So sánh vas 27 với ias 34 năm 2024

Tóm tắt nội dung và kết quả nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu đánh giá một cách hệ thống, toàn diện, khách quan về tiến trình cải cách hệ thống ngân hàng ở Việt Nam và Trung Quốc. Đánh giá những mặt thành công và ch¬ưa thành công ở 2 quốc gia trong sự so sánh đối chiếu. Trên cơ sở ...

The aim of this research are developed and tested model of market appraiser with first prediction is a equities value.It was a function of book value, rented earning and deviden . This function broaded using proction IOS of company growth level to know value relevation of devidend yield value and price earning ratio [PER] in orther to appariser stock price.Further more , model which used in this research are devidend and rented earning already reflection of using devidend yield and price earning ratio by stock market agentIn addition, the main problem of this research was, How is a relevantion between company growth value, devidend yield, and PER in orther to appraiser stock price?. How is company growth has influnce toward relevantion of dividend yield value and PER in orther to appraiser stock price . The aim of this research is to know are there any influence of relevantion between company growth value , dividend yield and PER in orther to appraiser stock price and t...

Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia kini sudah tersebar diseluruh penjuru tanah air. Perguruan tinggi dapat berbentuk akademi, institut, politeknik, sekolah tinggi, universitas dan akademi komunitas. Untuk melihat adanya kemiripan 331 PTS di Jawa Timur berdasarkan bentuk perguruan tinggi penulis membandingkan analisis biplot klasik dan robust biplot. Analisis biplot merupakan salah satu analisis multivariant yang menyajikan secara visual pemetaan antara segugus objek pengamatan dan peubah dalam suatu grafik dua dimensi [1]. Dasar dari analisis Biplot adalah Singular Value Decomposition [SVD] yang memerlukan matriks data. Pada penelitian ini akan dipetakan segugus obyek berupa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta [PTS] di Jawa Timur berdasarkan bentuk perguruan tinggi dengan peubah berupa jumlah program studi, jumlah dosen tetap, jumlah mahasiswa, akreditasi PTS,jumlah jenjang pendidikan, rasio dosen terhadap mahasiswa, dan biaya pendidikan. Dari hasil analisis biplot klasik dan Robust biplot diperoleh...

A stock investment is one of alternatives that have a bright prospect in the futures. However, it is necessary to manage the risks, which is an important of choosing share intended. Up to now a relevan classic says “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”. Therefore the share diversification is necessary as an investment choise to form a portfolio. The main purpose of this research are the ascertain the optimal portfolio by using single index model. Population to be chosen in the study is firms listed on Kompas-100. However, the simple included are only 33 firms that present continuously simultan on Kompas-100. This research results showed that there were ten stocks of portfolio candidates from thirty-three stocks researched with the cut-off-point [C*] of 0,016495. And ten of stocks which have the biggest excess return to beta [ERB] make up the optimal portfolio. Allocation of these funds comprises 1,1365% for Astra Agro Lestari Inc stock [AALI], 14,3439% for Astra International I...

Mutual Fund is one investment instruments, especially for small scale investor who doesn’t have many time and expertise to calculate the risk over their investment. Because through mutual fund, an investor could reliance his fund to be managed by investor management in which to be diversified broadly in order to give business advantage for the investor. Mutual fund fixed revenue is accumulative society fund which is invested in to encumber, generally in form of obligation. Mutual fund share is accumulative fund which is invested in to the combination between encumber and share with allocation that cannot be categorized in to mutual fund money market, mutual fund fix revenue, and mutual fund share. Performance analysis method for mutual fund can use risk adjusted return method, because performance measurement not only evaluated from the amount of mutual fund but also the risk that involved on it. Result of performance analysis of mutual fund in Indonesia, in year evaluated between 20...

Pengembangan model layanan evaluasi berbasis context input process product [CIPP] merupakan salah satu bentuk solusi dari permasalahan guru BK dalam melaksanakan evaluasi terkait dengan layanan informasi yang telah dilakukan. Pengembangan model CIPP ini muncul karena kurang pahamnya guru BK dalam melakukan evaluasi sehingga menyebabkan kesulitan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan pelaksanaan layanan informasi di sekolah, lemahnya akuntabilitas dan kesulitan untuk melakukan perbaikan serta pengembangan. Melalui model context input process product [CIPP] ini, evaluasi layanan informasi dapat dilakukan secara komprehensif.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingakan dua metode latihan yaitu latihan fartlek dan latihan small side games terhadap peningkatan VO2max. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment dengan sampel berjumlah 20 orang siswa menggunakan tehnik total sampling. Instrumen pengambilan data menggunakan tes multistage fitness test dengan teknik analisis data paired sample t-test dan independent samples t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok fartlek mengalami rata-rata peningkatan VO2max sebesar 1,85 ml/kg/mnt, pada kelompok small side games mengalami rata-rata peningkatan VO2max sebesar 1,95 ml/kg/mnt. Hasil uji paired t-test menunjukkan nilai 0,91 yang berarti P > 0,05. Maka dengan demikian tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan yang signifikan antara kelompok fartlek dan small side games terhadap peningkatan nilai VO2max. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada latihan fartlek dan small side games terhadap peningkatan VO...

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