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How to Fix Copy and Paste Not Working in Windows 10

Every day, you copy and paste text, files, or folders on your computer. As such, its a huge inconvenience when the copy-paste tool stops working out of the blue. While this is one of the most basic functions that has been around since the first Windows versions, sometimes it just stops working.

If this has happened to you, give our guide a quick read to quickly solve this problem.

1. Restart the App Youre Currently Working In

If you cant copy and paste while using a specific app, close and reopen the app and check if this fixed the problem. Also, check if the app has any updates available since a software bug may be preventing copy and paste from working. You can update the app through the apps settings menu or the Microsoft Store if its on there.

2. Try Copy-Pasting With the Mouse Instead of the Keyboard

Usually, we press Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste because its faster. If you exclusively use the keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste, try using the mouse instead. If it works, try using other keyboard shortcuts on your PC and see if they work. If the copy-paste keyboard shortcut didnt work, it means the tool still works on your computer, but the keyboard shortcuts have stopped working.

If this has happened, check out our guide on fixing keyboard shortcuts not working in Windows 10 for more advice on what to do next.

3. Restart Windows Explorer

Before restarting Windows Explorer, save your work in progress as it will close any open apps and windows. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click Start > Task Manager.
  2. In the Processes tab, find Windows Explorer.
  3. Right-click it and select Restart.
  4. Check if copy-paste is now working.

Matthew Wallaker
[59 Articles Published]

Matthews passions lead him to become a technical writer and blogger. Having a Bachelors degree in Engineering, he enjoys using his technical knowledge to write informative and useful content.

From Matthew Wallaker

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