the director director wasn't the director
  • The critic in me died while watching this ! I just want to hug all of them who made this gem possible ! I know it's doing great in Japan ! But it deserves a lot more than that !
  • THAT... was completely unexpected and actually pretty awesome. The first 40 minutes had me confused, thinking "why are people loving this movie? what is going on??" But then it ALL makes sense, and it's great!
  • Officially the greatest film ever made to capture the feelings of making a film. “Action!”
  • "Ach komm, dann schmeissen wir jetzt einfach diesen LowBudget-Zombiefilm aus Japan an." [Daniel] Wow. Das war mal 'ne Überraschung! Ich habe das erste Drittel fast nicht durchgehalten. Sowas hatte ich damals bei GameOne fast täglich auf dem Schirm. Ein LowBudget-Zombiespaß, okay. Aber: Warum nur gucken die Darsteller manchmal so seltsam? Diese stümperhaft langen Pausen im Spiel, ist das deren ernst? Plot Twist: Wenn man's durchhält, wird man Zeuge eines, in meiner kleinen Welt einmaligen Ereignisses. Nämlich: wie sich ein 20%-Film innerhalb von Minuten zu einem richtig guten 90%er wandelt. Sowas habe ich noch nie erlebt. Und das Finale ist der Wahnsinn. Man klatscht sich mehrfach auf die Stirn, schreit mit großen Augen "Ach Soooo..." dem TV entgegen, und lacht sich dabei gleichzeitig tot. Warum hat noch niemand vorher diese Idee gehabt? Wunderbares Ding und: schön, dass es sowas gibt.

A delightful celebration of the art of filmmaking, the beauty of improvisation, and the dangers of "doing it live."

Why is One Cut of the Dead so good?

The movie is clever, funny and offers something new and different. And, with so many young filmmakers making zombie films, this one actually offers you some things that are unique and well thought out. Well worth seeing....and a great example of cheap but effective film making.

Is One Cut of the Dead really one take?

The long take in particular, a 37-minute-long continuous shot of the zombie film, took six takes. One Cut of the Dead was made for ¥3 million [approximately $25,000 at the time], and was partially crowdfunded. After the eight days of shooting, it took four months for Ueda to edit the film.

How long is One Cut of the Dead?

1h 36mOne Cut of the Dead / Running timenull

Is One Cut of the Dead dubbed?

Note that the Steelbook release from RLJ Entertainment includes an English dubbed track, but it's not offered here, and that's not a loss—it's vastly inferior to the original Japanese. One Cut of the Dead Spin-Off: In Hollywood [aka Kamera o tomeru na!

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