So sánh 1ds2 và 5d 1

I have a 5d classic and a 1d2n and am looking to pick up another body. I mainly shoot weddings and love to shoot higher ISO images and for the money my 5d is really good. The 1d2n is not quite as good at higher ISOs.

My question is if I had a shot at picking up a 1dsII vs. a 5d Classic on the used market which performs better in low light?

I love the body on my 1dIIn and on my previous 1ds plus I have found the dual card slot a saving grace more then once when my CF card corrupted and the SD card had duplicates on it in jpg.

From those who have used both the 5d and the 1dsII what's your opinion?

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:22 PM

RogerC11 Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: On

Have you ruled out a 1diii?

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:27 PM

Cicopo Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

I have a 1D2n, a 1Ds2, and a 7D, and have also owned a 5D & 5D2 as well as a few others and my 1Ds2 is my go to body but it's not a high ISO body as such. I try to stay under ISO 1000, but occasionally shoot 1600 which works well all things considered but for really good high ISO look at the 5D2.

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:35 PM

reno.peterson Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off


wrote: Have you ruled out a 1diii?

JK Roger...But I'll go hands down 1DsII. I've used both, and replaced the 5D with the 1DsII, and it's just a whole different experience. I'd probably give the advantage from what I noticed to the 1DsII as far as LL performance also. But, it was just the couple additional features, AF module, customization, feel, and the files seemed a bit more managable in post processing.

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:36 PM

BFahey Offline • • • Upload & Sell: Off

Well, the 1dIII makes me leery because of all the auto focus issues. Plus I am looking for my best bang for the buck. From what O heard the 1dIII is not much better then an original 5d when it comes to high ISO performance. My goal is to use my 70-200 f2.8L IS during indoor ceremonies hand held so I need something with pretty good ISO performance. The 5d does it but the 1dIIn falls a little short in giving me clean images in the churches in my market.

Since I don't have any experience with the 1dsII or the 1dIII I am open to opinions. It seems the used 5d classic market is running around $1000 and the 1dsII market is around $1800-$2000 for something not all beat up. What is a good 1dIII running for now?

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:36 PM

BFahey Offline • • • Upload & Sell: Off

This is great info. Thanks for sharing your personal experience with all of these bodies.

I am not one to go out and buy the newest body when it is released as I feel a lot of our best work comes from our own abilities but sometimes it is nice to make your life a little easier with better technology.

I have heard fantastic things about the 5dII and just shot with another wedding photog last week who had one and he loved it. I Also got to borrow his 16-35 f2.8II and fell in love.

I usually like to invest some money each year into some equipment upgrade so the choice is tough. The 16-35 really caught my eye so if I don't get another body I may go that route.

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:41 PM

artsupreme Online • • • • Upload & Sell: On

I think you would really like the 1DIII.

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:55 PM

dbehrens Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: On

I have the 1Ds Mark II and the 5D as well [which I use mainly as a light travel camera]. I also had the 1D Mark II. Both the 1Ds Mk II and 5D shoot high ISO superior to the 1D Mk2. Between the 5D and 1Ds Mk 2 I would give the edge to the 1Ds Mk 2. The pic below was shot with the 1Ds Mk 2 at ISO 3200. Dave //

Jun 30, 2011 at 08:56 PM

BFahey Offline • • • Upload & Sell: Off

That is an awesome shot!!! I guess I will start looking for a 1dsII in good shape. I do prefer the 1 series bodies but they do get heavy after 10 hours of shooting a wedding.

Jun 30, 2011 at 09:18 PM

mttran Offline • • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

1Ds2, all the way.

Jun 30, 2011 at 09:50 PM

Gunzorro Offline • • • • • • Upload & Sell: On

I have the 1Ds2, 5D and 60D currently.

Of those three, the 1Ds2 has the best IQ, but the modern 60D has the best features and high ISO handling.

For the price, I don't know why you aren't considering a used 5D2. Surely for about the same price as the 1Ds2 you can find a good quality 5D2 and I think that would suit your business better. Also, check Canon's 5D2 refurbs on their site.

I love my 1Ds2 images, but I'd love to move up in terms of features to a more modern FF body with a large LCD and LV.

Jun 30, 2011 at 09:54 PM

Depp Offline • • Upload & Sell: Off

^ The proper solution for your requirements.

I have the 1Ds2 and a host of lesser low light bodies including the 1D2N,1D2,5D and 2 x 50D's...

Had the 5D2,but choose the 1D series route last year...

For your low light should be considering the 5D2.

Jun 30, 2011 at 11:23 PM

Light is Good Offline • • • Upload & Sell: Off

Went the 5D >5DII > 1DSII route.

Liked the 5DII, but the DSII has the features I wanted. Autofocus is mind blowing to both 5Ds. ISO from 800-3200 is usable if the exposure is properly nailed. Images will need noise reduction applied but will still retain a good bit of detail. Images will be "grainy" in the above range more film like than "noisy".

I may eventually get a 5DIII but most likely will get a DSIII when the price drops. The only features I miss from the 5DII are the dust reduction and liveview.

Just my two cents...


Jul 01, 2011 at 04:35 AM

RobertLynn Offline • • • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

My 1d3 I think is better than my 5D.

My 1D3 goes native to 6400. My 5D expands to 3200. I believe I read the 1D3 is real 6400 and the 5D is just pushed then pulled and rubbed for 3200.

Jul 01, 2011 at 05:43 AM

dfresh Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

The 1Ds2 and 5D are my two bodies right now and I would say the 5D has marginally better ISO performance. However, I've noticed that the noise cleans up very nicely in LR3 so the fact that modern bodies perform better [in camera] hasn't bothered me.

Jul 01, 2011 at 06:31 AM

emandavi Offline • • • Upload & Sell: Off

I use the 5D II mainly for videos, and with the lens set to manual focus. I use the 1D, 1DS II, and 1D III bodies for photography. I use all of them up to ISO 1600... never needed to use higher since I use flash.

Jul 01, 2011 at 07:04 AM

Cicopo Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

While I had both a 1Ds2 & 5D2 I shot a comparison set of photos to see if I could see an IQ difference [my eyes, normal style use]. EDITED TO ADD THIS "I didn't see one so that had a lot to do with my decision to sell the 5D2" I also tried the high ISO of the 5D2 since it was supposed to be an important feature when it hit the market. I couldn't see an IQ difference, and since I primarily shoot fast paced action I sold the 5D2 [they were new & hard to get due to low stock so I didn't loose much] & kept what works for me. I still like the 5D2, and it's high ISO is great. The photos I took at the time are uploaded here, and they can be downloaded for comparison, so they might help in your research. These are the jpg's and if I modified any it's noted in the caption. It wasn't carefully controlled, but I think it showed me what I wanted to know.

Looks like you'll need to copy & paste the link thanks to Google making them "secure".


Edited on Jul 01, 2011 at 08:41 AM · View previous versions

Jul 01, 2011 at 07:38 AM

sivrajbm Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off


Jul 01, 2011 at 07:48 AM

deepbluejh Offline • • • • • Upload & Sell: On

Performs better how? Honestly, they're about a wash in terms of both low light AF performance and high ISO noise.

For general purpose shooting though, I'd still take the 1DsII any day of the week.

Jul 01, 2011 at 08:13 AM

bin Offline • • • • Upload & Sell: Off

For critical events, it would be the 1DS II. The AF on that is better than the 5D. ISO does not matter if pictures are not sharp due to poor AF performance [not that the 5D is bad but the 1DS II is better in terms of AF and VF blackout time].

Keep in mind, the 1DS II cannot do RAW on 1 card and then JPG to the other card at the same time. It can only write similar formats on both cards at the same time if you're looking to backup. So you can do both RAWs or both JPGs but not one of each.

Jul 01, 2011 at 09:25 AM


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