Run its course là gì

A God-given beauty. Photo by mvp

"Let nature take its course" = Hãy để nó diễn ra tự nhiên -> Cứ để mọi thứ phát triển một cách tự nhiên, bình thường của nó; đừng cố gắng can thiệp hay thay đổi mọi sự.

Ví dụ
In August of this year the drawdown [xả nước] gate was closed, and now Nolde said the parish [giáo dân] will let nature take its course in refilling the lake.

He tried chemotherapy [hóa học trị liệu] and it wasnt helping so he made the tough choice to let nature take its course. Since then, both he and his family have been having a difficult time.

On a scale of 0 to Violet, how cute would the spawn of Willow [Katelyn MacMullen] and Chase [Josh Swickard] be? And since the couple has decided to let nature take its course and decide the right time to procreate [sinh con] for them, how long do you give it before theres a new bundle of joy in Port Charles?

Bin Kuan

Bài trước:"It will take some doing" nghĩa là gì?

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