Printable self-monitoring checklist for students

Why should I do it:

  • Promotes independent and responsible behaviors
  • Promotes independence and self esteem
  • Increases coping ability
  • Improves on task behaviors
  • Increases productivity
  • Improves self awareness and reflection

When should I do it:

  • When students have poor attention, focus, and impulse control
  • When students are disorganized, scattered, etc
  • When students have trouble being prepared, forgetting materials, homework, etc
  • When students are overly talkative or social
  • When students exhibit chronic or compulsive behaviors, like tapping, making sounds, etc
  • When students demonstrate other off task behaviors or difficulties attending

How do I do it:

  • There are many ways to implement a self monitoring system or intervention with students, but basically, the technique involves sitting down with the student, defining the behavior[s] to address, and choosing and implementing an intervention or system by which the student can keep track of their own behavior and progress toward the behavioral or other goal
  • The self monitoring interventions may include visual cues, like pictures, gestures, etc by which the student may be reminded to address the behavior indicated for intervention
  • Checklists and charts may be used by students to keep track of their behaviors
  • Indicators, where the student, when they see or hear something, know they need to address the behavior
  • Student may create notes to themselves
  • Students may look for triggers that cause the behaviors, avoiding these triggers or being aware they are present

Resources & Support for technique:
[Items with footnotes link to external websites]


  1. Loftin, R. L., Gibb, A. C., and Skiba, R. Using Self-Monitoring Strategies to Address Behavior and Academic Issues. [//].
  2. Dombeck, M. [2006]. Techniques for Unlearning Old Behaviors: Self-Monitoring. [//].
  3. Darden College of Education. Teaching Students to Self-Monitor Their Academic & Behavioral Performance. [//].
  4. VANDERBILT, A. A., UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. Designed for Teachers: How to Implement Self-Monitoring in the Classroom. [//].
  5. Agran, M., Sinclair, T., Alper, S., Cavin, M., Wehmeyer, M., Hughes, C., Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 2005, 40[1], 3-13, Division on Developmental Disabilities. Using Self-Monitoring To Increase Following-Direction Skills Of Students With Moderate To Severe Disabilities In General Education. [//].
  6. McIntyre, T. Self Monitoring of Behavior. [//].
  7. Rafferty, L. Step-by-Step: Teaching Students to Self-Monitor. [//].
  8. Watson, S. Behavior Self Monitoring Checklists. [//].

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