Shudder to a halt là gì

Nghĩa của từ shuddered

trong Từ điển Tiếng Anh
[of a person] tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion.
I shuddered with horror
synonyms: shake shiver tremble quiver vibrate palpitate
  • shake shiver tremble quiver vibrate palpitate
  • shiver
  • thrill throb shiver

Đặt câu với từ "shuddered"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "shuddered", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ shuddered, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ shuddered trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. A deep sigh shuddered through her body.

2. Tall, cadaverous preachers shuddered by.

3. The bus shuddered to a halt.

4. He shuddered from stem to stern.

5. His whole body shuddered with fury.

6. The train shuddered to a halt .

7. Maria shuddered as she stepped outside.

8. She shuddered involuntarily as he approached her.

9. The car shuddered briefly as its engine died.

10. 10 Water Gypsy shuddered from bow to stern.

11. I shuddered when I heard the gory details.

12. She shuddered at the thought of kissing him.

13. The plane shuddered and went into a tailspin.

14. The entire frame shuddered, and Cardiff stumbled back.

15. 10 Natalie shuddered. " I don't know. It's a godforsaken place, Briny. "

16. He shuddered at the thought of the conflict ahead.

17. I shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

18. Kari shuddered at the sight of the dead squirrel.

19. It gave someone gooseflesh and he shuddered all over.

20. The hardtop shuddered with the impact of flying debris.

21. We boarded a gold-colored coach, which shuddered to life.

22. He shuddered involuntarily and walked on towards the printing works.

23. I shuddered at the memory of numerical computations and algebra.

24. Natalie shuddered. " I don't know. It's a godforsaken place, Briny. "

25. 13 Mrs Kingswood shuddered at the mention of New Woman.

26. I shuddered at the thought of all the trouble I'd caused.

27. 17] There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered.

28. 6 The ground shuddered and heaved with the concussion of the blast.

29. He slammed on the brakes and the car shuddered to a halt.

30. Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought.

31. Lucy's body shuddered, oceans of sweat bound them, tide-tossed, tempest-tossed, redeemed.

32. Behind him, the lift shuddered and began to descend to the ground floor.

33. They passed the brown stone where the chameleon had perched, and he shuddered.

34. When the film showed the secret police knocking on the door of a Witness home, I shuddered.

35. We shuddered in the lurid light and turned away from the brooding peaks to north and east.

36. Jonah may have shuddered to think of himself drowning in that cold, wild sea.

37. Coleraine boss Billy Sinclair must have shuddered as he watched his side's dismal performance.

38. She jerked once and shuddered and curled up and hugged herself and lay still.

39. The entire ship paused and shuddered as the sails abacka sudden strong head wind.

40. He shuddered at his remembrance of royalty's puzzled look when he removed this ostentatious headgear.

41. The motor cycle shuddered as a squall spat a tongue of rain across the highway.

42. The train began to pull out of the station-then suddenly shuddered to a halt.

43. I believed that burglar shuddered when he saw a dog standing at door, piercingly at him.

44. 30 He shuddered, his hand going to the bone handle of his dagger though he dare not pull back.

45. The plane shuddered twelve hours later as the wheels touched down on the runway at JFK.

46. I shuddered when I heard the names: old hen, biddy, little old lady in tennis shoes.

47. It burst out of the tunnel in a gale of hot air and shuddered to a halt.

48. Jezrael clenched her teeth so hard against the torment that her jaws shuddered, but she didn't cry out.

49. He shuddered, his hand going to the bone handle of his dagger though he dare not pull back.

50. She was absolutely loath to do it and shuddered to imagine how he would react when he found out.

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